Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 889 The wedding banquet begins, and the first clues are seen

Ye Yang looked at the Hilton Hotel in front of him and sighed.

"What's wrong, boss?"

Yu Momo asked.

"I just think that this world is really small."

Ye Yang shook his head.

He happened to be the controlling shareholder of the Hilton Group...

There are too many industries. If he hadn't listed all the companies under his name in a file and searched it when necessary, he would have almost forgotten that this hotel chain worth tens of billions of dollars was his.

Since he became rich, he has understood more and more the saying that noble people forget things.

There are too many good things, and it is normal to forget one or two occasionally.

After listening to Yu Momo, he couldn't help laughing.

"Boss, you are too Versailles!"

Ye Yang spread his hands and followed the guests into the hotel.


Hotel lobby.

It is now decorated with ancient flavor.

In order to be Chinese, the style of Hilton Hotel in Jinling, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, is originally Chinese style, and it doesn't take much effort to transform it.

"What a grand occasion!"

"A dream wedding..."

Even though most of the people present were not from small families, many young girls still expressed such feelings.

There are only a few families in China that can compare with the Ling family.

Even some emerging giant merchants with a net worth of hundreds of billions or trillions cannot really compare with the foundation of an ancient family like the Ling family. If you want to give a wedding to a core child in a family, the cost of organizing it is not something that ordinary families can afford.

So, these girls are extremely envious.

As the groom of the wedding, relatives should naturally be arranged in front.

But the Zheng family is an ordinary family, with only a few relatives in total.

With parents, they make up a table.

Ye Yang and Zheng Xian's colleagues, classmates, friends, etc., followed closely and were arranged at the other two tables of Zheng Xian's relatives.

Except for these three tables, they are basically all relatives and friends of the Ling family.

There are obviously very few people on Zheng Xian's side... or they have never participated in a banquet of this level.

At this time, they all looked around and couldn't help feeling shocked and amazed.

As for the relatives and friends of the Ling family,

Although they also felt that the Ling family was very impressive, it was clear that their acceptance was much better.

The middle-aged man with a big beard from the Ling family glanced at the situation and sneered.

As expected.

So what if they borrowed those cars?

Aren't they just a bunch of bumpkins? !

However, it's not the right time yet.

Next, the formal process of the wedding will begin.

They want to take this opportunity to strike a blow to Ling Xiaowen's lineage, rather than really make a big deal out of it.

After all, the Ling family is a whole to the outside world.

If they make a scene during the wedding, it will be a loss of face for the entire Ling family, and the people at the top will be very angry.

At that time, it will not be a blow to Ling Xiaowen's lineage, but it will only hurt them eight hundred and hurt themselves a thousand if it arouses the anger of the top leaders of the Ling family.

They sat down calmly and enjoyed the wedding process.

Ling Xiuyan's lineage prepared for this wedding for a long time.

They used a lot of family resources.

Especially after learning about Ye Yang's identity, they invested even more at all costs!

The wedding process was very gorgeous, with luxury and solemnity and elegance coexisting.

The applause lasted for a long time.

The sound of blessing was also continuous.

After a long time, the complicated but full of joy and happiness ceremony ended.

The dishes and drinks were also served.

Zheng Xian and Ling Xiaowen stepped down and began to toast.

Ye Yang looked at the dishes on the table, they were indeed all treasures.

Not counting the drinks, a table of dishes would cost hundreds of thousands.

With so many tables, just this meal alone would cost the Ling family tens of millions of dollars.

If it were counted, it would be even more terrible.

Ye Yang also chatted and laughed with the people at the same table.

He ate a bite or two from time to time.

Compared with the lively tables outside, the three tables of Zheng Xian's relatives and friends seemed very deserted.

No one would come to toast.

But it was good this way.

They never expected those big guys to come.

And they hoped that they would not come...

After all, there would always be pressure to talk to big guys.

Only the bosses who helped drive and support the scene at Zhang Wanmin's tables later had acquaintances in the scene.

Occasionally, they would interact with other people present.

"All of you here are super bosses. Although I know very few of them, the ones I know have all been on TV and are powerful people!"

"And the way they dress, they are obviously top bosses."


They were all discussing.

Ye Yang always talks naturally, and he won't take the initiative to show off his poverty or how rich he is.

Although many people here know that Ye Yang is rich.

But if you compare Ye Yang with the super wealthy families who can hold such a wedding, many people still think that he is far behind.

Zheng Xian's relatives were eating and drinking in silence, obviously afraid of being picked on.

The girl's family seemed to be ridiculously strong.

Everyone knows that there are many disputes in a big family.

They were afraid that someone would come to cause trouble.

But according to Murphy's Law, what you fear will come.

Now that three rounds of wine have passed, the atmosphere has become lively, and a young man in a suit and tie came over with a wine glass.

"Xiao Wen is the jewel of the Ling family! I came here to see what kind of big family is so lucky to marry the jewel of the Ling family? Let me make some friends with her!" The young man raised his red wine glass. There was a hint of sneer on his lips.

The lively atmosphere beside them calmed down a bit.

Any powerful family invited was not simple.

Naturally, the background was checked before coming.

Zheng Xian was born in an ordinary family in Chuncheng, Jilin Province in the northeast.

So no one came to try to establish a relationship or establish friendship just now.

It was useless.

Only the groom himself was worth seeing. It seemed that his assets were now 30 billion.

He was a figure.

Now, this young man walked up to him and acted weird, and naturally everyone could taste the different flavor.

"The show is about to begin."

The middle-aged man with a big beard twisted his beard, with a playful look on his face.

"Ahem, this young man..."

Zheng Xian's father Zheng Renhe stood up, knowing that he could not embarrass his son. However, he had never experienced such a scene before and had no idea how to deal with it.

"I am not worthy of being called a young master in front of you~"

The young man sneered: "I am just an ordinary family with a family asset of 10 billion. After graduation, I worked hard on Wall Street in the United States. Now I am just an ordinary young man with a net worth of tens of billions...

A family like mine is not qualified to be compared with the Ling family. Your family can marry the Ling family's pearl, so it must be ten times or a hundred times stronger than our family, right?"


Zheng Renhe is an honest and kind man. He is not good at speaking. He doesn't know how to retort. Although he sounds weird, his family is indeed ordinary!

I was stunned.

"Haha, you are quite self-aware~"

A sneer came from the side.

A beautiful figure fell into everyone's eyes.

"Oh my god, so beautiful!"

"You can compete with Ling Xiaowen..."

Everyone exclaimed.

The one who spoke was Yu Momo...

(Second update)

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