Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 914: The last press conference before the sword is unveiled

"Yes, it's so funny! This Shentu has never been exposed to anything related to Jingyuan before. Their gaming equipment is a completely different set of technology systems. They actually brazenly talk about building a photolithography machine! Looking at the world, there is no comparison. This is a funny joke!”

"Ha ha……"

All the high-end American scientific advisors laughed loudly.

They don’t know that it took them several generations to start from scratch to maintain their current leading edge in cutting-edge technology.

A god wants to develop such a product that gathers the highest wisdom in the world and is the pinnacle of mankind's current scientific creation within three to five months?

It’s simply a fantasy!

Don't get any funnier!

"So, I feel relieved."

All the senior officials and generals nodded.

If this core technology is surpassed again, it will be really difficult for the United States to sanction China again in the future.

One sanction will lead to another breakthrough.

If this continues, it won't take long for everyone to break through, and they will impose sanctions...

"Well, if we conclude that they have no chance at all, we will step up the offensive. We must make him hand over this technology!"

The seven-star general said calmly.

"Don't worry, general, I've concluded that Xiayou Company will never survive four months. After four months, either he will go bankrupt, or he will have to surrender to us and hand over his technology."

The wealthy businessman representative rubbed his hands and chuckled.


After the discussion, many high-level officials dispersed.

The ten shadow emperors, who had been secretly observing the meeting through video, also withdrew their gaze.

"This new Chinese will is too capable of causing trouble, one after another! Although the scientific team said that the divine soil cannot be created, but... although this madman named Ye always does crazy things, he does have great abilities. ”

"After all, even the battle in the education industry under the control of the Salz Consortium has not been won."

All the shadow emperors have dark eyebrows.

"It is indeed a problem, but we have no way of getting involved in this matter. He is doing research on his own in China. We can't send agents to blow up his factory."

In wartime, this behavior is par for the course.

But now, despite the economic sanctions on both sides, there will definitely not be an open fire.

Therefore, many shadow emperors also knew that this was an immature proposal.

"...We can only hope that the judgment made by our scientific team is correct."

The consortium that controls Jingyuan Industry said calmly.


Doyle Mason glanced at the people in the field and shook his head helplessly.

Only when facing a common enemy can conglomerates like the United States speak so calmly.

Once you taste the sweetness of monopoly, your oligarchic heart will no longer be silent.

Although these guys monopolize many core industries, they will never stop being greedy and want to annex more industries and monopolize more core industries.

In order to achieve greater power.

From different interest perspectives, the top ten financial groups will form different camps.

Before the rise of China, the top ten financial groups were like a girls' dormitory with ten girls. It was estimated that hundreds of groups could be formed in private...

"If we can work together, it won't be so troublesome."

Doyle Mason shook his head, but he also knew that this problem cannot be avoided in any organization composed of multiple people.

Even in high positions, many people still put their personal desires above collective interests.

It is clear that the collective can exert the power of 10,000 mi, but due to the pull and internal friction of the internal fragmentation, it may only be able to exert the ridiculous power of 3 to 5 mi in the end.


Thinking of this, he felt a little envious of Hua Xia.

Of course, this thought was just a passing thought.


The investment and production lines on the Shentu side are already being set up.

It has the technical details provided by itself, plus the working ability and completion ability of Shentu.

It is only a matter of time before Jingyuan is produced.


Xia You can just wait until the photolithography machine and wafer are developed before taking care of the matter there.

Ye Yang's eyes turned to the Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy again.

"It's time to give the Sars Consortium a gorgeous critical attack!"

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth.

"Master, are you going to start using your ultimate move?"

Yu Mo asked with a smile from the side.


Ye Yang nodded.

"Let's pass on the news. The day after tomorrow, there will be a live broadcast promotion meeting in the lobby of Huaxia Jiuzhou."

Ye Yang said lightly.


Yu Momo was very excited.

The boss has been preparing for what happens the day after tomorrow for a long time, and he will definitely make everyone involved in the betting bloody!

From the day after tomorrow to the end of the three-month bet, I am afraid I will have trouble sleeping and eating...

this day.

Many people have received invitation emails.

Inside, there are detailed explanations.

In Yida's office, Wang Silin flipped through the email sent by Ye Yang: "So that's it... the boss is really good at causing trouble, haha... Those who dare to bet against the boss will probably roll their eyes in fear."

At Huaye International Investment Headquarters, several deputy directors looked at this email and praised again and again: "As expected of the boss, I dare to make a bet. It turns out that I have thought about the plan from beginning to end. When this sword is released tomorrow, the world will be What a surprise!”

At the Chinese Academy of Sciences, several deans and vice deans gathered together: "It's time for Mr. Ye to need us. He has made outstanding contributions to China's scientific research. It's time for us to give him something in return."

Instruction documents also appeared on the desks of major companies with strong backgrounds.

"Well, this is something that has been notified a long time ago. We will attend."


For a time, the news that China Kyushu University was going to hold a public live broadcast conference set off a wave of enthusiasm.

"Is it going to be open enrollment?"

"It's possible. The faculty and environment are world-class now. Even the most advanced students in China will be tempted! It can be said that it is the most advanced scientific research holy land in China. Many Nobel Prize winners are there!"

"Alas, I don't think I am even qualified to apply..."

"But I haven't heard about the news of open enrollment... I don't think it's this."

"What else could it be? Huaxia Jiuzhou University already has all the conditions required for a university. The country strongly supports it and even has a special evaluation level for it. Only Huaxia Jiuzhou University meets this demanding condition."

"That is to say, if the quality of students meets that requirement after enrollment, Huaxia Jiuzhou University will become the top 1 in China beyond Tsinghua University and Peking University!"


There is constant heated discussion online.

Everyone is speculating on the root cause of this matter.

This live broadcast will also be synchronized with the external network. Almost everyone in the world who pays attention to the academic world is waiting for the start of this press conference...

(First update)

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