Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 916: Unprecedented Spectacular, the Beginning of the Sword Show

Time passed quickly.

Two days later.

China Jiuzhou Lecture Hall.

The conference was arranged in a grand manner.

Service staff ran in the lobby, and the live broadcast equipment had been set up.

The clock in the lobby also reached nine o'clock in the morning.

The live broadcast officially began!

Countless viewers who were waiting at the entrance of the live broadcast all rushed in...

This matter involves the height of China's future education.

Education and scientific research involve everyone's future and the future of the country.

There are so many people paying attention to this matter.

At this time, not only in China, but also internationally, there are countless viewers squatting in the live broadcast room...

Almost instantly, the number of people online at the same time in the live broadcast room reached millions!

Moreover, this number is still increasing!

If it weren't for Shentu's complete optimization of the line in advance, such a terrifying viewing traffic would instantly overwhelm any network...

"Da Da Da..."

One after another, big guys began to enter.

The first to appear were several figures that were extremely familiar to Chinese people...

Wang Silin, Mark King, Zhang Ming, Ma Jieke...

The richest people in China came out in droves...

"Oh my god, so many richest people, all of them are here!"


"This scene is really amazing!"

Behind the richest people were the top figures in China, all of whom were representatives of the top companies in China.

Among them, there were all kinds of companies!

From the strongest companies with national backgrounds to the most awesome companies in some emerging industries.

After these Chinese companies finished their appearance.

Then the scientific research leaders wearing various scientific research clothes entered the scene.

Sitting next to the entrepreneurs.

"This... a gathering of big shots! Those sitting in this hall are almost all the top talents in China... Mr. Ye's connections are really amazing!"

"This is the first time that the hall of China Jiuzhou University has held a conference, and celebrities have gathered. It really deserves to be the world's top school!"

"You called too early. Those who bet with Mr. Ye will probably be scared to death when they see you say this."

"Haha... It's too real. Don't scare those guys who can't stand China's good!"

"That's right..."

The comments were all dazzled.

After all, there were too many big shots entering the venue. Now I can't find them all by searching Baidu...

After the Chinese big shots entered, the international big shots entered one after another.

"I checked, isn't that the director of Gulfstream International Airlines? Who is that? I don't know him, but he must be a super boss!"

"There are also some international richest people and international celebrities! This network is too strong! It's simply overwhelming!"

"Even Buffett is here... Isn't he a stock trader? Is he here to show his support?"

"Hiss... This is the technology madman Alan Musk! He is here... Is he here to promote Tesla?"


Domestic audiences are not very familiar with international bigwigs.

However, in the live broadcast room of the external network.

The barrage is flying.

Many people are extremely enthusiastic about the bigwigs who entered later.

They are often the heads of world-renowned large companies and large groups, or business leaders of major countries...

The entire Jiuzhouyuan lobby, thousands of seats, are almost full! ! !

Everyone present is an absolute bigwig! ! !

Such a grand occasion is unprecedented!

"If the wealth of these people is converted into money, the whole hall can be filled up. Even a Tyrannosaurus Rex will be crushed to death..."

"It's too small. I think it can at least crush ten Godzillas!"


The comments were all playing jokes happily.

However, for a moment, they couldn't think of Ye Yang's fundamental intention.

But for the first time, they had a concrete perception of Ye Yang's connections.

It's simply too scary!

"Can you invite all of them?"

"Can you invite so many?"

These two sentences became the most common words in the comments.

"Haha, I think these big guys saw that the school invested more than 600 billion yuan, and they were shocked by this big deal, so they just came to watch the fun!"

"Yes, I think so too, just to join in the fun."

"After all, they are human beings, and human beings can't help wanting to watch the fun..."


Various statements were flying.

Various speculations were everywhere.

After all the big guys arrived and sat down.

The door opened again.

In the bright sunshine of the morning, a tall and handsome figure walked into the hall together.

Behind this figure, four super beauties followed closely.

It made people drool.

"This is life. Although the other big guys present are also awesome, they are still a bit miserable compared to Ye Shenhao, who is handsome, young, and accompanied by a group of peerless beauties..."

"Hahaha... Only Mr. Ye lives a life that transcends reality!"

"I want to do this too. If I can catch up with Mr. Ye by one ten-thousandth in the future, I will be satisfied..."

"Don't dream. It's better to think about grabbing more red envelopes in the live broadcast room."

Ye Yang glanced at the big guys in the venue.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Then, his eyes looked at the camera.

He knew that behind the camera today, there were not only spectators and passers-by who were watching the excitement.

Those groups, big guys, and even the shadow emperors of the top ten consortiums who chose to bet with him were all looking here.

The top of the Sals Consortium building.

Milo*Sals frowned.

Even for him, it was not easy to gather so many big men together.

After all, the United States is a monopoly of the top ten financial groups.

Behind Ye Yang is a united China.

"What exactly is he going to do..."

He frowned.

China's confidentiality work is too good. The whole nation is catching traitors. If you want to find out some confidential information, the cost is very high.

Fortunately, through the output of values ​​in the early years, a lot of second dogs and kneeling people were cultivated, otherwise, I am afraid that I would not be able to get any intelligence in the past few years.


The number of online viewers in the two live broadcast rooms of China and the International has exceeded 20 million!

It is absolutely unprecedented!

"Come on, Ye Shenhao!"

"China Jiuzhou Academy will definitely succeed!"

"Come on, come on!!! Oli Ge!"

Ye Yang's fans are all rewarding and leading the rhythm in the live broadcast room.

Many people are driven by this atmosphere and also start to reward.

Not long after the broadcast started, the total amount of gifts from around the world was approaching 10 billion Chinese Yuan...

Of course, there were also many gifts from Ye Yang's good brothers...

"Hey, I gave Brother Ye a thousand Carnivals to help him lead the way."

Wang Xiaocong laughed.

"How can a thousand be enough? I'll give two thousand."

Qin Feng on the side said repeatedly.


The grand occasion in the live broadcast room made many bigwigs sigh and be greatly shocked...

Ye Yang walked up to the podium step by step.

Nodded to the host on the side.

This battle of swords officially started at this moment! ! !

(Second update)

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