Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 900: A Grand Prize of Weird Birthday Gifts

"What gift should I give back to Brother Ye?"

Wang Xiaocong was very distressed...

At least he had to give a similar gift.

But he couldn't give a watch back. As for cars, Ye Yang didn't lack them, and he didn't like the house worth tens of millions.

"I'm so distressed!!!"

He looked up to the sky and sighed.


Brother Ye is too awesome. I don't know what gift to give...

Qin Feng and others were also quite distressed.

Brother Ye is perfect!

I can't imagine what he would lack...

Then we have to give something ordinary?

That's too insincere...

At the end of August, Yundingshan Manor was very lively.

Colorful flags fluttered, and the atmosphere was very warm.

The girls were very beautiful and dressed up carefully. The manor was full of joy.


Under the sun, the pool party was held as scheduled.

It was similar to the pool party in Love Apartment, but the scale was much larger.

Many maids were very talented, and naturally some of them could act as hosts.

Bikini beauties play in the pool with Ye Yang.

"Well... not making a big fuss seems to be a good choice."

Ye Yang lies on the comfortable wall of beauties. If he were to entertain guests, it would be difficult for him to have such a happy day today.

Under the host's organization, various talent shows came on stage.

The girls Ye Yang knows are either gorgeous daughters or peerless beauties.

Even if they don't have talent, they are very attractive, not to mention a hot dance on the stage, the sun dances on the healthy skin, showing irresistible curves and luster.

It's simply nosebleed...

"Brother Ye is too blessed."

Qin Feng and Wang Xiaocong are doing hard labor in the far distance of the pool, looking at this side with resentment.

However, inside and outside the pool are all Ye Yang's women. Even if there are a few who are not, they are probably ambiguous. They dare not approach, look at or touch them randomly.

Zheng Xian and his wife are busy making cakes inside.

No matter how precious the cake in the world is, it is nothing special for Ye Yang. It is more thoughtful if he makes it himself.

Yu Momo didn't join in the fun, and was studying the secret of how to cook a perfect longevity noodle in the kitchen.

Lin Xueer sang, and the maids danced with her.

After dancing to her heart's content, she went directly into the swimming pool to dance, her black and white silks were wet by the water, and the water droplets flowed, showing her graceful curves.

Ye Yang couldn't stand it...


"Boss, this is the list of gifts."

Xiao Qingxuan jumped to Ye Yang and handed him the list.

After kissing him unexpectedly, she jumped to deal with other things...


Ye Yang shook his head, taking advantage of me again...

But I have been taken advantage of in various ways today, and this level is nothing...

"It's terrible to be greedy for my beauty."

He opened the gift list.

Expensive gifts are no longer attractive to him. After all, for an individual, he has too much money now.

He has lost interest in money.

"When did Momo learn to paint?"

He raised his eyebrows.

Yu Momo actually wrote his name 99,999 times by hand, and used these small characters to draw a portrait of him. It was quite nice, and it was obvious that he had prepared it carefully for a long time.

"He was busy with business during the day and busy with Ye at night, but he secretly made such a large-scale gift."

Ye Yang smiled.

Then, he looked down.

From time to time, you can see some unique gifts.

For example, the fully realistic figurine based on her own model given by Lin Xueer, which was quite soft to the touch.

For example, the talisman that my sister gave me, which was taught to her by an old Taoist priest in Longhu Mountain, I don’t know what it means, I can ask her when I have the chance.

"The distorted and twisted talisman..."

He curled his lips, but when he thought of the way his sister frowned and gritted her teeth to draw this talisman by chance that day, he couldn't help laughing.

These gifts were very thoughtful and interesting, which greatly exceeded his expectations.

Until he saw the gifts from Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng...

"What the hell is this!?"

The corner of his mouth twitched.

These two guys actually agreed to make an ugly statue out of gold, and said that they were made in imitation of Ye Yang...

"Oh my god! So ugly."

Ye Yangsheng looked desperate: "Get them here!!!"

"Uh, Brother Ye, are you not satisfied with our genius ideas!"

"We learned from the gold casting master for several days and made them by ourselves!"

Wang Xiaocong and Qin Feng both felt that their works were simply amazing and flawless!


Ye Yang rolled his eyes: "If you say that these two statues are made according to your appearance, I think it's more reliable."


"We are not that handsome!"

Both nodded in agreement.


The girls around couldn't help laughing...

The aesthetics of these two people are simply amazing!

"Ahem, that's enough."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "I'll find an aesthetics teacher in a few days to teach you about how to understand 'beauty'!"

"I think our aesthetics is pretty good."

Wang Xiaocong complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to go against Ye Yang's meaning, so he nodded.

It wasn't until Ye Yang left that he looked at the golden statue in front of him with a crooked nose and slanted eyes: "Is it ugly? I think it's very beautiful!"

"Mine looks better."

Qin Feng pointed to the statue of himself with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, very confident.


However, these two people are very expensive. The raw materials for these two statues cost them hundreds of millions.

After all, gold is very expensive...

"Brother Ye doesn't understand our heart!!!"

Wang Xiaocong wailed.

"Okay, stop howling, let's cut the cake."

Yu Momo waved to everyone.



"Come on, come on!"

The girls all hurried over.

Indoors, a super nine-layer cake occupied the entire main villa hall.

"Such a big cake..."

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry.

"There are so many people!"

Zheng Xian said repeatedly: "Enough to eat."


Ye Yang was speechless again.

Wouldn't it be nice to make a few more...

"I didn't expect that! The boss is still the boss, so smart!"


The whole audience burst into laughter.

On the happy day, there is no status difference, as long as everyone comes to Yundingshan Villa today, everyone will participate.

After the warm birthday song and a burst of happy birthday wishes, everyone happily started cutting the cake and eating it~

After eating and drinking, the cake spreading game officially begins!

With such a big cake, it can be said that there is plenty of ammunition, and it is very fun to play.

As the protagonist, Ye Yang naturally cannot escape his bad luck.

In the atmosphere of booing, everyone was thrown into the cake...

Although I had this kind of dream when I was a child.

But after he was actually thrown into the cake, he realized that this was definitely not a wonderful experience...

After playing around, I washed myself.

The longevity noodles were served.

"I was so full from the big cake just now..."

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry.

"This is cooked for you silently and attentively~"

Yu Momo raised his eyebrows, and his eyes changed from tenderness to resentment in just one thought...

(First update)

(PS: Before I knew it, I had already reached 900 chapters, so fast...Thank you to the book friends and fans who have been with you all the way!

Jiuyang loves you (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭♦~

At this special moment, let’s wish the protagonist a happy birthday~)

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