Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 907: The Angry Emperor Sals

"How can this be!"

Milo Sars stood up quickly, not even bothering to smoke his cigar, and looked at the list of scientists who had left Europe and the United States for China.

Among them are many celebrities in the scientific community and super bosses from top schools.

Top backbone...

"Crazy! Crazy!!!!"

He threw the cigar to the ground angrily and stamped it out: "Didn't I warn them? How dare they go to China!?"

"We followed up with those scientists before, and they all expressed that they were not interested in the conditions offered by China, so we did not continue to follow up. We only focused on ensuring that those national treasure-level scientists would not be poached."

"I don't know what kind of magic Ye Yang cast. It's like these top scientists were possessed by evil spirits. They basically all packed up their clothes last night, and some of them flew away overnight with their families!"


"Is this your attitude when working around me!!!"

Milo Sars slapped the table: "Do you want to use the word magic to excuse me for such a major mistake!?"

The secretary was also aggrieved.

It’s not her fault, who would consider such a surreal element as a system?

Without the system mall, Ye Yang would not have been able to produce this time-honored scientific knowledge.

So, Sals’s approach of controlling educational resources is simply unsolvable.

There is almost no other person in the world who can solve this problem so quickly.

It is normal for the secretary to be confused.

"What are you still doing? Let me check!!!"

Milo Sars was so angry that his face turned red.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The secretary turned around repeatedly and went down.

"What a new Chinese will! You really have a good method!!!"

Milo Sars gritted his teeth and looked towards the east of the world, with anger in his eyes.

He originally thought that this blockade would be enough to completely kill Ye Yang!

With just one word of his own, this heroic and ambitious Tenth Will of China could be defeated!

It seems now.

Not only did he underestimate the other party, he was absolutely wrong...

He felt his face burning with pain.

As one of the top ten shadow emperors, he has not been so embarrassed for who knows how many years...

"Only the last card left..."

He exhaled and sat on the sofa: "However, this card is also a fatal card. No matter how awesome you are, you will never be able to solve it! In the end, you will still lose! The right to speak in the world is still in your hands. In the hands of the top ten financial groups in the United States!”

He sneered and slowly lit up a cigar again, his cold smile flooding the noisy smoke...



In the past few days, scientists from all over the world, bringing their families with them, came to China resolutely.

They were all received by Ye Yang personally.

Science is the primary productive force. When these talents come to China, they will profoundly change China's future...

Whoever masters these cutting-edge scientific talents will have a say in the future direction of the world.

Ye Yang is not short of money at all.

The resettlement fees and benefits will naturally be paid in full as promised.

"There are so many big guys coming to China from all over the world, far exceeding our expectations... we can hardly handle them anymore!"

The people on the project team exclaimed.

They all thought of Ye Yang's confidence and strategizing expression during the meeting two days ago.

"Boss, you are really amazing!"

"I really don't know what those things are! These top scientific research leaders in the world seem to be possessed by demons, and they came to China without hesitation!"

"Haha, maybe that's why the boss can sit in that seat at such a young age!"

"Maybe the boss really knows magic? Haha?"

"What kind of magic? If it's magic too!"

"Anyway, the number of top scientists recruited this time has almost doubled than expected. We were worried about too few people before, but now we should worry about too many people!!!"


Everyone in the project team threw their heads back and laughed.


What a pleasure!

In the hall, scientists from all over the world looked worried when they heard that the bidding amount had been exceeded.

Especially afraid that Ye Yang will not want them and drive them back...

Although the language used in those textbooks was more like encrypted cipher text, Ye Yang gave them the decryption key in the letter. After translating the language in those textbooks, they were all shocked...

That is a further truth in various disciplines!

If you really read that book thoroughly, you can easily win the highest award in each category!

That's what they want all their lives! ! !

Unfortunately, what was sent to them was only a small part of the first part, not all...

Therefore, they all rushed to China extremely crazy.

They all know that if they are too late, they may be stopped by European and American high-level officials.

When even Chinese scientists wanted to return to the country, the United States put them under house arrest and forced them to remain in confinement, preventing them from returning to the country, let alone their own scientists who were originally from Europe and the United States.

"You won't push us back, will you?"

"I brought my family here with me... It's a desperate move! Don't abandon us!"

"Scientific truth! The only thing I want in life! Even if it means staying as a security guard, I will accept it!"


A group of scientists are constantly expressing their opinions.

All the project team members were stunned.

That’s not what you said when we went to do your work a few days ago! ?

Don’t you all think, ‘There is nothing in the world that I care about anymore’?

Aren’t they all, ‘Stop wasting your efforts and go back’?

These are simply two faces...

They all shook their heads and smiled bitterly, but they felt extremely happy inside.

Dem, you were indifferent to me the past two days, but you can’t stand up today? !

Although this statement is a bit earthy, when it actually happened to the project team staff, it still made me feel so happy! ! !


The door opened.

Ye Yang's figure walked in.

These scientists all knew that these things were taken out by this young man. At this time, they all looked at him with admiration.

"Don't worry, I will accommodate you as much as you have."

Ye Yang stood on the stage and reassured many scientists: "China can afford to support you!"


The scientists were all relieved, it would be great if they could stay.

They all applauded.

"You must be more concerned about whether the experimental environment I mentioned in the letter can be fulfilled 100%. I don't like nonsense. Let's go directly and talk to you in the experimental area."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

All the scientists' eyes brightened.

They thought that after coming to China, they would have to accept China's complicated procedures. At least, they would not be able to escape from listening to the leaders talking loud and empty words for a whole day. This was part of the reason why many of them did not want to come to China.

After all, truth seekers who study science hate spending their time on useless things.

This Ye Yang really broke their traditional impression of China...

(Second update)

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