Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 885: Even more rustic than we thought

"Press me!"

“Move funds from the school board!”

"Everyone move!!!"

Many top universities felt that they had been humiliated and used their funds to participate in the bet.

They are different from schools in China.

Every school is comparable to a super large company, with huge amounts of money.

With all parties around the world raising their stakes.

The betting capital pool increased in an instant!

Somewhere in Southeast Asia.

Black Source Headquarters.

"Haha... This Ye Yang is really seeking his own death! It seems that we don't have to wait for him to leave the country, we are going to kill ourselves!"

"It's fun, it's so fun! It's ruined so many good things for our Black Source! We'll see him disgraced in three months!"

"Now that he has invested 500 billion in his capital pool, let's add fuel to his fire! He will definitely not be able to escape bankruptcy by then!"

“There’s no way for black traders like us to raise bets…”

"Are you stupid! Raise your bets through the company we control! Raise it hard for me!!!"


Three days later.

Ye Yang and Zheng Xian set off towards Jinling.

On the plane.

Zheng Xian was worried: "Boss! I've also heard about you. Did you... forget to close the plate?"

Ye Yang laughed: "How is that possible? Since they all think I'm easy to bully, of course I let them have fun! Let them bet as much as they want! Give them a week, and I want to see how much money they can make!"

Zheng Xian looked at Ye Yang's expression and sighed: "It's already more than 500 billion now. If we pay compensation, boss, you have to pay 5 trillion... Do you really have that much cash?"

"Five trillion?"

Ye Yang shook his head happily: "Almost, if there is more, there will be nothing."


Zheng Xian was stunned.

The boss actually has five trillion! ?

this! ? !

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

Now his assets are spread all over the world, and his cash flow is terrifying. It is still possible to empty out everything and transfer 5 trillion yuan from companies around the world, but the consequences are...

There is a worldwide economic mini-crisis.

Cash is different from assets. The assets of an emerging big city in China as a whole, including houses, real estate, etc., are worth tens of trillions.

However, there is no such amount of currency in circulation in the entire Chinese market.

Five trillion in cash is enough to influence the direction of the world economy...

But it won't have much impact.

When the United States went through a major crisis a few years ago, it printed trillions of U.S. dollars, equivalent to tens of trillions in Chinese currency, and it only caused a small collapse of the world economy that lasted a few years.

"What's more, I will never lose."

Ye Yang said lightly.

Zheng Xian looked at Ye Yang's calm but determined face and felt at ease.

The boss never talks empty words. Since he has said that he will never lose, it is basically safe.

However, even he couldn't imagine how Ye Yang would win...

"In comparison, let's finish your wedding beautifully first."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Would you like to have an aerial spa? It's very comfortable~"


Zheng Xian hasn't reacted yet.

Ye Yang had already turned around and entered the massage room.

Soon, a comfortable hum came from the room...

"I can only say that he is worthy of being the boss..."

Zheng Xian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

If it were him, he would probably not be able to sleep if he was saddled with a bet that could result in trillions of compensation.

The boss actually has Xianxin in-air massage...

He sighed.

The plane landed at Jinling Airport soon.

The wedding was held solely by the Jinling Ling Family.

He and Ling Xiaowen didn't need to plan too much. After getting off the plane, someone handed him the plan.


After Zheng Xian read it again, he felt sincerely... and realized what the essence is...

Although the marriage has already been held in Ji Province.

But after all, this marriage had not yet been officially blessed by the head of the Ling family, so before the wedding was completed, Zheng Xian was not allowed to enter the Ling family, but was directly arranged to stay in a hotel in Jinling.

"This Ling family is a bit interesting."

Ye Yang narrowed his eyes. He obviously wanted to give Zheng Xian a blow!

No one is allowed to enter the house.

We have arrived at the door of our house and asked our son-in-law to stay in the hotel.

"My father-in-law said that the internal relations in the Ling family are really complicated, so he can only wrong me for two days. I actually don't care. As long as I get through this, everything will be over."

Zheng Xian's carefree character naturally doesn't care about this.

"I think it won't be that simple."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and waved.

Yu Mo walked up tacitly, holding a handheld computer, and introduced the top villas in Jinling to Ye Yang with a smile...

"Um, Brother Ye, what are you doing?"

Zheng Xian was a little confused.

"It's the boss's habit. When he goes to a new place, if he plans to stay for a few more days, he just buys a villa there to live in."

Yu Mo smiled.


Zheng Xian smiled bitterly, but he thought so.

The boss can get 5 trillion in cash now, why don't he just save it and let the money give birth to babies?


After looking at it for a while, Ye Yang chose the most expensive Taiyi Villa.

Worth over a billion.

"I don't know why, but it always feels a bit cheap."

Ye Yang spread his hands.

Zheng Xian was about to say something.

The hotel staff came in and bowed to him, saying, "Mr. Zheng, someone wants to see you."

After she finished speaking, several people came in behind her.

It was obvious that they were not friendly.

"Who are you?"

Zheng Xian frowned and looked at the young men in extraordinary clothes.

"Are you our future cousin-in-law?!"

"We came to visit you specially!"

Several young men walked in familiarly.

This hotel originally belonged to the Ling family.

They naturally came whenever they wanted.

"Oh? These two, are you the parents of my cousin-in-law?"

"Hello, uncle and aunt~"

Several young men said casually.

Zheng Xian's parents knew that their in-laws were from a noble family, and they came here with the mentality of not causing trouble. It was not good to put on the airs of elders at this time. They stood up and prepared to shake hands with several young men.

However, these people ignored Zheng Xian's parents at all, turned around and sat on the sofa, looking at them with scrutiny.

Zheng Xian's parents stood there awkwardly, smiled helplessly, and then sat back down.

Ye Yang looked at this scene, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The status of Zheng Xian's parents in his heart was beyond the reach of trash relatives like Su Lao San, and they were closer than his own uncles!

The attitude of these people obviously made him angry.

"Who is this?"

Someone noticed Ye Yang and looked at him with disdain.

"I don't like your eyes!"

"I guess it's his brother? I heard that my cousin married a farmer from a farming family. I didn't expect that now I see that this family is more unsophisticated than I thought!"

Another person looked at Zheng Xian's parents and said sarcastically...

(Second update)

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