Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 886 Consider Your Own Importance

"What did you say!"

Zheng Xian frowned and shouted lowly.

"Haha, what's wrong with you? Don't you think that marrying Ling Xiaowen with your family background is a high achievement!"

"It's just tens of billions of assets, but it's inconspicuous among the sons-in-law of the Ling family! You have no family background, and you actually married the most outstanding girl of our generation in the Ling family! You really have no self-awareness!"

"I advise you to give up quickly and don't embarrass our department at the wedding the day after tomorrow! I don't want to be talked about by those rubbish from other departments!"

Several people said it repeatedly.


Zheng Xian clenched his fists.

I was so angry that I wanted to beat these guys up, but in the end, I couldn't do it due to family ties.

Just when I was about to think of something to say back.

Ye Yang stood up.

He walked directly to those people and looked down at these young people.

"Who are you!? What are you doing!"

"Oh? Isn't this the guy who acted in the movie? I heard you are good at fighting!?"

"Why are you so aggressive? You want to hit us!? This is Jinling! Our family's territory! I advise you to think clearly!"

"Ouch~ I'm so scared! Are you going to hit me?!"

Ye Yang raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and took action without saying a word!

"Snap, snap, snap!"

The palm is like a phantom, and the bow is drawn left and right.

Several people sitting on the sofa felt as if they were struck by lightning almost at the same time. Their bodies were shaken violently by the fans, and their noses and mouths were bleeding rapidly!

In the end, Ye Yang kicked one person at a time.

Kicked over the sofa directly.

Several people were kicked against the wall like arrows shot backwards.

Then collapsed.


Zheng Xian's parents had never seen such a battle before. They were so frightened that they stood up and looked at those people, fearing that they would be beaten to death by Ye Yang.

Zheng Xian felt that a breath of bad breath came out of his chest and it became much smoother.

"You actually... dare to hit us!?"

Several juniors from the Ling family were beaten so hard that they were almost unconscious.

"If you speak rudely, I will teach you a lesson for your elders!"

Ye Yang sneered: "Zheng Xian, he is my brother. It is your Ling family's honor that he is willing to marry the daughter of your Ling family! Don't confuse me!"


Several people wanted to argue, but Ye Yang was really terrible.

How dare they speak again.

At this time, Ling Xiaowen also came over and saw several people being beaten into this kind of behavior...

Zheng Xiangang wanted to go up and explain a few words, but to his surprise, Ling Xiaowen burst into laughter.


Zheng Xian was a little confused. These are Ling Xiaowen's clan brothers after all... How could they still make you laugh after being beaten like this?

"Needless to say, I know what they are here for. There are only a few people in the family who are looking for trouble. I am worried that you will suffer a loss."

Ling Xiaowen waved her hand: "They are used to being unscrupulous. They need to be beaten to wake up, so as not to cause trouble for our family."

"Cousin, why are you facing outsiders!"

Several people were very angry.

"Don't you know how much trouble you have caused for our family? Are you here to accuse my husband!?"

Ling Xiaowen curled her lips: "My husband! He is only twenty-four now, and his assets are more than 30 billion! If you tie them up and multiply them by a hundred, it won't be as important as him alone to our family! Why are you coming here to compete? !”

"Ah this..."

Several people were dumbfounded by the rebuke.

They are indeed some of the most cowardly members of the younger generation in this generation, so thank you for not bringing shame to the family, let alone bringing glory to them.

"I checked his background a few days ago. Didn't I say that his net worth was less than 10 billion... How could he suddenly have a net worth of more than 30 billion! Sister, you can't be so partial to your husband..."

The leader muttered.

"Humph, that's because your intelligence is too backward! Why don't you hurry back to your family and think about the past!"

Ling Xiaowen pointed pointedly.

Several people had no choice but to crawl out of the house in despair, and the hotel waiter helped them into the car.

"I think you won't be able to live here until you get married."

Ye Yang smiled lightly: "Let's go, stay at my house for two days, and get married the day after tomorrow."

"Huh? What a coincidence!? Brother Ye, do you also have real estate in Jinling?"

Ling Xiaowen naturally called Brother Ye Yang together with Zheng Xian.

"Ah, I just bought it just now."

Ye Yang smiled.


Ling Xiaowen blinked, buying a house was so casual.

It wasn't until she got there that she realized that her situation was too small...

They didn't just buy a house, but they bought the top villa in Jinling!

Taiyi Villa, the best building king!

Worth over a billion!

Just buy it!

Ling Xiaowen felt more and more terrible and mysterious about Ye Yang.

The major shareholder of Shentu is indeed inhumane...

The building of Taiyi Villa is very big.

The group was settled down very calmly.

Ye Yang glanced at the betting market. Those who wanted to bet with him noticed the power of this piece of news and had basically grabbed the market in the past few days.

The increase is now far less high than it was in the past few days.

"It seems that it will probably reach about 700 billion Chinese coins in the end."

Ye Yang nodded.

at this time……

Jinling Ling family.

Look at the juniors who were beaten so hard that their bones were broken.

Several elderly members of the Ling family had teeth chipped: "Who could be so cruel! He really doesn't take us seriously! But he did it first?!"

Several people nodded.

"Haha, you haven't really married our Xiaowen, yet you dare to attack us!? What a good uncle!"

Several middle-aged people looked at Ling Xiuyan with a sneer: "You have really good taste!"

Ling Xiuyan just smiled slightly: "Thank you for the compliment."


Several middle-aged people were extremely angry.

"The one who beat him was not my uncle... it was a young man who came with him, it seems he was his brother..."

"No, it's that martial arts star named Ye Yang."

"Are they relatives?"

"Anyway, that Zheng Xian called him brother...he was the one who beat us!"


A conversation.

Several middle-aged people were furious.

Although Ling Xiuyan agreed to the marriage, they had always looked down upon Zheng Xian for the sake of the dignity of the family.

Now the people brought by the other party dare to take action, which makes them look even more ugly.

"Okay! Let's set off! We really want to know how much this 'star' who doesn't take our Ling family seriously has to weigh!"

Several elderly members of the Ling family stood up angrily.

"Brothers, you should calm down your temper."

Ling Xiuyan laughed and said: "Otherwise, you will only be asking for trouble when you get there. This Ye Yang is much deeper than you think..."

"Huh? I do seem to have heard of this name, but I don't have much of an impression."

Several middle-aged people frowned: "He is very powerful!?"

"I'm not particularly sure."

Ling Xiuyan shook his head: "But for the wedding in the northeast, he directly gave him a villa worth more than 1 billion as a gift, and he also lives in a super villa worth 2 billion. People from all walks of life in Jilin Province respect him very much. , even the provincial governor has to give him face."

"Such a person... If you really want to fight against him, you'd better consider your own abilities first!"

"so smart!?"

Several middle-aged members of the Ling family were clearly frightened.

"Furthermore, according to my daughter, he should be one of the shareholders of Shentu. The one who recently started betting on the Internet and stirred up the world..."

"I am Ye Shenhao."

(First update)

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