Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 917 Linjiang Community Association?


The entire live broadcast room was full of heated discussions.

“When will the enrollment begin?”

“What are the enrollment criteria?”

“For a university this awesome, everyone must be trying their best to get in, right? How can we guarantee that there are no backdoors? Is it going to be like the education system in Europe and America, where only the children of the elite are educated, and the children of powerful families can easily get in. Children from ordinary families have no chance at all?”


Ye Yang glanced at the barrage and directly announced the enrollment rules of Huaxia Jiuzhou University.

"Huaxia Jiuzhou University will openly recruit students within a week, and the admission standards are as follows:"

"Regular college entrance examination scores will be used for admission, and each province will set a maximum score line. The difficulty in this regard will not be lower than that of Tsinghua and Peking University..."

"Secondly, we will select professional talents. If you are extremely biased in a subject, and the subject you prefer is very good, you can apply for our review process. After passing, we will grant you the status of special professional talents for further study."

"Thirdly, we set up an admissions team all year round to go all over the world and carefully look for talents worth exploring and cultivating among the people."

"The information of every student at Huaxia Jiuzhou University will be published on the official website and subject to supervision by any citizen."

"Anyone who feels that he is better than someone in the recruited students can also apply for admission. We have our own review process. For all those who fail in the application, we will provide you with the reasons for the failure. We guarantee that everyone will be convinced."

Ye Yang had already thought about all this, and he was talking about it at this time.

It made everyone feel at ease.

"Elite education is a privilege of the elite circle. But for students of Huaxia Jiuzhou University, we only care about their talents and character, regardless of their background!"

After Ye Yang announced the admission details.

Everyone was excited...

No matter how you look at it, this is an absolutely fair and just plan.

"A gentleman should be virtuous and have both talent and virtue."

Ye Yang said calmly: "If you only have talent but have bad intentions and no inner pursuit of fairness and justice, Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy will definitely not accept you."

The speech was over.

The whole audience applauded.

Everyone felt that a new chapter in the education industry was about to begin here...

The future will no longer be an era where Europe and the United States have absolute discourse power.

In the future, countless seeds of ideals that are about to flourish will take root and sprout in this university...

This press conference has set off a discussion frenzy that has lasted for several days on the Internet.

Some people are reflecting, some are mocking, and some are looking forward to signing up.

Some people are afraid, and some are ecstatic.


Miro * Sals put out another cigar, and watched the video of the press conference repeatedly, with melancholy in his eyes.

"It seems that it can no longer be stopped."

Although he holds the power to judge the standards of famous schools, he will definitely not lose this bet.

But he understands that if Ye Yang does this, he will completely lose in the overall situation...

Because Ye Yang is challenging the current education system, the Sals Consortium, which monopolizes most of the international education evaluation rights, may lose miserably in the education industry in the future...

But this is also an open conspiracy.

It is just like the development of nuclear weapons by China in the past.

"Can't we really stop him and his country from rising?"

The wind blew across the top of the building.

This fight made this emperor, who was addicted to the shadows, feel the changes of the times for the first time...

Perhaps, his concept is really a bit outdated.


These days, the online heat has swept the earth like a flame.

The reputation of Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy has been thoroughly implemented in the land of China.

It has even spread far to all corners of the world.

Such an environment, teachers, and future prospects.

Who wouldn't be excited after hearing this! ?

I don't know how many academic geniuses and great talents are preparing for the enrollment of Huaxia Jiuzhou University in the next few days...

As for Ye Yang, he rode a mare in the manor and played golf, constantly studying and practicing the posture and strength of entering the hole.

His golf skills have been further improved, and his experience has become more and more profound...

From time to time, he played a good shot that made the maids and secretaries of the manor scream, and they said that the boss was too strong! ! !


After playing 18 holes of golf again, Ye Yang wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He stretched his waist.

Flipping his phone, there were many messages again.

"Community party?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised.

This message was sent by Fang Sijin, saying that the tenants of Linjiang Community wanted to organize a party and wanted to invite himself, the landlord, to participate together to keep in touch.

"What kind of relationship do you have with me, the landlord... Could it be that you are greedy for my body?"

Ye Yang shuddered when he thought of the beautiful and rich women among the tenants.

There was also one who offered a dowry of 8888w to marry his daughter to him.

He still remembers it vividly.


But I have been free for the past two days, and there is nothing to do. It's okay to attend a tenant party.

By the way, I can feel the feeling of being the long-lost owner of the community.

"Okay, I'll go."

Ye Yang took out his big box of luxury car keys and picked and chose: "Which one should I choose?"

"Boss, I'm already at the gate of the manor, I'll take you there!"

Fang Sijin's work attitude is very positive, not to mention Ye Yang, the man at the top of her heart.

"It's just right, no need to worry about it."

Ye Yang has a bit of choice entanglement, and every time he goes out, he has to choose a car for a long time.

Just follow Fang Sijin and save the trouble of choosing a car...

At the gate of the manor.

Fang Sijin drove a red Honda Civic and waved to Ye Yang.

This car was what she had always wanted to buy. Of course, in Ye Yang's eyes, it was very cheap, less than two million.

Ye Yang also wanted to give her a better luxury car.

But this girl is very ambitious, and she wants a big flat from Ye Yang. It's more fulfilling to drive a car that she has worked hard for.

For this kind of stubborn girl with a fighting spirit, Ye Yang also admires it very much, and naturally he won't mention changing cars again.

"Let's go."

Ye Yang smiled.


Fang Sijin stepped on the accelerator and hummed a little song. Although she was usually busy running houses and running business, she was very happy to see Ye Yang.

Only in front of Ye Yang, she is not a career-oriented woman, but a simple, gentle and kind girl who is one year younger than Ye Yang.

(Second update)

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