Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 890: Meeting Huang Hexing for the Third Time

"What did you say!?"

The young man's shaking hand holding the red wine suddenly stopped.

He just wanted to go to Versailles and force Zheng Renhe to reveal the fact that his family had little wealth and was very poor.

Then it's easy to use the topic to promote the impact.

However, this woman actually came out to cause trouble! ?

And he said he was right! ?

Doesn't that mean that the Zheng family is more powerful than our own family? !

His face was sullen.

He had received accurate information from within the Ling family, saying that the Zheng family was an ordinary family and he was here to show off.

"Haha, the Zheng family's assets alone are only the groom's, and they can overwhelm your tens of billions family."

Yu Momo said calmly: "Your whole family is not as good as one of them, can you still say that your family is better than theirs!?"

This rhetorical question is well founded.

The pretentious young man was immediately stunned and speechless.

Zheng Xian is indeed a member of the Zheng family! ?

Although the Zheng family can only rely on Zheng Xian.

But if their families are tied together, it is indeed not as good as Zheng Xian alone...


He was embarrassed.

"It's so embarrassing!"

"Ha ha……"

There was laughter from the side.

"Although he has good abilities and can be regarded as a young talent, he is still not qualified to ridicule the groom, who is now worth 30 billion!"

"Ha ha……"

"Yes, I'm embarrassed for him!"

"Shame on you."

The chatter nearby made the pretentious young man lose his grip on his glass.

"Ahem, your family is so awesome! You must be able to taste the wine on the table, right!? A family as rich as yours can't even recognize high-end wine, right!? It seems that your family is very interested in the upper class society. The cognitive training is not enough!”

The pretentious young man found another point to fight back.

Ye Yang just watched indifferently, it was not yet time for him to take action.

This young man is just a bait, the real fisher is still behind.


In order to accompany Zheng Renhe and others today, Zheng Xian prepared high-end clothes for them.

The image can be modified by clothes and makeup.

But their inner temperament and knowledge of luxury goods cannot be replenished in a day or two.

At this time, he was asked again.

"You know a lot, but why don't you make tens of billions at such a young age? I think you are older than the groom, right? You haven't even learned the basic knowledge of how to make money. Comparing each other with luxury goods is such a waste. I think you have absorbed all the behavior and removed the essence."

Yu Mo replied with a chuckle.


The pretentious young man was confused again.

Why is this woman so mouthy?

Focus on his pain points...

Moreover, the Zheng family only has such an advantage, which makes her play extremely well!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Many people around him couldn't help but laugh.

A good one takes the dross and discards the essence!

It's too funny...

The pretentious young man was red-faced. He was originally arranged to find trouble, but he failed to find it and instead earned himself ridicule.

"Who are you looking for!"

The old man in the Ling family shouted angrily.

The assistant on the side had a cold sweat on his face: "Ahem, the younger generation has reached its peak if it can reach billions of assets. We can still get in touch with him, and there is only one person who is willing to stand up for us..."

" dare you talk back!"

The bearded middle-aged man from the Ling family was so angry that he wanted to slap his assistant.

"I don't dare...but it's true, boss..."

The assistant felt bitter and aggrieved...

"Okay, you can go down. I think your strength is indeed too low, and you are not qualified to show off here. Just don't force yourself to pretend to be Versailles."

From behind, a middle-aged man walked up calmly.

The pretentious young man was very unhappy. When he was about to say something, he discovered the identity of the visitor, who turned out to be a big boss!

Very famous in Jiang Province!

You know, Jiang Province is a big economic province. Being a big boss in Jiang Province has completely different value than being a big boss in provinces like Ji Province and Xiguang!

This big man’s personal assets have exceeded 40 billion in the past few years!

Now it is said to have exceeded 50 billion!

This kind of big boss comes forward.

Young people who pretend to be cowardly are like being granted amnesty.

These are 80% the Ling family's back-up man. If he fails to show off, a big boss will come over to take over.

Now, he was almost laughed at by everyone.

At this time, I could no longer hold my face, and I had long wanted to find an excuse to leave.

"Uncle Chang is right, I'll go down now."

The pretentious young man threw his hands in despair and ran away.

"Haha, don't get me wrong. My assets are only twice as much as those of Brother Zheng. I think they are still not as good as those of the Zheng family. I want to cooperate with the Zheng family. I don't know, Mr. Zheng, do you agree?"

Uncle Chang raised his head and said calmly, seemingly modestly.


Zheng Renhe breathed a sigh of relief. This situation had been rehearsed, and he was about to answer according to the previously rehearsed routine...

But he was nervous.

After all, the rehearsed routine will definitely not last long. This kind of real boss is here to cause trouble. In a few words, he can reveal the background of a person who does not understand business.

Embarrass them in public.


Sure enough, within a few words, the secret was revealed.

"Mr. Zheng, you don't seem to understand business at all! It really makes people doubt the strength of your Zheng family..."

The middle-aged man showed his true colors and said calmly.


Zheng Renhe sighed, knowing that this person was destined to lose today.

He didn't care, but it made him very sad to embarrass his son.

"Whether Mr. Zheng understands business or not is not for you, Li Shangneng, to comment!"

A voice came from behind, and it was extremely confident.


Li Shang's heart was moved, someone dared to stop his great deed! ?

The Ling family had business dealings with him.

Today he is invited to embarrass Ling Xiaowen's family.

Now that we are about to reach the stage of success, someone actually comes to act as a lever? This made him extremely unhappy.

But when he turned around, he was immediately confused.

"Mr. Huang..."

He bowed his head respectfully.

It is the Huang Family Group in Zhejiang Province!

The younger generation in the family had offended Ye Yang twice, once by Huang Xiaoxin from Tea Art Gallery, and once by Huang You, the greasy young man from Hainan.

Huang Hexing had long ago ordered that the entire Huang Group, from ninety-nine to ninety-nine to just old enough to walk, should have Ye Yang's appearance engraved in their minds! ! !

After all, two short-sighted juniors caused them to lose more than 20 billion in assets in Ye Yang's hands.

They were extremely afraid of Ye Yang.

When Huang Hexing was invited, he had no idea that Ye Yang would be there...

At this time, seeing Ye Yang sitting where Zheng Xian's relatives and friends were, he understood everything instantly.

At this moment, he suddenly appeared and made a shining debut, vowing to relieve Mr. Ye's worries! ! !

Huang Hexing raised his head, the leader of the Qianyi family!

Strong and powerful!

It was completely opposite to the way he bowed his head in front of Ye Yang! ! !

(First update)

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