Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 909 The Name in My Heart


Just when the rumors reached their peak.

The official website directly published the relevant news.

The university founded by Ye Yang has now recruited more than 3,000 professors and lecturers.

Among them, there are 20 to 30 Nobel Prize winners!

Almost all of them were well-known in the academic world before!

How many Nobel Prize winners are still alive in the world?

Everyone was stunned.

The rumors in the past few days are actually true! ! !

"This environment, this faculty, absolutely crushes all schools, Harvard, Stanford, compared with this faculty, they are no match!"

"Ahem, among these 3,000 people, many are from these two schools, right?"

"Uh, this is a comparison, it's even more embarrassing..."


The comment area laughed.

But they couldn't figure out how Ye Yang did it!

It's simply a miracle!

Relying on money?

It's impossible. In the past few days, as the popularity of Ye Yang's school building has risen, many people have been educated about the Sals Consortium.

This is a super consortium, truly rich enough to rival a country!

Money is just a piece of paper to them.

No matter how rich Ye Yang is, he can't compete with this terrifying giant in terms of financial resources.

The top ten consortiums together can set off a world economic storm!

"If you ask me, Ye Shenhao is a legend!"

"Maybe the country is behind it?"

"Don't guess blindly, it's useless, Ye Shenhao yyds is over!"



It's said in the video that many of the professors who came here have signed contracts, even lifelong contracts.

The general trend has been determined!

Those forces participating in the bet are all wilted.

They sat on the chairs, dejected.

The general trend has been determined, and becoming a top school is just a matter of time.

"We still have a chance!"

"Their school is too shallow, it is impossible to be rated as a top school! We don't even know how many students they can recruit by then!"

"That's right! Moreover, the Sals Consortium is obviously targeting Ye Yang this time! What level of existence is the Sals Consortium! How could they just admit defeat like that?"

"That's right, there must be a chance to turn the tables! We can still win!"

Everyone was excited.

Although now they can only put their hopes on the Sals Consortium, which makes them feel unsure.

But they can only hope that the Sals Consortium will be stronger...

That's one of the top ten consortiums!

How could they lose! ?

They all consoled themselves in this way.

The next day, the official website of the famous school project team issued another announcement, reporting the amount of expenditure for the second round.

This time, the resettlement fee and the recruitment funds spent, plus all kinds of messy expenses.

A total of...

Two hundred and eighty billion!


"This is really a waste of money..."

"Oh my god, the initial construction plus the recruitment of talents, this is 600 billion Chinese yuan..."

"It's more than that, right? The infrastructure costs in recent days have not been counted, only the second round of expenses for resettlement fees and recruitment funds and other talents have been counted."

"It's terrible... The cost of building a world-class university is really terrible."

"The super-large project that involved the whole of China back then: the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, all the expenses added up, was only 300 billion. Even considering inflation, it's not as expensive as this school..."

"After all, it's the future of science, and it's going to be the world's number one."

"Ye Shenhao is really bold... I admire you so much!"

"Not bad!"


Ye Yang smiled slightly.

600 billion may indeed be a lot, but it's not a lot compared to the money to be earned.

There are 1.5 trillion in the betting pool, and winning is 3 trillion.

It's really a big win.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has spent 288.8 billion Chinese Yuan on recruiting talents. The reward is the position of the president of the International Academic Evaluation Organization plus a targeted identity card. Plus 50,000 face value."

Ye Yang's heart moved.

Spending the same amount of money, the rewards are getting more and more stingy...

However, the occasional special critical hit will also give people unexpected surprises.

He complained in his heart.

This time, he spent a lot of face value on buying those textbooks.

"These rewards are just enough for me to make back my money!"

Ye Yang sighed.

Why not reward face value for spending face value?

He smiled and thought jokingly.


He checked the International Academic Evaluation Organization.

The content of its daily work is to evaluate academic institutions in various countries in the world. It is the world's authority in this regard.

It even works part-time to monitor and review the release of some authoritative papers.

It is the largest organization to maintain world academic fairness.

Of course, the above are of no use to Ye Yang now. The point is...

This organization is still...the most credible school ranking list production organization in the world.


His last worry was also solved.

The evaluation agencies have the final say in Europe and the United States. If the Sals Foundation cheats and refuses to rate his school, it will be hard to explain.

Even if his school's hard power and soft power are really the best in the world.

If they don't recognize it, this bet will become a mess in the end.

However, Ye Yang was not worried about this matter. He had a plan from the beginning, but with the system's reward, he didn't have to go to great lengths to implement his final plan.

"Is there another directional identity card?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

As long as you use this card within the limited scope of this identity card, you can get the corresponding.

For example, if this card is in the financial direction, you can designate any financial company on the earth and become its boss.

"Although there are restrictions, it is also a magic weapon."

Ye Yang put it away carefully.


The project team walked in.

"Now that we are about to enter the enrollment stage, should we give our school a name?"

The person in charge asked.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment and nodded solemnly.

There was only one project name before, but the school needs a name to have its cohesion.

"According to foreign traditions, since this school was established by you, the boss, it should be called Ye Yang University."

The person in charge suggested.

Ye Yang shook his head.

"Boss, aren't you going to call it this name?"

The person in charge was a little surprised. This is a good opportunity to leave a name in history and be remembered forever!

The name of this university is destined to shine in the world for many years in the future...

The boss is not going to name this university after himself?

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

He already had an answer in his heart for the name of this university...

(Second update)

Weekly no prize quiz: Guess what the name of the school is in Ye Yang's mind?

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