"The image of you as a noble person in my heart has completely collapsed! Unfollow me! Never see you again!"

"That’s right… So you’re using someone else’s luxury car to show off! Humph! It’s the luxury car of someone who’s insulting you! How embarrassing!"


Fans were all furious and unfollowed her.

However, Wang Meili didn't care about this at all. The man in front of her was a super rich man who could afford a luxury car worth tens of millions!

If she could get close to this super rich man, then... what's the point of creating a successful female CEO image? No matter how good her image is, no matter how successful she is in selling goods, she may not be able to earn a super luxury car in decades!

After all, there is a limit to the audience of toxic chicken soup, and she is destined to never become a super internet celebrity

"That... little brother, I was wrong just now. Look at me, I am blind and look down on others.……"

Wang Meili immediately lowered her attitude, completely confusing the fans who had not left the live broadcast room, the passers-by nearby, and her boyfriend who licked her dog.

This was completely different from her previous image of an ice queen!

"If you don't mind, I'll do anything for you! Let me use everything I have to pay back for my rashness just now!"

Wang Meili had a springy look on her face, holding her middle with both hands, highlighting her breasts.


Ye Yang was lucky not to vomit after seeing this kind of rouge and powder.

He never liked internet celebrity faces, especially the snake-like faces created by plastic surgery, which looked particularly incongruous.

It made one's hair stand on end.

Holding back the urge to vomit, he got into the Bentley Mulsanne and said,"Drive quickly!"


Xiao Xiaozhu couldn't help laughing when she saw Ye Yang's appearance.

But to be honest, this kind of deformed snake-like face that actively flirts with others is indeed as powerful as biological weapons, making people feel that their body and mind have been greatly attacked!

"This is more powerful than my poison!"

She sighed.

She drove when they came, and now Xiao Qingxuan drove.

Xiao Qingxuan stepped on the accelerator, and the Bentley Mulsanne turned into a black shadow and went away.

Wang Meili, who was left alone and disheveled, burst into tears on the spot, and her makeup was ruined by tears:"A big gold mine is right in front of me! I actually let myself ruin it!!!"

"Beauty, don't be sad, he has no taste, but I am still here.……"

The licking dog man has completely lost his humanity. Even when the goddess clearly said that she wanted to pursue other boys, he was not angry at all. He even thought that this was his chance to show off. He kept coming up to help Wang Meili wipe her tears.

""Get lost! If you weren't such a rubbish, would I have missed this perfect man!"

Wang Meili slapped the dog's face, and looking at the crazy drop in points on her phone screen, she was so angry that she threw her phone directly. She left in a rage.

"Hey, beauty, don’t go, if you’re not satisfied, just hit me a few more times!!!"

The dog-licking man felt aggrieved, thinking that he must have done something wrong to make the goddess angry, and chased after her again and again...

The Bentley Mulsanne was speeding on the street

"Where are you going, boss?"

Xiao Qingxuan asked

"The nearest luxury store here, I want Xiao Zi to become a real princess!"

Ye Yang said with a smile

"elder brother……"

Ye Xiaozi was very touched

"Silly girl."

Ye Yang rubbed Ye Xiaozi's head and smiled. Not only did he want to buy clothes for Ye Xiaozi, but he also wanted to let the whole school know that Ye Xiaozi was his sister.

And he was someone that even their parents couldn't afford to offend!

"Don't worry, after today, you don't have to live a cautious life at Baoli High School anymore.……"


This sentence instantly struck Ye Xiaozi's heart, and her eyes instantly turned red.

The aristocratic high school is full of second-generation people. All kinds of weird things that are rare in other schools are common under the fermentation of power and money.

In this environment.

A child from an ordinary family can only swallow his anger and dare not be too ostentatious.

If Li Wanrou had not been her good friend, she didn't know how much grievance she would have suffered in the past two years.

But fortunately, today, all this has ended...

No more grievances!

She, Ye Xiaozi, can also live confidently in Baoli High School with her head held high.……


Xiao Qingxuan hummed a song.

Xiao Xiaozhu also had a happy face.

They hadn't hummed a song for a long time.

Intense training and bloody battlefields filled their lives.

It's not an exaggeration to say that today is the best day of their lives...

Xiao Xiaozhu looked at Ye Yang's profile, and a strange warmth rose in her heart.

It was this man who changed the trajectory of their lives.

Let them know that the world is not only about blood and fighting, and life can be so relaxing.

It turns out that people can really be happy all day long.……

"You're in a good mood, you're even humming a song."

Ye Yang joked


Xiao Qingxuan hummed a folk song from an unknown country:"I learned it from the local gypsies when I was on a mission. How about it? It sounds pretty good

, right?" Ye Yang scratched his forehead:"Excuse me, it's the opposite.……"

"You big straight man!!!"

Xiao Qingxuan snorted angrily, but she was very happy in her heart and continued to hum the cheerful gypsy folk song...

(The fourth update has arrived~ Thanks to the book friend Tianshan Feixue for the update reminder! Thanks to the book friends 1063/9620, 2968/3305, 4300/9044 for the mooncakes~)

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