Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 888: Phoenix crown and bridal robe, thousands of miles of red makeup

A stream of famous cars drove through the streets of Jinling today.

The entire Jinling Street was filled with a festive atmosphere.

There were huge crowds on both sides of the street, and many people were watching this event.

"Why is there such a big battle!?"

"You don't know yet? The princess of the largest and most important family in Jinling is getting married!"

"I'll wonder..."

There was discussion among the crowd.

"I'm so envious... Living in such a big family, I really have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life."

"But you also have troubles living in a big family!"

"Haha, you are a troubled der. Whoever believes this is sick in the head. You are an ordinary person, and what you worry about is basic survival. What others worry about is whether to eat king crab or deep-sea abalone tonight! People will always have worries, but worries are also Classified. High-level troubles are not a kind of happiness."

"That's true."


"Holy crap! That's the Koenigsegg One1, right!? The world's most expensive mass-produced sports car! Now a wealthy person with connections wants to buy it, and the price is almost 140 million! This thing is so cool! I've always wanted to Take a look at it in reality, and finally saw it today.”

"Come on, how can any optional car be so awesome!? That's really cruel!"

inside the car.

Ye Yang looked at the amazed people on the roadside outside and smiled lightly.

Normal people get married by renting or renting a car.

But this kind of big family will invite all guests and friends to drive in their cars and form a wedding motorcade together.

This not only demonstrates their financial strength, but also demonstrates the strength of their relationship.

It is a demonstration of the capabilities of a large family.

As a super big family, the Ling family invited many bigwigs from Jinling and even China to come and bless him.

Hundreds of them!

It can be called majestic.

Zheng Xian also wants to drive a car on behalf of the Zheng family, but where did he get so many luxury cars? The biggest boss besides Ye Yang is Zhang Wanmin, who has a net worth of around ten billion.

The car was more than a grade different from the one from the Ling family.

However, Ye Yang said that he only needed to find all the people, and he would support all the cars.

This morning, when joining the convoy.

When Ye Yang's fleet of luxury cars made a grand appearance, those from other factions of the Ling family who were ready to ridicule were dumbfounded on the spot.

A fleet of two hundred super luxury cars with a base price of RMB 30 million!

It even directly surpassed the number of convoys from the Ling family!

Needless to say about the quality, just give them a try!

The two sides merged together, adding up to a total of 365 vehicles.

It means three hundred and sixty-five days of happiness every year.

There are also many million-level ordinary cars used to clear the way and escort. The entire wedding fleet adds up to a total of 999 cars! ! !

Those cars that opened the way and escorted them were naturally owned by the Ling family.

From this we can also see the Ling family’s heritage and strength in Aurous Hill! ! !

Just the sight of this motorcade driving down the road was enough to be called a grand wedding.

"It's still not stopping... This convoy alone must be several kilometers long, right!?"

"I'll's so shocking..."

"Is this how China's top families get married!? It's simply amazing!"


No one does not envy this kind of style.

This in itself represents a brilliant and extremely powerful power! ! !

"I originally wanted to give them a slap in the face early in the morning and make them unhappy. Damn...where did that kid get so many cars that even rich people can't buy!"

Inside a certain Lamborghini, a middle-aged man muttered rather dissatisfiedly.

"I don't know. It doesn't sound like they are rented. After all, most of those cars are impossible to rent... It may be that friends of friends of friends initiated all the relationships and spent a huge amount of money. , did you forcefully borrow so many luxury cars to support the scene?”

The assistant next to him guessed.

"That makes sense."

The middle-aged man nodded: "You can't pass the test by trying to save face! His family background is too weak. At the banquet later, he randomly found a few of his relatives as a breakthrough point. His timidity suddenly appeared."

"You are so wise! You are simply wise and mighty!"

The assistant flattered him.


The middle-aged man raised his head: "Of course!"

The Ling family has been entrenched in Jinling for hundreds of years. Within the family, there are many talents from all walks of life in the military, political, cultural, and commercial fields. Their influence spreads all over southeastern China, and there are many factions within the family.

The power is even greater than that of the super families at the feet of the emperor in Beijing.

After all, in the capital, because we are too close to the will of China, we have to restrain ourselves.

But in Jinling, a huge family has more room for maneuver...

"Have you arranged all the people I asked you to arrange?"

The middle-aged man asked.

"It's been arranged a long time ago, don't worry."

The assistant smiled.


After hearing this, the middle-aged man also let out a sigh of relief: "He has gotten through the wedding car stage, but the next step is the real beginning..."


The convoy passed slowly.

The whole of Jinling was in a state of excitement because of this huge convoy.

In order to show strength and pomp.

The Ling family directly booked the Jinling Hilton Hotel for ten days to renovate the interior to prepare for the wedding!

Hilton Hotels is a global chain brand.

This hotel in Jinling was built by the Hilton Group with a lot of money. It has been rated as a six-star hotel some time ago and is one of the top hotels in Jinling.

The money spent on each day package is a sum that would suffocate ordinary rich people.

The Hilton Hotel was transformed into a magnificent place.

The festive atmosphere reached its peak.

The red carpet was laid out for thousands of feet.

It was to create a thousand-mile red makeup momentum!


The more than ten-meter-long custom-made extended wedding car stopped in front of the red carpet.

The guests came out and watched the two newlyweds walk on the red carpet.

The Ling family is a traditional family.

Naturally, they held a traditional marriage...

Of course, this kind of Chinese-style marriage cannot be held without a family background...

The phoenix crown and bridal robe on Ling Xiaowen alone are worth nearly 10 million.

Next to the red carpet, Yu Momo looked quite envious, watching the newlyweds walk on the red carpet while looking at Ye Yang's handsome profile.

Rarely showing a shy look, he lowered his head.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Yang also noticed this scene, turned his head and asked with a faint smile.

"No... nothing."

Yu Momo shook his head, his eyes full of smiles.

Ye Yang took her hand, looked into her eyes, paused for a moment, and then said seriously: "Everything will have a good result."

Yu Momo never dared to think that Ye Yang would be willing to answer her seriously in this regard.

She didn't even dare to ask.

But Ye Yang's words obviously gave her endless expectations and imaginations...


She nodded fiercely.

Ye Yang, never said empty words.

She didn't know how Ye Yang would deal with this problem in the end, but she chose to believe in Ye Yang.

The other girls must have the same idea, right?

She looked at Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu who got off the Rolls-Royce Silver Soul behind Koenigsegg.

Thinking so in her heart...

(First update)

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