"Master, why are you here!?"

Ling Xiuyan and Ling Da Huzi all ran over.

"It's really the old master of the Ling family!"

"He hasn't appeared in formal occasions for a long time, right? Some people even say that he has..."

"Be careful with your words!"

"It's really incredible! I wonder what kind of judgment this master will make? Which lineage will he protect?"

"I don't know."

"But from the perspective of the overall interests of the Ling family..."


There was a whisper in the field.

Obviously, the appearance of the old master of the Ling family caught everyone off guard.

The old master is in a high position and is the backbone of the Ling family.

In his eyes, the factional struggles below are just a joke between the younger generation.

He controls the Ling family, an ancient family with hundreds of years of heritage.

He is one of the top figures in the whole of China! ! !

Except for the annual meeting of the Ling family at the end of the year, he almost never appears in formal occasions throughout the year.

And the annual meeting of the Ling family is an internal meeting.

Therefore, for the outside world, there has been no news about the old patriarch of the Ling family for several years. The internal affairs of the Ling family have gradually been taken over by the middle-aged generation such as Ling Xiuyan.

Therefore, the factional struggle has become more violent in recent years.

"He actually showed up because of a wedding..."

"It's incredible."



All the people of the Ling family present changed their faces.

The Ling family is too big. Many people may not have said a few words to the old patriarch from birth to adulthood.

Growing up listening to the legend of this old man, of course, I am in awe.

"Why, can't I come to the wedding of the younger generation of the family?"

Ling Xuangan said lightly.

"Of course, we don't mean that..."

The middle-aged generation was sweating.

Ling Xuangan nodded slightly, casually, and stepped forward.

Everyone looked at him in doubt.

"It seems that the old man is walking in the direction of Ye Yang..."

"He is going to him."


No matter how famous Ye Yang has become in this year.

After all, he is just a new super rich man. Even if he is extremely powerful, he has not yet formed the awe of time in people's hearts.

But Ling Xuangan is different.

He is a veteran big man in China.

He has been famous for decades, and most of the people in the business world have heard of his name...

Ling Xuangan walked in front of Ye Yang: "Mr. Ye, I have heard of your name for a long time!"


The whole audience exploded.

No one expected that Ling Xuangan would start like this!

Heard of your name for a long time?

This statement is quite heavy!

Could it be that the old patriarch of the Ling family actually treated Ye Yang as a person of the same status and level! ?

"But it may also be that the old gentleman is more modest."

"In fact, it is not difficult to imagine that although Ye Yang's foundation is still shallow, he is already a powerful person after all. No matter what the result will be in three months, he is now the top super rich man in China. It is understandable that the old patriarch treats him with courtesy."


Everyone was talking about it, and they were obviously very surprised at Ling Xuangan's attitude towards Ye Yang.

This is not Ye Yang who took the initiative to find Ling Xuangan.

Rather, Ling Xuangan walked forward and used honorifics!

The hidden things here are too heavy!!!

Ye Yang nodded: "Mr. Ling is still in good health."

Ling Xuangan is one of the most important people still alive in China. Ye Yang has heard of these people more or less in the organization.

When Ling Xuangan was young, he made a lot of efforts for the development of China.

He is worthy of admiration.

Ling Xuangan laughed and talked and laughed with Ye Yang, as if they were old friends who had not seen each other for many days.

This scene can be said to be dumbfounded by everyone.

Except for Zhang Ming, Wang Silin, and Mark King, they held back their laughter and looked at the people next to them who opened their mouths wide and wished their jaws would drop to the ground.

Almost no one present understood the horror of Ye Yang's energy better than the three of them.

This old man Ling, as one of the top figures in China, must also know the boss quite well, but I don't know to what extent he knows.

When they thought of this, they looked at each other.

Even they dared not say that they understood Ye Yang's deepest level.

This person has so many secrets hidden in him.

Revealing one identity, there is another more terrifying identity underneath.

It seems endless and extremely frightening! ! !


"Mr. Ye, it seems that there are some unpleasant things between you and the younger generations present!"

Ling Xuangan looked at the middle-aged man with a big beard, and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

"Not bad."

Ye Yang said lightly.

The hotel manager was very considerate and handed over the video recorded by the hotel just now.


Ling Xuangan frowned.

Of course he knew Ye Yang's identity.

As the top level of China, there are only so many people in total, and it has been decades. Suddenly adding a newcomer will definitely be very eye-catching.

Maybe ordinary big guys don't know Ye Yang.

But the top dozens of people in China are basically aware of Ye Yang's existence.

He is now very old.

I am often unable to handle family affairs, and I have tried to delegate power to the younger generation in recent years.

However, this has intensified the factional struggle.

Today I heard that Ye Yang came to the wedding ceremony of the younger generation in the family. The first reason he came this time was to meet Ye Yang.

Second, it is also to go with the flow and kill two birds with one stone, and to suppress the flames of factional struggle within the clan.

"Ling Xiuhai, come out."

Ling Xuangan looked at Ling Xiuhai coldly.

The bearded Ling Xiuhai trembled all over and stepped out of the queue.

"It's really disappointing that you neglect your younger generations."

Ling Xuangan didn't save any face and said coldly.


Everyone on the scene was waiting to see how Ling Xuan would deal with Ye Yang.

Most people think that since the old man Ling Xuangan has come out, Ye Yang will be smart enough to retreat on his own, right?

Unexpectedly, Ling Xuangan would not hesitate to directly accuse one of the powerful people in his family and also want to vent his anger on Ye Yang! ?


What a plot! ?

Almost everyone has never dared to think in this direction before...

"We...maybe have underestimated this Mr. Ye!!!"

Someone took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

This statement made everyone's scalp feel numb! ! !

Ling Xiuhai gritted his teeth and wanted to give it a try: "Old master, this Ye Yang is too strong. Although our Ling family is at fault in this matter, he really doesn't give our family face in our territory. You're being tyrannical! I'm just saying a few words of fairness!"

Ling Xuangan laughed dryly, which made Ling Xiuhai break into a cold sweat.

"Xiu Hai! You are really capable!"

The old man shook his head and sighed with disappointment: "It seems that you are not suitable for the position I gave you..."

(First update)

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