Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 901: Initial Investment: 300 Billion


Ye Yang ate the longevity noodles honestly.

We had a lot of fun in the afternoon and everyone was tired.

The evenings are all about leisure activities, having a tea party together, chatting, or watching a movie together.

Soon, it was night.

Everyone who wants to go home goes back first.

There are only some pretty girls left, waiting for Ye Yang to find them and talk about their love all night long...

This night can be said to be the happiest night.

It was a whole day of fun.


Happy time always flies by. After Ye Yang got up from sleep, he saw the report handed over by Yu Momo.

“Our initial preparation and application process has all been passed.”

Yu Mo smiled.


Ye Yang nodded.

I glanced at the report.

Above are the cutting-edge scientific research equipment he purchased from various channels.

From top-of-the-line mass spectrometers that cost millions each, to academic-level observatories worth hundreds of millions.

From medical laboratories with billions of investments to high-energy physics laboratories with tens of billions of investments.

If you want to build a top world-famous university, you must have a complete range of academic categories!

Not only do we have to engage in science, but we also have to engage in literature and philosophy!

All kinds of precious ancient books and materials, original literature, and hardware facilities were purchased together!

The country also provides strong support behind the scenes.

He provided all the help he could, and even directly connected many book collections and scientific research materials with the project team of the prestigious university under Ye Yang's name.

The foundation is increasing day by day.

"The initial cost of purchasing equipment for these infrastructure facilities is more than 180 billion."

Yu Mohui reports.

Many unique ancient books are more expensive than some advanced scientific instruments...

If you collect just a few dozen copies, it will be over a billion.


Ye Yang nodded.

No school in the world dares to say that it is excellent in all categories. It can only say that a few departments in its school are excellent. Even Tsinghua and Peking University have subjects they are not good at.

Some subjects are ranked low.

Ye Yang also knows this truth, so he plans to complete the purchase of most categories in the first phase.

Of course, in the future, we need to be excellent in all categories, but if we are greedy for bigness and seek completeness, and establish too many departments at once, it will make the project team focus on one thing and miss the other, and it will not be able to take care of it...


"The rest are relatively common supplies."

Yu said silently.

"Well, has the land been approved as well?"

Ye Yang asked.


With Ye Yang's identity and the help of the nine wills, the approval of this project was almost miraculous.

"Oh, that's quite generous."

Ye Yang looked at the division of 30,000 acres of land in the urban area and nodded.

Harvard University, the largest university in the world, covers almost the same amount of space.

Since we are going to build the world's first project, we must refer to the world's first standard when acquiring land in the early stage.

"We were given the lowest price for this piece of land, which was less than 10 billion."

Yu said silently.


Ye Yang nodded.

This is land in a prosperous urban area.

It is basically equivalent to opening a small urban area alone.

Moreover, we are given land with the most beautiful environment, and the price is not expensive.

"All dormitories are built into integrated villas, and the environment is renovated to the highest standards. The overall campus renovation cost is estimated to be around 100 billion."

Yu Mo said after finishing the calculation.

"The architectural style adopts a new Chinese style, combining the future with Chinese style. All facilities in the school will also use intelligent products."


After talking a lot about the details of the school construction, Ye Yang nodded slightly: "Not bad."

It is true that top universities cannot be established by ordinary people.

Just to match the hardware, more than 300 billion have been spent.

There is basically nothing wealthy Chinese businessmen can afford.

Even if I try my best to come out, I will basically run out of gas...

"Boss, the basic facilities will be ready in two days. At that time, why don't you post the news and blueprint online to show off..."

Yu Mo smiled evilly.

"You are trying to make those who participated in the gambling deprived of food and sleep! You are so evil!"

Ye Yang gave a bad laugh: "But I decided to just do it!"

"The master is wise~"

Yu Momo chuckled, then turned around to do business...

Soon, the school’s construction blueprint was uploaded to the Internet.

Caused an exclamation!

"It is suspected that Ye Shenhao invested in the school construction blueprint!"

“It’s so beautiful! It’s exactly what a dream school should look like!!!”


Everyone was shocked by the blueprint sent by the official account.

This is so dreamy!

“It’s hard to imagine how much money it would cost to build such a large and advanced school building!”

“It feels a little too dreamy!”


Netizens were shocked.

The campus scenery, modern intelligent equipment, villa dormitories, and super laboratories in the blueprint video are simply too sci-fi!

The overall texture is like watching a science fiction movie...

Soon, people participating in the bet came forward. Of course, they did not want Ye Yang's project to succeed at all, so they directly bought the water military road.

"Who doesn't know how to draw pictures! How could such a large piece of land be approved so quickly! Haha, I think you are just bragging! You are drawing a pie here!"

"I think Mr. Ye should think carefully about how to compensate the tens of trillions of compensation!"

"Haha, you really think out of your own accord! If the real school is one-tenth as good as this, I will kowtow to him!"

"That's right! There is no school in the world with such awesome hardware conditions. Even the top foreign schools can't do this! The intention of drawing a pie in the sky is too obvious!"

"Whoever believes it is a fool!"


Yu Momo saw that these people had almost finished showing off their intelligence, and he raised his mouth and released a video of the construction in progress.

With the new technology provided by the black technology company, the efficiency of building these things is extremely fast, and the equipment is being transported by this kind of plane and truck.

The entire future campus has begun to take shape.

It is estimated that it will be fully formed within a month.


"Damn! It's really that beautiful!"

"Directly plant trees! So grand!"

"It's exactly the same as the blueprint!"

"I'm greedy, just for this environment, I want to go to school!"

"Don't even think about it, just this villa accommodation area, if I don't pay hundreds of thousands of accommodation fees a year, I'll feel like I owe the school..."


Instantly, the reputation was so high that those investors who were sneering and mocking were dumbfounded...

(Second update)

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