Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 903: Meet the little girl selling roses again?

"Brother, do you want to buy roses? Hey? Big brother!"

Walking on the street, a childish voice came.

Ye Yang turned his head and looked at the little girl holding a bouquet of roses. She was the one he and Qin Kelan met in the cinema square that day.

At that time, I felt that the other party's clothes were a bit thin and pitiful, so I spent a thousand yuan to buy all her roses.

I didn't expect to meet you here again today.

"Big brother, I see you again..."

The little girl looked at Ye Yang timidly.

"Have the difficulties at home not passed yet?"

Ye Yang squatted down and said with some concern.

The little girl seemed to want to say something, but she had no choice but to lower her head and shake her head.

Ye Yang's eyes moved, feeling that there seemed to be something hidden.

But she wouldn't tell me no matter how much I asked.

"Are you having any difficulties? Tell your brother, I will definitely help you solve it."

Ye Yang asked sincerely.

Red tears filled the little girl's eyes. She seemed to have thought of something bad and ran away quickly.

"What a strange little girl."

Qin Kelan also saw that something was not right.

Ye Yang frowned and watched the little girl run away and disappear around a corner.

Inside the corner, a pair of eyes that were staring at the little girl retracted, and she pinched the flesh on the little girl's arm.

He pulled the little girl over viciously and said fiercely: "Didn't I warn you! Don't talk to others! Don't say anything you shouldn't say, and restrain any expressions you shouldn't show! Do you still want to time to eat!!!"

He raised his hand and was about to strike.

Two people looked over.

"What are you looking at! Have you never seen educating children!? Get out!"

The turbaned old lady yelled angrily.


The two people next to them felt very unlucky, but it was hard for them to say anything when educating their own children.

He had no choice but to shake his head and leave.


The old lady in the headscarf curled her lips and looked sinisterly: "It seems you still haven't learned to be obedient! I will punish you without eating for two days!!!"

The little girl's big eyes were filled with tears of grievance. The tears were rolling but she didn't dare to shed them.

"You don't have to sell it today! Come back with me!"

The old woman in a headscarf was roughly ready to pull the little girl away.

Just walked a few steps.

Then he saw a young man standing in front of him.

The little girl opened her mouth wide and her eyes widened in disbelief: "Big brother!"

"What are you going to do!"

The old lady in the headscarf was very cautious, looked at Ye Yang with suspicious eyes, and asked.

"Who are you to this little girl?"

Ye Yang basically caught everything that happened just now.

It is basically confirmed that this old woman is not a good person.

"It's none of your business! Get out of my way!"

When the old ladies came up, they pushed Ye Yang away.

However, Ye Yang grabbed his wrist.


Ye Yang's hands were like iron pliers, and it was impossible for the old woman to break free.

At this moment, her expression changed drastically: "What are you going to do! I will sue you for obscenity! Be careful, I will take a video of you and report you to the Internet! I will kill you!"


Ye Yang rolled his eyes and was completely speechless...

He waved his hand in disgust, almost knocking the old woman off her feet and staggering: "Don't even think about leaving today unless you explain clearly."

"I'm her aunt! Are you satisfied now? If you don't believe me, ask her!"

The old lady lifted the little girl roughly to her and asked fiercely: "Am I right!?"

The little girl looked at Ye Yang, her mouth trembling as she wanted to say something.


But the old lady made small moves behind her back, pinching the little girl's waist to remind her what to say.


The little girl's eyes sparkled with tears.

"Haha! What reason do you have to stop me now? If you continue to be unreasonable, I will call someone directly and accuse you of human trafficking!"

The old lady screamed sharply.

"What! How dare you traffic in people!"

Two or three fierce-looking young men suddenly appeared around them and swarmed up.

Ye Yang sneered, of course he had already discovered these guys sneaking around.

In order to prevent Qin Kelan from seeing the violent scene, he asked her to go to the cafe to wait for him.

"Finally they're all out."

Ye Yang stopped being polite and punched the young man who was walking in front of him in the face!


The bridge of his nose was shattered with one punch, his whole face almost collapsed, and his whole body was hit against the wall of the alley with one punch!

This move scared the two people next to him and took out the knives from their sleeves, and they were about to stab Ye Yang.

"Big brother!"

The little girl's eyes were shocked and she screamed in fright.

She had never asked for help before, but the people who kidnapped her were extremely vicious. Every time the people she asked for help were either actors sent by these bad guys to test her, or they were stabbed and fell to the ground by these bad guys, with their lives and deaths unknown.

After traveling to several provinces and cities, she had lost confidence in asking for help...

She was also afraid of involving Ye Yang, so she didn't dare to admit that she was abducted just now.

"Human trafficking garbage."

Ye Yang sneered, turned around and kicked, and the huge force broke both of their arms.

The knife in his hand naturally flew out...


The two people's heads were pushed together by Ye Yang, causing blood to flow out and they fainted on the spot.


The old lady immediately picked up the little girl and ran away.

As a result, Ye Yang kicked her down, caught the little girl in mid-air, and held her in his arms.


A fierce light flashed in Ye Yang's eyes, he covered the little girl's eyes, and stepped down directly, breaking the old lady's legs!


The old lady screamed miserably.

She looked at Ye Yang in disbelief. She would never have thought that this handsome, sunny and harmless young man would be so cruel!

Ye Yang looked at the old lady coldly, sneered, and kicked her on the head, knocking her unconscious...

This kind of human trafficker has broken countless families.

For a little selfish desire, he did such a cruel thing.

Even if he died ten thousand times, it would not be enough to atone for his sins.

Unfortunately, the law rarely imposes severe penalties on such hateful dogs that are not even human beings.

He walked out of the alley.

The four people behind him fainted and fell to the ground, and they would definitely not be able to get up for a while.


He calmed down his rage, soothed the little girl, and called the police inspector of the Magic City.

Soon, the police arrived and saw four people lying on the ground in a miserable state.

For a moment, they were not sure who the suspect was...

The chief police inspector of the Magic City stumbled over: "Mr. Ye, are you okay?"


Ye Yang nodded and looked into the alley with a cold look: "They should be part of an organization. Uproot this organization. All those who participated in the trafficking should die!"


The chief police inspector felt the murderous intent in Ye Yang's voice, bowed repeatedly, and said that he would do his best to track it down!

(Second update)

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