Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 893 Betting on the deterrent power of the whole world

"Is it because he was a star before?"

Someone asked next to the rich woman.

"No... there is another location. Wait for me to confirm."

After that, she opened the Douyin hot list and confirmed it.

"Yes! He is Ye Shenhao who has made waves in the business world these days!!!"

The rich woman confirmed!


Many big names in the field were shocked: "You mean, the one who promised to bet against the whole world and build the world's top university in China, and pay ten times the compensation if he loses?"


The rich woman nodded with great confirmation.

Many of them listened to this incident as an anecdote. After all, they didn't believe that Ye Shenhao could really afford to pay, and it was probably just some sensational hype.

Even if some people invested money, they only heard about the name and didn't know what Ye Yang looked like.

Of course, there are many people who don’t even know this exists.

After listening to the descriptions of the people around him, the look in Ye Yang's eyes changed drastically! ! !

"Betting on the whole world!? Such a ruthless person is sitting in front of us!"


"I originally thought it was a joke, but this person actually has so many powerful identities, and even has sworn relationships with three of the richest men in history! Such a scary boss would never do anything that he was not sure of! I started to believe that. It might work."

"Yes, me too."

"No matter what, that is impossible to achieve. Even if the three richest men come together and try their best to help, it is impossible to achieve that kind of thing within three months!"

"Regardless of whether he can make it or not, it is said that he is the major shareholder of Shentu Company!"

"Shentu is now China's well-deserved true super company, ranking among the top in the world! Its market value exceeds 10 trillion Chinese coins!"

"If he is really a super major shareholder, he is the richest man in China now, right? Why don't we see him on the list of richest people?"

"Harmful! As long as he is unwilling to disclose his wealth information to the outside world, there is no way to calculate his wealth. Those Forbes rankings and the personal assets of these rich people are all guesswork and estimates, and they are not accurate at all."

"I see……"

All wealth rankings are guessed by ranking agencies based on their own channels and methods. Only if they feel that their estimates are very accurate will their names be written on the rankings.

But no one can predict Ye Yang, so no one dares to put him on the list.

If the rankings were really based on real wealth, among the super officials who entered the country due to corruption in the past few years, which one would be inferior to the richest man?

"Gulu... doesn't that mean that at such a young age, Ye Yang may already be worth far more than the richest man in history?"

The bearded middle-aged man from the Ling family also frowned.

They naturally noticed Ye Yang, but because the main target was Ling Xiaowen's lineage, they didn't go out of their way to check.

All I know is that he is indeed a successful person.

However, this level of success seems to be a bit too much...

"It seems that we have to come out and wipe our own ass."

The bearded man stood up and was about to put out the fire.

The few stunned youths next to him stood up first.

They were idle members of the Bearded Lineage and were often ridiculed by Ling Xiaowen's Lineage. Now that they saw that their own lineage needed them, of course they were very excited and took the initiative.

"Ye Yang! You may be rich, but in three months, you will be bankrupt! What's there to be proud of!?"


Everyone in the audience looked at him with strange eyes.

The bearded man's heart trembled, he was done for...


Many people present actually had this idea in mind.

But no one dared to say it.

At least before Ye Yang went bankrupt, they were all super bosses. Within three months, even if the old head of the Ling family comes out, you will have to respect them!

You, a junior, dare to come out and rebel. You really don’t know how to live or die...

But they were also happy to see this scene.

This incident aroused too much curiosity among them, and they wanted to know how Ye Yang would answer this question...

"shut up!"

The bearded man shouted angrily.

"Uncle! I was right!"

"That's right! You're almost bankrupt, what's the point of being arrogant! I've invested all the millions I've saved, just to force you to lose! Then you'll have to pay me tens of millions, what's the point of being so arrogant!"

These gangsters are extremely proud.


Ling Bearded was so angry that he was shaking all over and slapped him in the face.

"Why did you hit me!"


Ling Bearded smiled awkwardly and looked at Ye Yang: "Mr. Ye, don't be offended! These two nephews of mine..."

"What if I said, I'm surprised!"

Ye Yang frowned and said in a cold voice.


Ling Dabeard's face also looked ugly.

The other party must have known that the three people who were looking for trouble today were all themselves. Now the situation has suddenly reversed, and an entire army has been defeated...

Everyone watched this scene with interest.

The melons from wealthy families are the most delicious.

"I think these two nephews made an unintentional mistake. Today is your friend's wedding, and it's still on our Ling family's territory. Mr. Ye, let's forget it."

Ling Bearded looked for chips for himself. After all, he was one of the leaders of another lineage of the Ling family.

If an army is counterattacked here, it will be a checkmate for oneself.

Then for a long time in the future, this lineage will not be able to hold its head up in front of Ling Xiaowen's lineage...

"Big Beard Ling! What do you mean!?"

Ling Xiuyan shouted angrily: "This is our lineage's wedding, but you insulted our invited guests with bad words! Let those two juniors kneel down and apologize to Mr. Ye directly! Otherwise, let others say that my Ling family has no rules!"

"Haha, you are dreaming!"

Big Beard Ling sneered.

"You mean, if you offend me, you don't need to be punished at all?"

Ye Yang stood up slowly.

His eyes were cold.


Big Beard Ling saw that Ye Yang was really angry, and said repeatedly: "How could that be? I will teach them a lesson when I go back!"

"Then what?"

Ye Yang stepped forward, and the pressure increased greatly!

"Mr. Ye, this is the Ling family, don't be too pushy!"

Seeing the eyes of the people around him, Big Beard Ling also straightened his body.

In Jinling, the Ling family is basically not afraid of anyone!

This is going to be tough!

"Let's see how Ye Yang handles it. Is he really going to do it on Jinling's territory..."

"I don't think he dares. Looking at China, there are no more than a hundred people who dare to touch the Ling family in Jinling."


The surroundings were noisy.

Just as the atmosphere on both sides intensified and was about to explode.

An old figure appeared in the hall...

When they saw this old figure.

The whole audience stood up!

"He, actually showed up..."

(Second update)

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