Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 910: Chinese Jiuzhou Academy

"Then, boss, what name are you going to give this school?"

The person in charge adjusted his glasses and asked.

"Dayu ruled the nine states, and Yanhuang opened China."

Ye Yang said lightly: "Since we want to be a world-class school, our school will be called, China Nine States Academy!"


The person in charge was shocked by Ye Yang's courage and admired him very much.

It is really admirable that he can give up his own name and spread the name of China Nine States to the world!

He solemnly recorded the name.

"As you wish!"

After he turned around.

The whole person seemed to have more strength than before.

This school is not built just for the boss.

It is the business card of China's future.

In the future, every Chinese will be proud and honored.

He was fortunate to be the person in charge of this project, and at this moment, he felt the boss's determination and glory! ! !

Ye Yang himself is the official core, and the news of the approval of the school name came down soon.


The name of Huaxia Jiuzhou University spread all over the streets.

Before this, people who knew about this thought that this school would be like Stanford University in foreign countries.

Named after himself.

After all, this school was founded from the project to the completion.

It was completely his own idea, he provided all the funds, and recruited the teachers himself...

No one would say no to naming this school after him.

But he still used a name that can represent Huaxia's business card!

Just this courage and responsibility, this feeling.

It is moving.

"This person is good!"

"I want to go even more..."

"Now it's not whether we want to go, but whether they are willing to accept us..."

"Yes, now their environment and teachers are the best in the world, and they only lack the empty things such as reputation and years. It's really not something that ordinary people can go if they want to..."


This name spread farther and farther.

Many people have heard of the name of this school.

Many people are tempted...

And the people who bet against it are completely panicked.

"This Ye Yang has really become a force to be reckoned with. It's probably very difficult to stop him..."

"Damn it, who knows if he really has one trillion."

"Maybe he didn't have one trillion originally, and all he spent was the money we put in the bet..."

"...Ah, this?"


On the Sals Building.

Miro Sals watched the intelligence coming in one after another. He was no longer as calm as he was a few days ago. He sat there gloomily, and the whole person fell into the shadow.

"This Ye Yang is really good at tricks."

He took a puff of his cigar: "If I didn't have the last card in my hand, he would have almost won this game."

"A man who can stand at the backbone of the world, every one of them should not be underestimated."

He has now put away his pride and contempt.

It's a pity that it seems that it's too late to face this opponent...

The only thing missing is enrollment.

No matter how powerful and influential the Sals Consortium is, it's impossible to order everyone in the world not to enroll in their school, right?

If he had that ability, he would not be called one of the ten shadow emperors of the United States, but directly called the world emperor...


Half of the battle has been lost.

Even if the other half will definitely win.

But the ending is doomed to be inglorious...

Facing the inquiries of the other nine shadow emperors, he felt a long-lost anger...

Since he succeeded to this position, he has never suffered such a failure!

He sighed...

The secretary next to him came up excitedly: "I found out! These scientists left because of some secret packages. After receiving those secret packages, they were taken away to China!"

Miro looked at the report, which was very detailed.

Which force took away which scientist at what time and in what way...

However, after reading it, he was so angry that he almost had a heart attack.

"It's already this time, what's the use of you finding it!!!!"

He wanted to kick this big-butt secretary off the roof of the building!

The secretary lowered his head and pouted helplessly.

The forces under Ye Yang were also extremely powerful. How could it be so easy to find out?

You old idiot, you sit on the building smoking cigars every day and do nothing. If you are so capable, why don't you check it yourself? !

She cursed in her heart and turned into a telegraph operator in Huaguo Mountain...

After Miro calmed down, he said: "Okay, keep the remaining people safe. It's better to put them all in solitary confinement than let them run away again!"

"But this violates the 'democracy' and 'freedom' we promised them!"

The secretary said: "They value this very much."

"Freedom? What is freedom? Did I say that?"

Miro waved his hand impatiently: "Go and do it! By the way, get me a package. I want to see what's in the package!"

"Those packages are automatically destroyed after reading. We can't intercept the specific content. We only heard during intelligence collection that it seems to contain the future of various disciplines..."

The secretary said. "What the hell is the future of science! When did your efficiency become so low!"

Milo*Sales slammed the table: "The majesty of the top ten financial groups is too great, and you have become accustomed to comfort and have completely lost the ability to fight, right!?"

"Don't explain to me! If it doesn't work, bring the CIA and FBI to me. I must see the specific 'future of science'!!!!"

Looking at the furious Miro, the secretary didn't dare to say anything more and had to turn around and leave.

While walking, he cursed Miro in his heart: "You old man, I'll make you angry to death..."


These days, Ye Yang has been very comfortable.

The most difficult stage has been passed.

The rest of the things can almost be done in a logical way... Just follow the steps.

Soak in the hot spring with the maid and feel the happiness with the toys exchanged in the system mall.

After the 81 styles.

Xiao Xiaozhu finally relaxed completely.

"Boss! You're too strong!!!"


Ye Yang put away the car repair tools and said with a smile: "You're not bad either. You look weak at ordinary times, but when you get serious, your strength should not be underestimated!"


Xiao Xiaozhu gave Ye Yang a charming look: "That's~"

Ye Yang pinched her little face: "Go wash it... It's all stuck on your face."


Xiao Xiaozhu's face turned red instantly, and she hurried to the bathroom to take a bath as if she was escaping...

Ye Yang shook his head with a smile.

Stretched his waist and walked to the balcony.

Looking at the manor.

It will take some time for the campus to be completely repaired and the teachers to be settled and handed over.

During this period of time, everyone should be more relaxed...

Just when I was thinking about how to have fun these days.

A message rushed into his message list...

(First update)

Did everyone guess the name correctly? Hehe~

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