Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 904: The black industry chain collapsed overnight


The rest of the matter will naturally be handled by the police.

Ye Yang hugged the little girl and came to the agreed cafe.

Qin Kelan was also startled when she saw this scene, but with her intelligence, she could probably figure it out.

"I didn't expect that in this day and age, there are still people who steal children! They are really vicious..."

She has been living in a trillion-dollar family. Although she has heard such rumors on the Internet, after all, such things are very far away from her.

This is the first time I have seen such a poor girl appear in my life.

Just now, Ye Yang already knew that the little girl's name was Yaoyao.

She looks very pitiful.

"where is your home?"

Ye Yang asked.

"I don't remember... Yaoyao was given money and stolen by these bad guys when she was very young."

The little girl shook her head.

Ye Yang patted the little girl's head lovingly.

"Why didn't you tell your brother just now that you were abducted by these bad people?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Before, they would find someone to pretend they wanted to save Yaoyao, but once I agreed, they would hang me up and starve me for two days... There are also some really kind people who were hurt because of Yaoyao. I don't want to do it because of me again. Let others get hurt..."

Yaoyao pursed her lips and said.

Ye Yang sighed, this little girl is so kind...

The family of such a girl must also be kind people, right?

But such a kind-hearted family was torn apart because of a few evil thoughts and a little money.

The family endured pain that no one should have to endure.

Such a vicious person cannot be truly punished, so does the judiciary really still have its majesty?

There was a gloomy look in his eyes.

Because they are afraid that traffickers will harm the abducted children, no matter what they do, as long as they surrender, they will try not to be sentenced to death.

Such a policy is something Ye Yang does not want to agree to anyway.

It is precisely because they know they will not die if they do this that these people commit crimes unscrupulously!

"Don't worry, I will let them get the punishment they deserve."

Ye Yang patted the little girl's head: "All crimes that harm their interests for their own selfish interests should be punished as they should be. Human rights are talked about with humans. What kind of human rights are we talking about with this kind of non-human beings? They harm others, When killing someone, do you respect human rights? "

"Talking about human rights to such dehumanized non-human beings is condoning evil and the greatest insult to human rights!"

The little girl blinked, looking at the anger deep in Ye Yang's eyes, and nodded ignorantly.

Ye Yang didn't know that his words planted a seed in the little girl's heart, which would bloom into a gorgeous flower in the future judicial world.


Ye Yang also realized that it seemed inappropriate to say this in front of a little girl who had just escaped from the clutches of the devil, and smiled.

"You haven't eaten well lately, have you?"

Ye Yang handed a cup of coffee to her: "Drink."

Yaoyao nodded and took a sip with some restraint.

She had never had such a drink.

"Does it taste good?"

Ye Yang asked.


She nodded heavily, and then felt a little lonely: "We have a dozen kids like me there. It would be great if they could also drink something so delicious."

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Don't worry, they are all out of trouble now. In the future, they will not only be able to drink coffee, but also eat delicious food, find their families, and then start the next phase of their lives happily."

"Can Yaoyao do it too?"

The little girl's eyes were filled with endless longing.

"Of course, let's go find your family when we get back."

Ye Yang said firmly.

Qin Kelan looked at Ye Yang with full eyes. What she liked about Ye Yang was not only his handsomeness, but also his integrity and gentleness that belonged to a man.

What girl can refuse a rich and handsome man who exudes charisma?


Today's events made Ye Yang feel a lot more.

After achieving something, helping society become a better place and helping the poor and weak have always been his deepest ideals.

Today's events have awakened the power deep in his heart.

He wants to do something...

He had to do something...


Soon, the police uncovered the den and eliminated the entire trafficking organization.

Through the intersection of various information, a giant human trafficking chain involving more than 20 adults and dozens of child victims was sorted out! ! !


the next day.

The Ye's Charitable Foundation released a piece of news that caused huge waves in the society!

"Ye Shenhao, invest 100 billion to establish an anti-trafficking system!"

"Anyone who reports relevant information and proves to be useful will be rewarded 500,000 yuan!"

"Those who help reunite separated families will be rewarded 300,000 yuan."

"What a big deal!"

"Although reporting was encouraged before, there were no rewards. Now it seems that after today, many people will specialize in fighting this type of crime as their profession."

"Bounty hunters specialize in hunting those scum who traffic in humans!"

“Everyone participates in anti-trafficking!”

"Let those scum tremble in fear!"


The news just got out.

The next piece of news spread like wildfire among the people.

Criminals who participate in this kind of human trafficking in the future will most likely be punished more severely!

The previous conciliatory law is being amended!

"Those who are worse than pigs and dogs who wipe out other people's families for their own selfishness should be killed, killed, killed!"

"I really don't know what they thought when they trafficked several children before, but only sentenced them to ten or twelve years! After ruining so many years of life, they can be considered atonement by working on sewing machines for a few years in prison? Haha, this is really satisfying! This is the justice we ordinary people need!"

"That's right! Let's see who dares to steal in the future! Stealing children, death!!!"


Ye Yang looked at the hot comments on the Internet and smiled slightly.

It will probably take some time for Yaoyao's parents to be found.

His anti-trafficking project was promoted in conjunction with the official family search website. With this wave of popularity, it is estimated that many people will pay attention to this website.

Soon, Yaoyao's parents should be found.


Sure enough, within just one week.

Many civilian detective teams specializing in finding such illegal organizations were formed across the country, and hundreds of criminal gangs hidden across the country were all arrested!

For a time, the long-standing black industry chain in China collapsed almost overnight!

A big reward will bring courage!

Thousands of innocent children were rescued and found their families through the family search website. I don’t know how many people shed their tears in front of the camera.

The only thing that is a little worrying is that there has been no news about Yaoyao’s parents.

Ye Yang comforted the little girl and helped her search for family information...

(First update)

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