Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 905: Consortium takes action, talent dilemma

During the search process, Ye Yang temporarily placed Yaoyao in Yundingshan Manor.

The little girl has also seen many novel things that she has never seen before during these days.

I soon forgot my previous gloomy life and became extremely happy every day.

"Yao Yao is such an optimistic child."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

It would be great if the children she gave birth to in the future were as smart as her.


This thought passed through him, but it made him stunned for a moment.

He scratched his cheek.

I have just graduated from college a year or two ago, and it is too early to get married, let alone have children.

Forget it……

He shook his head and checked the report on the progress of the new school's construction.

With the epoch-making architecture and architectural concepts provided by Ye Shenhei Technology Company, the construction of the park can be said to be making rapid progress.

The construction is generally completed.

Ye Yang is naturally not short of money.

More than one trillion yuan in cash will not be spent until it is wasted.

The work is contracted in modules, and each small part has a senior construction team.

The speed is astonishing.

"It's almost time to recruit faculty and staff. Once the recruitment is completed, the basic campus will be fully completed."

Although the internal details of the park have not yet been completely completed, it is enough to be publicized.

Ye Yang directly opened the authorization.

As long as new media traffic owners have more than one million fans, they can enter the park for on-site shooting, with a time limit of three hours per person.

The school Ye Yang wants to build now is top-notch in China!

Any news related to this university can easily bring strong traffic!

Therefore, these traffic owners are also very jealous and sign up one after another.

All kinds of big Vs and big up owners spontaneously came over to shoot promotional videos.

Some even broadcast live directly in the park.

Every time, it can cause exclamations on the Chinese Internet!

"This is exactly like the blueprint!"

"Oh my God! This is so beautiful!"

"It's really a villa accommodation area! How much does it cost this year!?"

"This laboratory is too grand!"

"This astronomical telescope looks awesome! It's so big!"

“The gardens and woods on campus have a fairy tale-like atmosphere!”

"Completely futuristic Chinese style, grand and grand. Studying here is more luxurious than the environment enjoyed by ancient emperors..."

“There are also various smart devices, it’s so sci-fi!!!”

Everyone was shocked by this unprecedented magnificence.

In reality, even for a prestigious super-prestigious school, the promotional videos are so beautiful, but when you actually go to the school for a walk, you will find that your eyes and other people's cameras are completely different.

It's good, but it's good in a way that's very common in the real world.

But Ye Yang, this university, feels like a dream!

Is this really a campus that can exist in this era...

"too strong!!!"

"Ye Shenhao, awesome!!!"


Everyone is boiling.

The video quickly spread to the international Internet, and countless people forwarded it, calling China awesome.

"I have never seen such a splendid and majestic building complex? Someone actually told me that this is a school? Has China developed to this point!? I am ignorant!"

"It is simply a dream university beyond imagination! If we talk about the environment alone, I, a Harvard master's degree student, say that although the environment on Harvard campus is beautiful, it is not as good as this!"

"I wonder how much it costs to study abroad at this school? I think I can consider it if it's less than 10 million US dollars a year. I hope the school will post your announcement soon!"


Foreigners were also shocked by the school's spirit and generosity.

The heat soared directly into the sky!

The physical facilities and environment of this school alone are enough to crush any other school in the world!

Well-deserved and undisputed environmental number one! ! !

"What's the use of a good light environment? It's just an empty shell! Haha... don't end up failing to build a famous school. All the money will be wasted, and we will have to pay off our debts by then!"


"That's right!"

"I heard at international forums that the Sars Consortium is currently engaged in educational contraction and strict control of the outflow of educational resources. I can take down this Ye Yang just by seeing this strategy!"

"Oh? Is this Sals Consortium very powerful?"

"Oh! It's more than amazing! They are one of the top ten financial groups in the United States, and they monopolize a lot of top resources in the world. They have a lot of educational resources in their hands! They obviously want to target Ye Yang, who doesn't know the heights of the world!"

"So Ye Yang is not doomed!"

"Hahaha, that's right, just wait and collect the money. I think the jump on the last day was all the money invested by the Sals Consortium, right? We made a fortune with the Sals Consortium!"

"This is so cool!"


All the companies and groups participating in the gambling exchange information, and the people in charge get together to discuss.

They all think so.

This time the Sars Consortium took action, it basically announced the outcome of Ye Yang's gambling world...

That’s losing! ! !

After all, that is the Sals Consortium!

One of the top ten financial groups in the world! ! !

Within Yundingshan Manor.

Ye Yang looked at the report in front of him and frowned.

"Double salary, why don't you come?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised.

It seems that the Sals Consortium's monopoly on educational resources is not just talk.

The deterrent power to these scientists is simply terrible.

Even with double the salary, it is difficult to get them to come...

"It seems that we have to think of other ways."

Ye Yang pondered.

China only has a part of the world's top educational talents, and most of them belong to more than 200 other countries.

It is not easy to break the control of foreign countries over top scientific research talents.

"Go and connect with them one by one first. If two times is not enough, four times, and if four times is not enough, eight times."

Ye Yang said.

Let's try to use money to open the way for the time being.

However, he also knows that the real top scientific research talents do not care much about treatment and money.

A few million or tens of millions a year is enough to eat, wear and buy luxury houses, and the rest of the time is basically spent on scientific research.

Not to mention the top scientific research masters in China, who are not very interested in money. They have been working hard all their lives and have made every effort to contribute.

Two days later, some teachers from famous Chinese schools and scientists and academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences who admired Ye Yang were ready to work at Ye Yang's university.

The Chinese government attached great importance to this matter.

Many academicians were mobilized to work in the new school.

But an internationalized school must have its internationalized part.

It is definitely not enough to have only famous Chinese teachers and scientific research masters.

At least a dozen Nobel Prize winners must be recruited...

After thinking about it... Ye Yang raised his lips.

I thought of an idea.

"Tomorrow, meeting!"

(Second update)

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