Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 906: All the scientists fled overnight?

The next day.

The project team members were restless in the conference room.

They were also very enthusiastic about building a famous school.

And Ye Yang took out one trillion!

It was enough to prove his confidence.

And in recent work, the connection with various Chinese departments can also feel the urgent expectations of other departments.

Many academicians expressed their desire to come here for a low salary.

This kind of touching made them full of energy.

The preliminary work was indeed very smooth.

However, the recruitment of international teachers encountered unimaginable resistance.

Most of the top scientific research talents are in Europe and the United States, but they are all firmly controlled. Even if the price is four times the salary, only a small part is willing to come.

They tried their best, but they couldn't think of how to pull the other party over.

The boss is holding a meeting today.

I guess he is here to criticize them for their slow progress?

They also know about the bet against the whole world...

If this thing fails, the boss will have to pay more than ten trillion!

They tremble just thinking about it...

The boss must be under great pressure!


We can understand it!

Even if we get scolded later, we will never blame the boss! ! !

They are all doing psychological work and psychological construction in their hearts.

After a while.

The door opened.

A handsome figure walked in handsomely.


Although everyone was ready to be scolded, seeing Ye Yang's face full of smiles, it seems that he is not here to scold people...


"Did we guess wrong!?"

They are all a little confused.

Ye Yang sat in the main seat and casually glanced at the current progress: "It seems that throwing money doesn't work!"

"Yes... Some people are trapped by capital, some are controlled by the power behind Europe and the United States, and some don't care about money."

The deputy team leader concluded.

"We have solved the problems of those who were trapped by capital with money. Most of these people hated their original country. Now that they are liberated, they are willing to come to China to be professors. Just this group of people is enough for a famous university."

"However, if we want to build a world-class university... I'm afraid it's not enough."

The team members reported.


Ye Yang nodded.

Those controlled by the official forces of Europe and the United States are generally national treasure scientists in core fields. These people are firmly controlled. Looking at the whole world, there will not be more than two digits.

Each of them has infinite gold content.

Even for the top famous schools, it is extremely rare for a school to have one or two national treasure scientists.

There are already two such national treasure scientists in the Chinese Academy of Sciences who are ready to take up their posts.

There is no shortage.

Including Ye Yang, there are three.

After all, Ye Yang's achievements in controlled nuclear fusion are enough to be called a national treasure scientist.

Any country that acquires such technology can make a huge change in a short period of time and stand proudly among the world's powerful countries!

Counting Ye Yang.

Now this school already has three core national treasure-level experts in medicine, biology, and physics. Even the world's top schools can only compete with them with two or three.

It's enough.

The most difficult one is the third type.

They are not interested in money, they just go with the flow, there is no motivation to make them move, and they only have a passion for science in their hearts.

These people account for the largest proportion, and they will also be the core scientific research backbone of the school in the future.

This third type is the scientists that cannot be recruited at all now.

"Do you have any good suggestions for these people?"

Ye Yang asked lightly.

"No idea at all."

"We have almost exhausted all means, villas, luxury cars, treatment, wages, they are not interested."

Someone said helplessly.


Ye Yang smiled: "I do have some ways, you can try."


The people in the project team never expected that Ye Yang was not here to urge progress, but to help!

Ye Yang nodded to Yu Momo.

Yu Momo took out many information books and textbook-like things in the box.

"What is this?"

Everyone looked at these things, all puzzled.

What strange things did the boss bring again?

They picked up those textbooks, flipped through a few pages, and found that they were indeed textbooks, but the content on them was like a heavenly book.

Those who can sit in this project team have a low academic degree.

There are a lot of graduate students from famous universities.

But they can hardly understand the content of these textbooks.

Ye Yang smiled and took out the list: "Send these textbooks and letters according to the names of the corresponding scientists on this list. In a few days, they will naturally come."


Everyone found it incredible.

"Boss, are you serious?"

They spent a lot of effort to persuade those scientists to teach, but now the boss actually gave them a few heavenly books, and then directly confirmed that those scientists will come in a few days! ?

This? !

This is too outrageous? !

However, the boss' words certainly make sense.

They all went back to prepare.

"Hopefully, it will really work!"


Ye Yang sat in the boss chair, playing with a pen spinner.

"What is that?"

Yu Momo saw Ye Yang's extremely confident look and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Something that top scientists absolutely cannot refuse."

Ye Yang smiled lightly: "In a few days, it will be the time to witness a miracle."


Yu Momo smiled and stopped asking.

Ye Yang nodded. There was no way to explain the system's things, and he didn't want others to know.

He scanned the report yesterday and realized the problem.

Since those researchers don't care about money, then use what he cares about to impress them!

What they care about is higher science and technology!

So, he browsed the system mall for a long time.

I really found some textbooks of the future world, which are all high-end scientific principles.

What he just sent out are the first textbooks of various disciplines.

There are many more to come, so there is no need to worry that they will not stay here.

In addition, the experimental environment he can provide is better than any other country in the world in many disciplines.

The parameters of the laboratory are also sent over.

There is no need to worry that those scientists will not come.


The result came out faster than Ye Yang expected.

That night, many scientists from neighboring countries were scrambling to apply to come here.

Some even booked their tickets that night...

and flew here directly.

When the European and American countries reacted the next day, the top leaders were all stunned!

Where are our scientists?

All ran away?

So many ran away overnight? !

Hurry up and keep an eye on the rest! ! !

On the Sals Foundation building, Miro Sals was leisurely smoking a cigar, and the secretary ran up in a panic...

(First update)

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