Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 911 8G research and development success


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

《Xiayou Company and Shentu Company jointly issued a letter to the public: 8G technology has been successfully developed, and communication technology may enter the next era! ! !》

This is a publicity draft.

Just last night, the 8G technology jointly developed by Xiayou Company and Shentu Company was successfully developed!

However, it has not been publicly announced yet.

The official announcement time is tonight.

This draft is also intended for Ye Yang to make the final finalization.

After all, in this process, the advanced technology concept provided by Shentu has contributed greatly...

"It's quite fast."

Ye Yang was a little surprised.

It's only been two or three months...

It has been completely developed successfully...

Recently, Xiayou Company has been making breakthroughs. Every small breakthrough will increase the stock price. Now, he has made a lot of money.

After hearing the news from Ye Yang, Buffett couldn't stop laughing.

"Once this news is released, it will cause countless waves..."

Ye Yang flipped through the announcement.

A smile also appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Now the United States has barely developed 5G.

This is a super progress that transcends the times!

Moreover, it is an important pillar industry like the backbone of the world!

In the meeting room of the joint development of Xia You and Shen Tu.

"The United States is probably going to panic now."

"That's right."

"However, this is both an opportunity and a threat to us..."

"If the United States is jealous, we are afraid that we will have a hard time."

"Yes, it is true..."

There are also many worried people in the meeting room.

"Then can we just give up like this?"

"We can't stop progressing and developing just because we are afraid of his threats, right?"

"This is impossible."

The person in charge of Shen Tu frowned.

Xia You is also a big company. When there are many people, there are many internal opinions.

"If you dare not announce it, Shen Tu can announce it on your behalf and attribute all the credit for the research and development to us. In this way, if the United States wants to swing the sword, it will be on our heads."

He said lightly: "We are not afraid of them."

After all, Shen Tu has no business dealings that require the United States to intervene.

All the technology is self-developed, that's awesome!


This sentence made all the people who were worried at the scene dare not speak.

In the end, all eyes were on Ren, the general manager of Xia You.

After all, 8G technology is still the main research and development of Xia You Company, and the person in charge of Shentu also looked over.

"We developed this technology just to use it."

Mr. Ren said in a deep voice: "Tonight, hold a press conference to announce this matter."

The final word was made, and no one else dared to say anything.

That night.

The news that Xia You Company's 8G communication technology research was successful was instantly spread!

All parties were shocked!

"This is super big news, even more awesome than the 5G event back then... This spans three eras at once, isn't it too awesome!?"

"The United States is probably going to go completely crazy this time!"


Everyone who got the news had a premonition that something big was coming...

"There have been so many big things recently, including the establishment of a world-class university and breakthroughs in core technologies! China is blessed by God, and will soon break through those restrictions and rise completely!"

"Haha, I think you are just blindly optimistic, and you laughed too early! How awesome are Europe and the United States? What the hell! It's just a small communication technology! People don't care at all, just use two tricks to knock you down! "

"Report the above! Maybe it's 500,000! ? "

"Haha! Don't dream, I'm just a pure idiot, I haven't received a penny, I just can't stand seeing China do well! What's the matter! ? Europe and the United States are awesome! Long live the European and American fathers! ! ! What can you rubbish do to me? "

"This idiot!!! "


Many people downstairs were furious when they saw this message, but it was true that there was no way to deal with him.

The law is not sound now.

There is no way to deal with scoundrels...

People can disgust you at will without taking any responsibility.

However, soon, a comment was pushed up by a high like.

Everyone who saw it was very excited.

"The light of righteousness!"

Everyone looked at the comment and the comment ID, and they were all excited.

Ye Shenhao: A new law has just been passed, specifically targeting idiots like you. You will be exiled immediately for insulting the motherland. From now on, you will no longer be a Chinese citizen. If you like Europe and the United States, go there and bark and beg for food to see if anyone will give you food.

"Ye Shenhao, you are really the light of righteousness!"

"It's so cool! I have long wanted to sanction these idiots! It's better to exile them! This kind of trash, foreigners don't want him, just starve him to death!"


Ye Yang put down his phone indifferently.

This person has made such remarks more than once, and it has caused a bad influence, which is a serious case.

The punishment of exile is not excessive.


The stock rose in response.

The next day, it rose a lot!

This epoch-making breakthrough is so exciting!

Due to the time zone difference.


The news was received one step later.

"What!? How long has it been? They have come up with 8G? Are they kidding?"

"This is too outrageous... It's simply a fantasy!"

All parties in the United States immediately gathered for a meeting.

Chairman of a high-end technology company: "China's technology in this area has completely surpassed ours!"

Seven-star admiral: "Last time we had no way to deal with the Divine Land, but this Xia has it, there must be a way to deal with it!?"

"That's right, this kind of pillar industry must not be lost again and again! It's only been more than a year, and China has made three or four core breakthroughs. If we don't give them a head-on blow and let them know who has the final say, our blockade will really be broken!!!"

A senior official of the United States said lightly.

"The top ten financial groups have also put pressure on us. We must not lose this battle."

"Do our best to sanction!"

"Completely cut off the supply!"

"Stop all the wafers!!! No company in the world is allowed to provide them with wafers! Even parts and any related support are not allowed. Whoever provides them will be sanctioned!"

A group of senior officials of the United States made decisions one after another.

At this moment, they had no time to care about their gentlemanly image, and their evil faces that were desperate for profit were exposed.


Soon, the sanctions notice from the United States was announced.

For a time, the storm was about to come!

"Sure enough, it's coming!"

"This time the sanctions are many times more severe than the last time, and they are almost completely locking us down."

"Without Jingyuan, almost all the mobile phone, computer, and tablet businesses will be forced to stop."

The faces of Xia You's senior management were all serious...

(Second update)

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