Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 897 Is there a big conspiracy behind this?

"I understand, everything will follow your arrangements, my old master."

Ling Xiuhai lowered his head.

Completely lost the courage to resist.

Two of them nailed him to death. As the third trump card, it must be the more terrifying one. He didn't want Ling Xuangan to say it in public.

Everyone else bowed their heads when they saw Ling Xiuhai.

Everyone restrained their arrogance, knowing that this time a disaster was coming!

Even if the fish is dead and the net is broken, it will not be broken!

With the handle and authority in their hands, they have long been in a position of victory.

"I will submit my resignation to the clan tonight, let's go!"

Ling Xiuhai gritted his teeth and wanted to turn around and leave.

"I haven't let you go yet."

Ling Xuangan said lightly.


Ling Xiuhai's eyes flashed and he turned to look at Ling Xuangan.

"Apologise to Mr. Ye!!!"

Ling Xuangan said lightly.

"Old Master!!!"

This requires him to lose all face in public!

After all, he is also the leader of the dignified Ling family, and he will not lose even if he loses! You can't lose face here! ! !

He was trembling all over. He didn't expect that the old master would do this to Ye Yang!

Everyone here also took a breath of cold air.

With a flip of his hand, he deposed all the rights of the leader of the largest line of the Ling family, Ling Xuangan, the leader of a wealthy family who stood at the top of China.

To actually do this to Ye Yang...

They couldn't help but doubt.

Ye Yang's status is probably higher than that of Mr. Ling...

Otherwise, it is completely impossible to explain what is happening now! ! !

Ye Yang smiled slightly in his heart. Mr. Ling had indeed given him enough face.

Before Ling Xuangan retired, he was one of the core members of the political circle, so he naturally knew his true identity in the political circle.

However, after all, the other party is an old senior on the development path of China, and he has no arrogance at all.

But the other party obviously acted in accordance with justice and showed no mercy.

This style of distinguishing public from private is indeed worthy of admiration.

Methods are what you have to learn to deal with dirty people, but they do not prevent you from being a gentleman.

A gentleman who can use tricks against villains but also has a sense of responsibility for society is the true backbone of the country.

"Apologise to Mr. Ye!"

There was no room for rejection between Ling Xuangan's words!

Every step Ling Xiuhai took was like a mountain pressing down on him. Finally, he stood in front of Ye Yang and bowed to the end: "Mr. Ye, I was wrong!!!"

Everyone in the audience deeply remembered this scene.

Remember this existence that makes even the old heads of the Ling family stand in awe and the people in power in the Ling family bow down!

Such a young top boss.

It’s really scary from the bottom of my heart! ! !

"From now on, Ling Xiuhai will be deprived of all practical matters of the Ling family. Those juniors who contradicted Mr. Ye just now will be sent to Zhengde Academy for three years. After three years, if they do not repent, they will be expelled from the Ling family!"

Ling Xuangan said coldly.


This punishment is really harsh!

Zhengde Academy is the "Yang Yongxin Electric Shock Institute" of the Ling family. If it's not clear yet, it is the clan mansion in the ancient palace.

Once inside, it was extremely painful, and the young man instantly became a servant.

It is the most severe punishment in the Ling family law, besides being banished...

Now, it was almost confirmed that Ye Yang was better than the old head of the Ling family, and he was in awe.

With equal status, this kind of thing will be punished after the fact. They will never compromise their family's prestige in front of the public! ! !

The people present looked at Ye Yang in horror. No wonder this man dared to place a bet on declaring war on the world! ! !

The other party must have confidence and trump cards beyond their imagination! ! !

Just thinking about it makes them tremble...

"Ask our company if you have invested money to participate in the bet! If so, withdraw your capital immediately!"

"Ahem, they seem to have set up a one-way investment bureau. If you invest money, you can't go back on it."

"Let me go, no one in our family is stupid enough to participate in this bet..."

If 90% of the people present did not believe that Ye Yang could win, now, many people are shaken...

They all knew the previous identity of the old head of the Ling family.

That was a truly powerful person, but today he gave Ye Yang face like this...

At least the school he founded will be the best in China in terms of state support! ! !

In fact, the support and support will surpass those of the two top schools...

Even more...

They all let go of their imaginations and made up their minds... Establishing a new world-leading university is a top-level decision-making in the country. However, using this excuse to inform the world, it can also cut off foreign and domestic worship of foreign countries. Money from a fawning boss.

Why not? !

All kinds of conspiracy theories are popping up in everyone's mind.

The eyes looking at Ye Yang were full of fear...

This young man looks handsome and handsome, but in fact he harbors a huge conspiracy inside! ! !

It's simply terrible!

Afterwards, the scene returned to peace...

No one mentioned what happened just now, as if it never happened. After all, no one wanted to make themselves uncomfortable.

But the three guys who had been tricked by Ling Xiuhai before and came to help find trouble, now gathered together, their legs were weak.

"How to do how to do!"

"I actually offended the super boss!"

"Even the old patriarch of the Ling family can't protect his family, what are we? Will we be retaliated, will our family be destroyed, will our bodies sink into the Qinhuai River..."

"Ahhh, I've just started my wonderful life, I don't want it to end like this!"

Several people were trembling.

In the end, they were surprisingly consistent and tacitly ran to Ye Yang's table, knelt down, and kowtowed.

They said they were willing to pay money to eliminate the disaster and try their best to atone for their sins.

Today is the day of Zheng Xian's wedding, so Ye Yang naturally won't really make things worse, and nodded in agreement.

As for how much money they have to pay?

I don't care...

After all, the richest of them only have a family property of tens of billions, about two or three hundred billion.

Even if they pay him all, it won't help his overall wealth growth.

So he doesn't care.

The wedding ended in peace and harmony...

When everyone left

Zheng Xian thanked Ye Yang very much. If Ye Yang hadn't been here to calm the situation today, his father would have suffered a lot of humiliation...

At that time, with his temper, he would inevitably make a scene at the wedding...

"I've already said that there's no need to talk about these things between the two of us."

Ye Yang didn't care. It was just a piece of cake.

He opened his phone and looked at the betting board.

Soon, it would be closed...

How much betting funds could be reached?

He was looking forward to it!

(Second update)

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