Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 913: Developing photolithography machines on your own?

The next day.

The official website of Shentu released an announcement.

It will invest in the wafer production project from scratch to help friendly companies survive unreasonable sanctions. And name this project the "Falcon Project"!

The meaning of helping Xia You to fight against the United States is obvious! ! !

After all, the United States is now called the "Eagle" among the Chinese people. Falcon is naturally a major counterattack against the sanctions against the United States! ! !

For a time, the Internet was boiling!

"How is it possible? This is too ridiculous, isn't it?"

"I think it's just for attention! Shentu, a game company, actually wants to develop a world-class problem from scratch! It's simply a fantasy and ridiculous!!!"

"Yes, I also think they are just trying to attract attention. It's just a pipe dream!"

"I don't know where this rubbish company came from. It said it can build a lithography machine. I'm dying of laughter, clown!!!"


Many of the guys who mocked Xia You Company showed up again and continued to mock Shentu Company.

"Those people above are so funny. They probably only receive their American father's salary every day. They don't read the news or pay attention to the market. They don't even know about Shentu?!"

"Why, this company is awesome? How can TSMC, one of the top ten companies in the world, be awesome? TSMC can't independently develop cutting-edge lithography machines. How can Shentu, who came out of nowhere, do it?"

"Haha, TSMC? Shentu is now the world's top super company, with a market value of more than 10 trillion! TSMC has to call itself its younger brother in front of it! You don't know anything, but you are still a frog in the well, arrogant!"


Many people were shocked.

After all, Shentu is just a newly emerging super company, and its main business is gaming equipment.

Therefore, it is very famous among young people and the business community.

However, in other circles, its reputation is far less than that.

Many middle-aged and elderly people have never heard of the name of this company.

Of course, they may not know what Tengxun is at all...

"Shentu's cash flow should be the largest among all the private companies in China, right? They might really be able to create a miracle!"

"Even if what you said is true, this thing can't be solved with money. Xiayou Company has money, but they haven't developed a cutting-edge lithography machine, right?"

"That's right..."

The black fans were still not convinced and kept talking back.

"Just watch, I believe in Shentu! They will create miracles!"

"I believe it too!"

"Ye Shenhao seems to be a major shareholder of Shentu, right? He has been building a top university and a system to combat human trafficking during this period, so he must have made a lot of money... Now he has to spend money on lithography machines... I'm really worried that he will become poor because of this..."

"Yeah, unknowingly, he has spent nearly 1 trillion in such a short period of time recently... Wow..."

"This is definitely more awesome than any richest man in China... I didn't even see his name on the previous Forbes list."

"It's said that many real big groups and tycoons in China will not be included in any rankings for many reasons. Top wealthy families and pillar industries Great power, one company under your control may not be big enough, but if all the industries are added together, I wonder how much more money you have than those richest people..."

"I didn't believe it before, but I believed it after seeing Ye Shenhao. I thought he was only worth hundreds of billions before, but now it seems to be at least trillions, which is terrible..."

"How much money does he have?"

"He has done so many things, I guess he won't give out red envelopes in the live broadcast room in the future..."

"He works for the country and the people, but you are thinking about the red envelopes in his live broadcast room?"

"A little? Brother...the total value of the red envelopes is more than 10 billion. If you are lucky, it will be millions! Life will turn around directly!"

"Ahem...anyway, you are paying attention to the wrong point!"


Ye Yang was scanning the posts, and he was frowning.

After all, there are still many idiots on the Internet. Seeing their comments is really unpleasant.

But while browsing, I actually saw someone worrying that he would go bankrupt if he spent so much money. Worried that he was too poor to give out red envelopes...

He raised the corner of his mouth.

Let's not say anything, just start broadcasting!

"I'm very touched to see that everyone is worried about me recently!"

Ye Yang said with a smile.

"Ye Shenhao, you are so awesome! Donated 100 billion yuan to build an anti-trafficking system! Spended another 600 billion yuan to directly invest in building the world's top universities, betting against the whole world! Now, you are going to independently develop cutting-edge lithography machines!? This is too awesome!"

"That's right! But can you still hold on!?"

"That's money!"

"I dare not even dream of making so much money..."

"Yes, yes!"

Seeing that fans are so worried about him, Ye Yang smiled slightly, and without saying anything, he sent out 1.5 billion red envelopes: "No more words, the red envelopes are proof."

"Oh my god! Ye Shenhao is generous!!!"

"It seems that my worries are unnecessary... The rich are rich, not what I can imagine, woo woo..."

"Ye Shenhao yyds!!!"


Countless praises floated across the barrage.

After interacting and chatting with fans for a while, Ye Yang went off the air.


High-level meeting.

"This sacred land again!!! Why is it everywhere!!!"

The Seven-Star General slammed the table: "I want to use nuclear bombs to flatten their company!!!"

"Don't be impulsive. They are now China's top company. If they use nuclear weapons against China, we won't survive."

The business representatives below were trembling with fear.

They just want to make some money, not to die...

If China retaliates with a nuclear bomb, who knows who will fall on the head...


The Seven-Star General was just talking tough, he didn't really dare to launch a nuclear bomb, he was afraid of death.

"Okay, let's talk about reality. Is it likely that this sacred land can develop a photolithography machine?"

A senior American official asked.

"Almost impossible. At least in the next three to five years, I'm afraid it's impossible."

The cutting-edge wafer expert next to him said lightly: "It's not that I look down on him, but it's a fantasy for any country to independently manufacture the most advanced lithography machine. Even if we are the United States, with the whole country's strength, it is extremely difficult to completely independently manufacture the most advanced lithography machine within three years..."

"It's just a company. Even if there is official support from China, it's a joke to want to build a lithography machine by itself!"

"That's right, it used to make gaming equipment, and it didn't use coding technology at all. There are no wafers in the equipment! I don't believe that such a company can make a lithography machine by itself..."

(Second update)

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