Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 908: Crazy Top Scientists

"Is this really a laboratory that can be built in this era?"

After taking a tour, all the scientists were confused.

They are the most cutting-edge part of the world!

The world's top professor!

They may not dare to say to what extent earth science has developed, but they know very well what level the limits have reached in their respective fields!

But here it is.

The accuracy of these instruments is almost an order of magnitude higher than the previous experimental instruments!

Many auxiliary instruments have never been touched before...

"It is said that China is very backward in the manufacturing of precision instruments. Did you expect that it has reached this level?"

"It's incredible."

"It seems that living in a corner makes me view the world like the frog at the bottom of the well in the Chinese proverb!"

"This is the future!"

All the scientists were extremely excited.

Ye Yang also smiled slightly.

In the manufacturing of scientific instruments, China's current level is indeed far behind the world's top level. Even if there are some that can catch up with Europe and the United States, there are only a few.

After all, some of the manufacturers of precision scientific instruments in the United States have been around for hundreds of years.

Many of China's scientific research instrument manufacturers have only been around for decades or even more than ten years.

These instruments were built overnight by a black technology company using ultra-era concepts.

Some parts are even made by factories directly under the Black Technology Company.

There are even only one or two in the world now, and they were all moved here directly by Ye Yang.

After the top school construction projects are completed, these manufacturing methods will be sold to the outside world in the form of patents, first to China and then to the world.

This will enable China's scientific research instrument manufacturing level to surpass that of Europe and the United States.

"We must stay!"

“This is simply a paradise for scientific research!”

"Mr. Ye, I don't want any of those benefits. As long as I can do research here and not be disturbed too much by others, and don't let me go to those boring meetings and the like, I'll be satisfied."

Many top scientific research leaders spoke one after another.

Extremely enthusiastic.

Ye Yang smiled: "The salary must not be reduced, otherwise your old employer will think that China cannot afford scientists."

He turned around: "The future of science is at your feet and mine!"

"That's right!!!"

Many top scientists have not been as bloody as they are today for who knows how long.

All excited!

Ye Yang said: "If you don't mind, you can submit your project today and use these laboratories."

The scientists cheered and all went back to write reports.

From today on, most of the world's top disciplines and the top scientific research and experimental data will be in China.

And the top-level construction of our own top university has been completed.

Just need to recruit students.

With the layout and work ahead, he didn't believe anyone could resist the call of this kind of school.

As long as he is determined to study.

Facing a campus with the best environment and the strongest teachers in the world, where you can have access to Nobel Prize-winning masters anytime and anywhere, you will be crazy!

"Boss, do you want to start recruiting students?"

Yu asked silently.

Ye Yang sneered: "What's the hurry? I haven't played the last card yet. Since you want to hold back a big move, then hold back a big enough one!"

Yu Mo blinked his eyes and nodded suddenly: "The boss is right!"

Enrollment is the last step before a school is built.

As long as the enrollment information is released, it will be completely revealed!

Ye Yang, on the other hand, pursues a one-hit kill.

When recruiting students, you can kill with one blow and seal your throat with one sword!

Let those who dare to bet against you be immediately cooled down!

in his imagination.

There is one last step. Only after completing that step can the ultimate move be considered completed...

He looked at the west of the world with an expectant smile on his lips: "Miluo, I look forward to the look in your eyes when you see me wielding my sword."

A year and a half ago, who would have dared to believe that an ordinary young man who had just graduated from a university in China would spend trillions in cash flow and make the top ten shadow emperors of the United States change their minds?

Just think about that scene.

Ye Yang's heart was full of expectations.

After all, this is his first official confrontation with the most powerful force in the old world...

Resettlement fees continue to pour out of the trillions in cash flow.

The system has been quiet.

The next round of rewards should be given out after all the placement fees have been spent.

Ye Yang is not anxious.

Now he has enough knowledge in his hands, and he has enough patience and confidence to control the excitement of the anticipation of new rewards.

Two days passed.

Media from various countries finally reacted.

All kinds of news flow to all corners of the world.

However, it has not been confirmed yet...

"The top professor of high energy physics in the United States left Stanford and came to China to teach!"

"The super master of electronics in the Kingdom of the Sun left China overnight the night before!"

"The top professor of new materials in England settled in the top university founded by Ye Shenhao..."


News like this is running wildly on the Internet in various countries...

At first, everyone thought this was Ye Shenhao's smoke bomb to win the bet.

However, as the news becomes more and more.

They weren't sure either.

"Did he really summon so many big guys to the school he held? It's incredible!"

"Yes, it's incredible!"

"how did you do that?"

"There's no official announcement yet. Is it just a rumor?"

"I think these overwhelming rumors are no different from official announcements?"

"If the world's top experts in so many disciplines really gather together, this school will already have teachers that can surpass all the top universities, and they are still crushing!!!"

"I really can't imagine..."

"I think it's just a smoke bomb! It's definitely a smoke bomb! This is absolutely impossible! Europe and the United States jointly issued a ban, and the Sals Consortium personally banned it. There is no way he can get so many top bosses to agree!"

"Even if these big guys agree, the top leaders of various countries will never agree! I think it must be made up news!"


On the Internet, there is a lot of noise.

The people in charge of monitoring scientists in various countries all had blushing faces. Looking at these news, they wished they could crawl into the cracks in the ground.

They know that the person really ran away...

Originally, they were only trying to prevent Ye Yang, a lunatic, from sending people to rob the scientists. They knocked the scientists unconscious with a stick on the street, put them in sacks and took them back to China.

But no one expected that those scientists, like crazy, would take the initiative to drill into China! ! !

I can’t even look at it!

Following the ‘Escape of Scientists’ a few nights ago, in the past few days, there have been many top professors and bosses who, like taking Ecstasy, would rather go to China illegally...

It's crazy! ! !

The forces under Ye Yang are not vegetarian. As long as a scientist expresses his desire to go to China, he will disappear the next day no matter what, and then reappear with the photos taken by intelligence officers at the emerging university in China... …

"How on earth did he do it!"

"Show me! If you do it again, your salary will be deducted for a year!!!!"

The person in charge roared...

(First update)

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