Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 898: Adding some difficulty to the game


The Jinling wedding finally came to an end.

During the wedding, the events that spread out shocked everyone.

A young man who was treated politely by the ancestors of the Ling family.

The leader of the Ling family stepped down...

Many things have caused intense discussions in the business circles of several nearby provinces!

However, the noise from the outside world is no longer in Ye Yang's ears.

After all, the betting market is about to close.

This is something slightly worthy of his attention.


"The increase in the last few days is indeed a bit small."

Yu Momo lay down behind him and massaged his big breasts, making his back feel comfortable.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Ye Yang nodded.

Not long after the market opened, the amount of bets exceeded 500 billion, but now that it is almost closing, it still has not reached 800 billion Chinese coins.

"It seems that the news has not spread enough."

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"Maybe it's because you, the owner, are so famous that the really rich people don't dare to invest, right?"

Yu Mo smiled.

Ye Yang laughed and glanced at the market again.

United States, electronic conference hall of the top ten consortiums.

The Shadow Emperors gather.

"Mr. Doyle, last time you went to China, you met the new Chinese will, right?"

Someone asked in the shadows.


Doyle nodded.

"Is the judgment over with his qualitative analysis?"

In the electronic shadow, someone asked again.

Doyle pondered for a moment and said affirmatively: "In the game, he is completely on China's side."

"What? He is obviously more like us..."

Everyone found it a bit incredible.

"Rich man, huh?"

Doyle smiled lightly and shook his head: "According to my contact, apart from this commonality, he has nothing in common with us in terms of attitude. His dream of the ultimate form of the world has not yet awakened."

"Haha, the kind of future China envisions is simply impossible to realize."

Several shadow emperors shook their heads: "I think insisting on that kind of future is just a child's dream."


Doyle fell silent and did not discuss the matter further.

"However, I heard that this guy is causing trouble again recently, saying he wants to bet against the whole world?"

A person in the shadow said calmly.

"Yes. The content of the bet is not unrealizable."

Doyle shook his head: "It's a pity that those people on the water don't know Ye Yang's true identity at all. Otherwise, they would never invest money in gambling so easily. After all, this is a losing game for them. …”

"That's true."

Most of the remaining shadow emperors nodded.

Ye Yang, looking at the seven or eight billion human beings in the world, they are among the top few dozen people.

His identity and energy are almost the same as those of the shadow emperors present here.

They thought they could build a top university in the world, so Ye Yang should be able to do it as well.

"It is not difficult to build a top university, but the time he set for himself was too urgent."

Dal paused and shook his head, probably thinking that this was not a problem.

The rich and ordinary people on the water can never imagine how terrifying the power of the sea-fixing needle of modern society is in the shadows.

"Moreover, even if he loses, with the endorsement of Huaxia National Sports, it is not something that cannot be accepted at all."

Someone spoke.

"Yes...but, now that we have confirmed that he is an enemy, should we test him first?"

Someone said lightly.

The energy represented behind Ye Yang was so terrifying that even the ten shadow emperors did not dare to make a big move easily.

Today's world is a turbulent place.

With the process of economic globalization, countries have not become more stable, but have become more fragile. There will be no serious conflicts between the superpowers, because each other knows that their own survival is tied to the other two superpowers.

An all-out war with China is an option that the United States will never choose now.

There are only two options available: testing and sanctions.

"I have no objection."

Someone expressed his stance.

"Doyle, you have had direct contact with him. What is your opinion?"

Someone asked from the shadows.

Doyle Mason took a sip of Wuyishan Dahongpao, which was a gift given to him by Ye Yang before leaving.

"I can't see through him."



"I don't recommend taking action until we find out about him. However, the rise of China is too strong now. Power plants with controllable nuclear fusion are already under construction, and energy upgrades are on the way. Once they complete this step, we will have no hope at all. From this perspective, we should take action.”

Doyle spoke out his thoughts.

"The Sals Consortium has relevant resources in its hands. I think you can go out and compete for a round first."

A certain shadow emperor suggested.

Many shadow emperors looked at the Emperor of the Sars Consortium who had been silent.

Major financial groups control various fundamental resources in the United States and even the world.

Or coal, petroleum, non-ferrous metals, aviation and military industry...

A large part of the cutting-edge educational resources in the United States is in the hands of the Salz Foundation.


The shadow slowly trembled.

The owner of the Sals Consortium, one of the Shadow Emperors, Miro Sals, gradually emerged from the shadows. He leaned forward, resting his hands on the table, with a gloomy and playful look: "In this case, let's make his game more difficult..."

"Okay, you provide the resources, and the other nine consortiums will each give you 10 billion US dollars in chips. I wish you a happy game."

The Shadow Emperors nodded to Miro Sals, and then.

The shadow flickered, and the meeting ended...

In the swimming pool on the top floor of the Sals Building.

Miro Sals turned off the computer and stood by the swimming pool overlooking the entire Austin.

"So, Mr. Ye, in this cat and mouse game, who is the mouse and who is the cat? Let's wait and see..."

The first official test of the top ten consortiums began! ! !

Huaxia, Yundingshan Villa, Ye Yang walked out of the swimming pool, and the black silk maid also walked out of the water and draped her robe on him.

Yu Momo immediately held up the tablet.

"Is it finally going to be closed?"

Ye Yang glanced at the number on the tablet, 798.9 billion Chinese Yuan.

"After all, it's still not 800 billion Chinese Yuan..."

He was a little disappointed.

But he didn't care at all.

As the ten shadow emperors of the United States said, it is not difficult for them, who are like the Optimus Primes of human society, to run a top international school. It just depends on whether they are willing to spend hundreds of billions or even trillions to do this thing that is not cost-effective.

Of course, only Ye Yang, who is so eccentric in the eyes of other Optimus Primes and does not act according to secular rules, will do this...


"It seems that there will be no special surprises."

He shook his head and prepared to click the close button.

However, just as his finger was pressing down, the number suddenly jumped! ! !

(First update)

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