Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 887 If you complain again, I will break all three of your legs


The expressions of several middle-aged people changed dramatically!

"Um, uncles, what are you talking about!?"

The juniors who had accomplished nothing had no idea what Ling Xiuyan and the others were talking about...

"He is Ye Shenhao!?"


Several middle-aged people from the Ling family asked in disbelief.

"Well, I checked, and it's true."

Ling Xiuyan nodded: "Now you know why he dared to act like this, right?"


The middle-aged members of the Ling family nodded slightly.

Many people in the business community have heard about global gambling these days.

But not much is known in detail.

After all, there are only a few people who can make decisions in a force.

These middle-aged people only heard about this matter, and these juniors knew nothing about it at all.

"Since this person appeared in the eyes of the world, he has behaved erratically and never played according to the routine. He once handed out more than one billion in red envelopes. It is completely impossible to understand his thinking logic."

Ling Xiuyan shook his head.

Since he noticed Ye Yang, he naturally tried his best to use the energy of this vein to check some information about Ye Yang.

But I can only say that the more I check, the more frightened I become!

This young man's identity was layer upon layer, and the water was so deep that he never knew how much he had seen through him.

It's also possible that everything he found was just a superficial appearance.

"The courage to dare to dare to bet against the whole world is unmatched by anyone."

Several middle-aged people also nodded.

That prize pool now has 500 to 600 billion in gambling funds.

At least within three months, people will have 500 to 600 billion in funds in their hands!

Even the Ling family felt terrified when they looked at a big shot of this level.

"But once he loses this bet, he will basically say goodbye to the world."

"I think he can only achieve his glory in these three months."

"But at least in these three months, there are very few people who dare to provoke him."

"I didn't expect that our uncle would actually recognize such a strong man as his brother. I think his sudden rise from a small Internet code farmer to a net worth of tens of billions in more than a year was inseparable from Ye Yang's support. ah."

Someone sighed.


Ling Xiuyan nodded: "So, when I come back, I will tell you that you don't have to worry about this wedding anymore. With Mr. Ye here, anyone who dares to make mistakes will definitely come back defeated."

"Hahaha, we are all looking forward to that scene!"

Several elderly members of the Ling family burst into laughter.

Within the Ling family, there are factions.

Nowadays, Ling Xiaowen, the most talked-about pearl in this lineage, was actually married by an upstart with no background. Someone must have taken this to make trouble during the wedding.

Originally, they had a headache and felt like they had to suffer the consequences.

But with a backer like Ye Yang, no one would dare to make a mistake for at least three months!

Three months later?

The wedding has been held long ago, and I missed the opportunity to laugh at it.

"You bastards! Who asked you to provoke Mr. Ye!"

Several middle-aged people changed their attitude and scolded angrily.

"Dad, you didn't tell me to let us test..."

Several young people wanted to defend themselves.

"Shut up! How dare you quibble!"

The older generation of the Ling family all shouted angrily.


Several young people were frightened and did not dare to tell the truth.

"Okay, come with us to plead guilty!"

Several people are Taoists.

"Uncle... we all suffered broken bones! We can't walk!"

someone complained.

"If you complain any more, all three of your legs will be discounted!"

The elder of the Ling family said fiercely.


Several people were sweating profusely and hurriedly followed their uncles to apologize...

When I arrived at the hotel, I realized they had left.

"Do you know where they went?"

uncle asked.

"It seems to be Taiyi Villa!?"

Several waiters said.

"Taiyi Villa!?"

Several uncles looked at each other in surprise.

"Why is he going there...could it be that there happens to be real estate there?"

"Well, I heard those gentlemen chatting and said that Mr. Ye bought it after he got here..."

The manager broke into a cold sweat.


The uncles glared, becoming more certain that Ye Yang was terrifying.

How long has it been since they arrived in Jinling?

If a top-level villa of this level is purchased in such a short period of time, it must be purchased at a premium...

In other words, people don’t even regard billions as money.

A few hundred million dollars is nothing to him!

"This Mr. Ye is amazing..."

After that, they hurriedly set off to Taiyi Villa.

After all, they are the real relatives of their brothers and sisters.

Naturally, Ye Yang would not embarrass them too much, and asked them and Zheng Xian's parents to apologize properly. After giving the two elders some expensive gifts, he let them go.

"I'll go...this Mr. Ye is so dark!"

When leaving Taiyi Villa.

The expressions on the faces of several uncles were extremely painful.

"He doesn't care about the money anymore, but for us... it's very harmful!"

"But it's worth using these things to avoid Mr. Ye's misunderstanding about us. Just restrain these bastards from now on."


When these rascals were mentioned, several uncles and aunts thought of the gifts they had just given.

They felt a pain in their hearts.

They looked at each other and raised their belts at the same time!

Beat! ! !

Beat hard! ! !

The wailing never stopped on the way home...

Inside Taiyi Villa.

Ye Yang strolled around.

This Taiyi Villa is a Su-style garden, with a scene at every step, and the scene is integrated into the courtyard.

It is like a pocket-sized world.

There are various rare plants in the courtyard, and the towering tree in the courtyard, which is hundreds of years old, connects all parts and is eye-catching.

There is a kind of precious and graceful Jiangnan style with mountains and rivers.

"It's really good."

Rested in Taiyi Villa for two days.

Took the girls to various interesting places in Jinling for a stroll.

The Six Dynasties Museum, the Imperial Mausoleum, Xuanwu Lake, the Presidential Palace, the Golden Eagle Shopping Mall...

Finally, Ye Yang presented his own bouquet of flowers in front of the monument that represented the painful memory of China.

He mourned for a long time.

Then he left.


Zheng Xian's wedding will also officially begin tomorrow...

(Second update)

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