"It seems that there are still many people who like toxic chicken soup.……"

Even if he was far away, Ye Yang could still see the order reminders and gift messages flying up on the screen.

"As long as you get my secret to success, you can become a successful female CEO like me and become an independent woman in the new era!!!"

"You can also get a boyfriend who is like a dog like me!"

Internet celebrity Lili turned the camera and pointed it at the dog who was taking pictures of her, her eyes full of disdain:"Do you know why? When a woman is successful and excellent, these men will surround her like dogs!"

"So cool! So right!"


Danmu once again set off a gift craze


Ye Yang finally couldn't help laughing.


Queen Lili had already believed everything she said, and was so immersed in the role that she really thought she was a super successful female CEO. When she saw Ye Yang dared to laugh at her, her eyebrows were raised.

"You stinky little brother over there, what are you laughing at! ?"

Ye Yang shrugged:"Nothing, I'm just curious, why are you calling yourself a piece of shit?"

"What did you say!! ?"

Internet celebrity Lili was furious

"Didn't you say that yourself? The man pounced on me like a dog, and I don't think there was anything else for the dog to fight over, except shit."

Ye Yang shrugged and spread his hands.

"How bold!!!"

Internet celebrity Lili jumped down from the car with an extremely arrogant attitude:"Poor loser like you like to attack successful new-age independent women like me!!!"

"Because you are afraid of the development of the times!"

"Afraid of women awakening their independent consciousness!"

"The essence is a poor loser! A poor loser!!!"

Looking at the internet celebrity Lili who was showing her true colors, Ye Yang smiled disdainfully.

"Sisters in the live broadcast room! Give me gifts! Let him see the fighting power of women in our new era!"

Lili continued to win and pursue

"Why do you need other people to give you gifts to prove your worth? New Age women? I think it’s better to call them New Age idiots."

Ye Yang shook his head helplessly, not planning to continue talking:"Okay, you should just stay where you want to be. I feel sick just by looking at you.""

"I'll get out of the way! ? Are you kidding me! ?"

Lili said confidently, with her chest and head held high, and an expression of great pride:"Look! This is my car! This is an extended Bentley... curtain... Anyway, it costs tens of millions! Get out of the way right now!"

"Otherwise, you will scratch my car! You can’t afford to pay for it with all the money you earn in your lifetime!"

The stupid female fans in the live broadcast room saw that Lili was so strong, they worshipped her crazily, and gave her gifts again.

"That's right! This is my goddess' car! My goddess is so beautiful and young, you guys should get out of the way and stop destroying my goddess's aura!!!" The licking dog man on the side was even more angry, not at all embarrassed because Lili called him a licking dog in front of everyone.

This kind of person is really cheap to the core, out of the category of human species, and has become a pure dog……

"Are you dreaming!? Wake up!!!"

Ye Xiaozi gritted her teeth and said angrily

"This is obviously my brother's car!!!"

""Hmm!? A great reversal!?"

The eyes of passers-by lit up and they all gathered around.

If this luxury car didn't belong to the anchorwoman at all, then her successful image would be ruined.

At that time, it would be a huge embarrassment.……

"You... you are talking nonsense!!!"

Lili was mad, and she finally woke up a little from her sweet dream. It seemed that this car was not hers...

Ye Yang shook his head helplessly, too lazy to explain, and took out the car key and pressed it casually.


The extended Bentley Mulsanne suddenly woke up at this moment!

It was like a sleeping giant!

The eight-meter-long body, the bright and dazzling lights, showed its infinite fangs in the twilight!!!

This sense of power and oppression made Queen Lili's legs go weak. If the dog hadn't seized the opportunity and quickly supported her, she would have really sat on the ground.

""Get lost, you stinky licker! Are you worthy enough to touch this queen!?"

Internet celebrity Lili pushed the stinky licker away with disgust, and crashed into the Bentley.

The next moment, her mind went blank.

This is a super luxury car! If it was really damaged by this bitch, how could they afford the compensation!?

She didn't regard this licker as a human being from the bottom of her heart. How could someone without dignity deserve to be loved!?

How is it possible!? She even felt disgusted when she saw him. If this licker hadn't obeyed her every word and was really like a dog, she would not have brought him out.


The audience around was speechless!

The live broadcast room suddenly became quiet!

"Holy shit! This car really belongs to this guy!"

"Still calling me a little guy! I am a super boss!"

"Right, right, right! This stupid woman, I almost believed her just now! Ahhhh……"


The onlookers were filled with righteous indignation.

There were also countless scoldings in the live broadcast room, and many people directly left the live broadcast room in shame and anger!

"What are you still looking at? Get lost!"

Ye Yang glanced at the internet celebrity Lili coldly, and then led the four girls to the Bentley Mulsanne...

(The third update, there is one more ~

Thanks to the book friend: Teleportation! Two mooncakes ~ Thanks to the book friend: The mooncake that is really difficult to name!)

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