Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 899: Birthday party is coming?

“The numbers are changing!”

“And, it gets really fast!!!”

The maids who discovered this scene were all talking.

Ye Yang also nodded slightly and raised his brows.

He actually entered the warehouse at the last moment...

Fortunately, he clicked the screen a little slower, otherwise, he would have missed this huge increase...

"Who's giving us money?"

Ye Yang was a little confused.

This number jumps a little too fast. This kind of capital injection is not something that ordinary companies can do.

In the blink of an eye, it has increased by hundreds of billions of Chinese coins.

"It's a company called Chikma."

Yu Momo's professionalism is very strong, and she directly mobilizes the database for verification. As Ye Yang's personal secretary, she is qualified to mobilize the database, which is of a very high level.

Enough to investigate most of the world's secrets...

"This company was registered just seems to be registered specifically for capital injection."

Yu Mo frowned.

It's a little strange...

"There is definitely a hand behind the huge infusion of gambling money, and this hand doesn't want us to know of its existence."

Yu Momo analyzed.

"If he really didn't want us to know, he wouldn't have chosen a newly registered company."

Ye Yang said calmly: "He is trying to make us reveal his identity. If this is not possible, it proves that he is bound to win."

"I'm deciphering information about this company."

Yu Momo sent relevant information about this company to the secretarial group. Ye Yang's secretarial group, also known as the maid group, gathered the top girls in the world who combine beauty, IQ, and talent.

In addition to being meticulous in daily work.

When encountering major business matters, their energy is also huge.

"This company is registered on Falman Island, and the information has been simplified. We can't find too many secrets, so we can only start with personal information..."

If it is internal information from China, it will be easy to find.

After all, most of Ye Yang's roots are still in China.

After calling hurricanes and some international databases such as Huaye Investment...

Yu Momo's maid group quickly deciphered the relevant information.

"The results are out!"

Yu Momo showed the screen to Ye Yang.

On the screen was a building with the English words "Sales Consortium Building" written on it.

"Sales Consortium..."

Ye Yang's eyes turned cold.

He is still a little afraid of the top ten financial groups in the United States.

After all, their energy is too complex. Even if he is invincible in terms of wealth alone, he is still a little stretched in front of such a monopolistic consortium.

However, if the identity bonus of China's Will is added, it will be enough to fight against it.

If you really want to show off your face, coupled with the hurricane force and photon deterrence, you can say that you can overwhelm the opponent.

But now is not the time to break up.

After all, the battle between the spines of the world will always suffer for hundreds of millions of ordinary people in society. Both sides do not want their societies to fall into chaos, so naturally there will be no real war.

"It seems that the top ten financial groups have officially taken action against me."

Ever since Doyle went back, he knew this day would come.

I didn't expect to come so early...

"Sooner or later, we have to tell the difference. This time, we will hit them directly."

Ye Yang looked at the capital pool.

The other party added a total of 100 billion U.S. dollars, which is more than 600 billion Chinese coins.

All of a sudden, the gambling funds increased from 800 billion Chinese coins to nearly 1,500 billion Chinese coins...

"Not bad, you found me so quickly."

Opposite video call.

Milo Sars looked at Ye Yang proudly.

"If you reach out, be prepared to have your hand chopped off."

Ye Yang looked at Milo Sals lightly and said calmly.

"Oh oh oh~ I'm so scared..."

Milo Sals sat up, his smile faded, and his eyes became cold: "I, the Sals Consortium, have the final say in world education! If you want to win, it's impossible!"

"I hope your ability is greater than your tone."

Ye Yang didn't care at all,

"each other!"

Milo Sals closed the video call directly.

On the Salz Tower, he stood up angrily.

As a long-established family that monopolizes educational resources, it is actually despised!

The other party has no respect for him at all!

It’s just a new will!

Why are you so arrogant! ! !

There was a fierce light in his eyes: "If it were in the fields of energy and Internet that you are good at, I might not dare to say this... But if you want to try me in education, you don't have the strength yet!!!"

He is extremely confident.


Yu Mo looked at Ye Yang worriedly.

After all, the other party is one of the ten shadow emperors...

Under normal circumstances, it would not be difficult for Ye Yang to establish a top school, but if there is such a super power obstructing it, the difficulty will suddenly rise! ! !

Moreover, educational resources and the right to speak about educational evaluation are all in the hands of others...

"Don't worry, even if the top ten financial groups come together, they won't be able to stop me."

Ye Yang smiled faintly, with endless confidence in his smile.


Yu Mo looked at Ye Yang's handsome smile and started laughing too: "As long as the boss says so, I will never lose!"

Ye Yang patted her little head: "How are you preparing for that matter?"

Yu Momo laughed and said, "That's your important day, Master. How could Momo not prepare with all his heart and soul~"

What Ye Yang was talking about was his birthday party.

Now all kinds of things have been dealt with, and the establishment of a top university is not something that can be done overnight.

It's already the end of August, and in a few days, it will be his birthday.

Let's have a happy birthday first.

He doesn't plan to have a big celebration, just find some friends and beauties to celebrate together.

According to his current status, if he has a big celebration, Yundingshan Manor will not be able to accommodate the crowd of people celebrating. The various executives of his subsidiaries around the world alone are enough to fill several Yundingshan Manors...

"I have invited all the people you mentioned, but I can't tell you the specific details of the celebration~"

Yu Momo stuck out his tongue and laughed.

"Surprise, I know."

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand.

At the same time, Ye Yang's girls were also dressing up for the birthday party in a few days.

What kind of makeup is better?

What kind of outfit is more pleasing to the eye?

As for Wang Xiaocong, he was looking at the famous watch worth tens of millions given by Ye Yang and fell into deep thought...

(Second update)

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