Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 895: Mr. Ye’s words are true


Ling Xiuhai took a few steps back, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.

These words were too harsh!

It seemed like he was going to remove his power directly!

Others were also stunned.

Ling Xuangan, was he going to remove the person in power from the Ling family because of such a small matter?

Even if he was not really going to remove him from his position, but just to shock and warn him, the fact that he could say these words was enough to show his respect for Ye Yang.

"It actually reached this point!?"

"I'm stunned..."

"It's incredible!?"


However, there were also some discerning people present who could see that Ling Xuangan was taking advantage of the situation. This old man was probably here with the idea of ​​suppressing factional struggles!

"Master! You did this for an outsider!?"

Ling Xiuhai asked in disbelief.

Ling Xuangan shook his head, extremely disappointed.

He was optimistic at first about the intensified factional struggles in the family, and believed that the various branches of the Ling family would always find a balance point to coexist peacefully.

Work together to build the family.

But now it seems that the decentralized power has made some of them more confident!

Now they dare to refute what his ancestor said in person!

It's simply disrespectful to the elders, arrogant and unreasonable! ! !

He originally just wanted to give the other party a warning, but now it seems that this person really can't stay!

He hid the last glimmer of hope in the depths of his eyes and turned cold.

"After you go back this time, you will resign on your own."

Ling Xuangan waved his hand.


Ling Xiuhai's eyes were instantly filled with bloodshot, the ancestor was really old and confused! ! !

For an outsider, he was going to remove him from his position in public! Take back his power!

This not only made Ling Xiuyan's enemies laugh at him, but also made everyone laugh at the Ling family!

He gritted his teeth and his eyes became cold.

Although the old patriarch is still in the position of the patriarch now,

But the actual power is controlled by the managers of each branch!

He felt that Ling Xuangan's control over the Ling family was completely different from before!

He had grown up and must not be manipulated by this old fool!

Otherwise, the interests of the Ling family would be damaged here!


A fierce struggle in his heart.

He also weighed the methods and success rate...

If he was allowed to dismiss him, he would have nothing!

He would not accept it! ! !

He looked at several brothers from the same branch behind him.

Those people also nodded with determination after pondering.

"Master, this order is difficult for Xiuhai to obey."

Ling Xiuhai's trembling body calmed down and said lightly.


The whole audience was in an uproar.

Even Ye Yang was a little surprised. Although the bearded man's words were harsh, he was quite courageous. Unfortunately, he was just trying to shake a tree with an ant, and he didn't know what he could do...

"Please, patriarch, take back your order!"

Behind Ling Xiuhai, several middle-aged men from the same lineage all clasped their fists and asked for orders.

"What? You want to rebel!?"

Ling Xiuyan frowned and shouted in a deep voice: "You dare to openly disobey the old patriarch's order!"

Ling Xuangan looked deeply at the bearded man.

Originally, he was just going to reduce the power of Ling Xiuhai's lineage, but he didn't expect that they had expanded to such an extent! ?

Ling Xiuhai said indifferently: "Our lineage controls 30% of the Ling family's industrial connections and is the most indispensable branch of the Ling family. If I resign, I'm afraid no one in the Ling family can replace me! The interests of the Ling family are at stake. Please don't make such a decision that harms your own interests just because of an outsider!!!"

"Ling Xiuhai!!!"

Ling Xiuyan shouted angrily.

The audience around was stunned...

This bearded man is crazy!

But if you think about it carefully, he does have the capital to resist. With 30% of the vein industry, if he resists fiercely, it will be a terrible internal consumption for the Ling family.

Does the old patriarch of the Ling family, who has been in seclusion for a long time, still have the skills and ability to deal with this bearded man who has already raised a tiger to harm him?

They are extremely itchy in their hearts. Good guy, just attending a wedding, he actually caught up with such a good show!

"This Ye Yang is just a foreign guest. Even if our juniors are a little impulsive, it is a fact that he does not take the dignity of our family seriously! I think the patriarch should drive him out today instead of punishing us!"

Ling Xiuhai said in a deep voice. Since he has already made a move, he will take one move after another and use offense as defense!

Put pressure on the patriarch!

As long as the patriarch takes a step back, he will no longer be able to suppress this lineage of the Ling family!

Behind Ling Xiuhai, the people all said in unison: "Please refer to the interests of the clan and make a wise choice!!!"

Ling Xuangan's eyes became extremely deep. After looking at Ling Xiuhai and the others, he finally looked at Ye Yang.

Did the old patriarch change his mind?

The Ling family has been pushed forward by the waves behind... Can the old patriarch not resist the pressure of the younger generation! ?

Ling Xiuyan wanted to speak.

Ling Xuangan waved his hand, and then smiled apologetically at Ye Yang: "Sorry to make you laugh, Mr. Ye. My Ling family has such unfilial children and grandchildren. The responsibility... is on me!!!"

Ye Yang looked at Ling Xuangan: "If you need my help, I am willing to help the old man sweep these people out!"

"Haha, Mr. Ye, don't be too arrogant! Jinling is the power base of my Ling family! If you want to leave, you should leave! Don't get confused about the situation!!!"

Ling Xiuhai shouted angrily.

The blond foreigner Kaisen, the person in charge of the Hilton Hotel, said coldly:

"No matter what, this hotel is owned by our boss Ye Yang! It is purely our territory! At least here, we have every reason to kick you out! Don't be ungrateful!"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. This foreigner has been in China for a long time and has learned a good way of speaking!

I can give him a reward later.


Ling Xiuhai was so angry that he was choking. He was right!

"Besides, I only respect Mr. Ling, not you. Don't be shameless!"

Ye Yang said lightly: "It's easy for me to kick you out. If you want to die, I have a hundred ways to satisfy you anytime and anywhere."


This is crazy enough!

Everyone widened their eyes.

"Mr. Ye is right."

Ling Xuangan gave a positive answer in person.


The whole audience was shocked!

This old man must know something...

"Mr. Ye is indeed more powerful than we thought!"

The three richest men looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes!


"It seems that Mr. Ye is more than a lieutenant general and a core political figure... His core identity is probably more terrifying than what we know."

The three richest men were sweating.

Ye Yang is China's hidden trump card.

Although he is as noble as a vice-state, his information in the political world is confidential.

Even the three of them could only find out that Ye Yang was at the core of the political world, but they could not imagine his true identity, which had reached... the position of the tenth will!

(Second update)

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