Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 916: Future and Ideals

"Today, Huaxia Jiuzhou University held this meeting just to solve one thing."

Ye Yang got straight to the point without any delay.

Everyone who was watching this scene looked over.

After all, they were very curious.

"That is..."

Ye Yang glanced around and finally said lightly: "The future."


The big guys in the audience were invited over and knew the news in advance. They were not surprised at this time. Instead, they were all applauding.

And the audience watching this scene were enlightened and suddenly realized.

They all got excited.

"Are they going to guarantee a job after graduation?"

"Invite so many big guys to endorse... will they really agree? If you can really get a job in these companies, even the top students in the country will be tempted!"

"You are too narrow-minded. If it is really as we guessed, there will be no student in the world who will not be tempted, right?"

"I don't think it is realistic. With so many big guys and big companies here, why should they change their recruitment rules because of Huaxia Jiuzhou University and recruit directly here every year?"

"Why not? Regardless of the teaching history, Huaxia Jiuzhou University, looking at the world, is now the undisputed world's number one in terms of hardware conditions and teaching background. People from such a school are , I think it is the object of competition among major companies, right? "

"But many big guys can't just be satisfied with employment, right? Many want to take different routes? Some want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, do scientific research, and start their own business. If they only want to work, those top students can easily enter these companies after graduation, right? "

"You think too much. Scores cannot represent everything. Many top students are nothing after graduation. A job in a top company is precious to a person with no background and only ability. "

"Yes, now it is more and more involuted, and there are more and more talents. Even if you are a top student, you have to go through layers of selection to get a real top company and a good position..."


The live broadcast room was noisy.

Behind the live broadcast room, those gambling opponents and shadow emperors who were watching.

All felt a tremor in their hearts.

This is a big move!!!

From admission to future, it is clearly arranged. There is only one such school in the world.


"In Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy, all your dreams can be fulfilled. As long as you are qualified to come here, you will get the future you want here."

Ye Yang said lightly: "Whether it is work or scientific research, whether it is entrepreneurship or other. The university is in Mingmingde, which is itself a place to realize life planning and future path. Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy should be the real university in the world."

"Not only strive for the needs of others, but also strive for your own achievements and dreams!"

"Teach students in accordance with their aptitude and make the most suitable life plan for each student. This is the university."

"This is the original intention and meaning of my founding a university."

"I dream of changing the world."

"The change of the world will also start from this school."

Ye Yang's eyes were firm and his tone was sonorous.


The audience applauded.

In the live broadcast room, countless people burst into tears.

This kind of chicken soup-style speech may have been heard so many times that the ears are calloused.

But in reality, it is rare to see a big man really do something similar to the example in the chicken soup article.

It seems that everyone is used to being constrained by the unspoken rules of life, and is used to following seemingly incorrect conventions in life.

Even universities are gradually becoming utilitarian.

The purpose of learning has become to conform to society, but gradually forget the true voice and dream in the heart.

"Learning for ideals is what learning itself looks like."

Ye Yang waved his hand: "In order to ensure the realization of the promise I just made, I invited friends from all walks of life. Come and realize this concept with me. No matter what your life plan is, you can find your answer in the future provided by these people."

"Yes, we will recruit 30 students of corresponding majors from Huaxia Jiuzhou University every year to enter our research institute."

"Our company will provide high-paying jobs in corresponding majors every year to support Mr. Ye's layout."


Most of the people in the audience actually follow the old-fashioned thinking in their hearts. They may not support dreams or believe in the future.

But many of them are Ye Yang's subordinates or partners.

In short, even if they don't want to provide these jobs... they have to support Ye Yang.




"All directly provide jobs!"

"If you get into Huaxia Jiuzhou University, it's basically equivalent to getting a ticket to be a winner in life!"

"Too strong..."

"Ye Shenhao is really a ray of light... I'm about to cry."

"Don't cry, the above, according to Ye Yang's description, Huaxia Jiuzhou College is destined to only provide elite teaching, and can only recruit a small number of students every year. If you don't get 700 points in the college entrance examination, I don't think you can apply to this school..."

"Well, okay, but it's also a seed. If all universities in the future are like this, wouldn't it be great?"

"Haha, stop dreaming. The power of one person can't change the world, even if he is very rich."

"You said before that he couldn't establish a top international university with his own power, even if he was very rich..."

"Ah this!? I just don't believe it anyway! It's just a spark, do you really want to start a prairie fire?"


In the live broadcast room, there were a lot of voices, including those who were envious, some who were not optimistic, and some who were supportive.

And those competitors all had dark faces.

I was really disgusted.

Judging from Ye Yang's speech, gambling is just incidental, and he himself is trying to realize his dream from beginning to end.

These clowns, people have never looked at them...

"What a madman!!!"

"I've never seen anything so outrageous!"

"It's so unreasonable! If you jump like this, you will be punished sooner or later!"

"Instead of mocking him, I think it would be more realistic for us to think about how to compensate the other half of the bet now."

"Get ready! He hasn't won yet! Who recognizes that he is a top international university?!"

"That's it...the judging criteria are controlled by the Sals Foundation. They don't recognize Huaxia Jiuzhou University as the best in the world. What can I do? In the end, it will become an unsolved case with no loss to either party!"


Everyone involved in the bet was completely panicked.

They also understand that now it seems that only the Sars consortium can make themselves invincible by cheating.

Want to win against Ye Yang?

It’s impossible.


Center of the venue.

Ye Yang waved his hand and the big screen lit up: "I have prepared a 100 billion entrepreneurial dream fund. After strict evaluation and review, all students from Huaxia Jiuzhou Institute can apply for entrepreneurship."

"Children from ordinary families can't afford to lose, so I'll give you a chance to lose. Each person has a maximum of three opportunities to start a business."

"You really have the dream of starting a business. Every senior person in the industry here below will be your instructor!"

(First update)

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