Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 918: Proud Household


Soon, the car drove to the gate of Linjiang Community.

There was already a car waiting nearby, a McLaren 720s costing more than four million.

Next to the car, a man was leaning against him. When he turned around and saw this red-labeled Civic approaching, he stood up straight...

He walked over in stride.

"Why is he here?"

Fang Sijin muttered.

A ghostly expression on his face...

"Huh? Who is he?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"A demolition household."

Fang Sijin shook his head: "He said he wanted to discuss business with me before, but later I found out that his purpose seemed impure, so I ignored him..."


Ye Yang nodded.

The two got out of the car.

I saw the man with the gold chain approaching directly.


The man looked Ye Yang up and down, looking quite unhappy: "It's really outrageous to actually get out of a woman's car."

Obviously, he regarded Ye Yang as a pretty boy.

However, Ye Yang is so handsome that it is inevitable that he will be mistaken for a pretty boy occasionally.

After all, in modern society, those who can rely on their appearance to make a living are very few people who rely on their ability to make a living.

"How have you considered what I told you?"

The demolition household raised his head, showed off the luxury watch he just bought, and said in a sultry voice.

"What are you considering? Didn't I say I won't take your order? I have nothing to do with you anymore, right?"

Fang Sijin frowned and said calmly.

"Oh!? You're so heartless..."

The demolition tenant took out a bracelet worth hundreds of thousands from his pocket: "But I fell in love with you at first sight! Accept my gift!"

Fang Sijin sneered and raised the jewelry given by Ye Yang: "Your bracelet is not as expensive as one-tenth of what I have. Stop pretending to be a nouveau riche and disappear from my eyes!"

The demolition households were not reconciled: "Xiao Jin, you also know that a unit of the school district building of my house was demolished!"

"One unit, twenty-four households! The average per household is close to 20 million! That's four to five billion! You can't earn this amount even if you work as a gold medal salesperson for many years! It's better to stay with me!"

Upstart Zhao Qiang said confidently.


Ye Yang was speechless.

It’s been a long time since I met a pretentious player with such a low rank...

With a net worth of four to five billion, you dare to hang out in the magic city...

As expected, this kind of nouveau riche were ordinary people before and had no idea how deep the water in the Magic City was...

"There are only about twenty buildings. I advise you to take care of yourself and be in awe!"

Ye Yang said lightly.

Now he is completely too lazy to get angry with this little ant.

The mentality of people when they first get rich is completely different from the mentality of people after they have money for a long time.

Even he is not exempt from vulgarity.

This is especially true for this low-quality upstart...

"What's wrong with you! You little pretty face, you deserve to teach me a lesson!?"

The demolition tenant shouted angrily: "Do you know this car behind me!? McLaren 720S!!! Four to five million! You can't afford it in your life!"

"I have more than 20 buildings! How loud are you! Do you look down on four to five billion!? I really thought you were the second-generation super rich with a net worth of tens of billions! Why are you so crazy about me!? Do you have the qualifications!? "

Fang Sijin and Ye Yang looked at each other.

Then everyone couldn't help but laugh out loud...

"What are you laughing at!?"

The demolition households were originally very imposing and felt that they had crushed this pretty boy in every aspect, causing him to retreat in spite of the difficulties.

As a result, Ye Yang and Fang Sijin laughed out loud as if they were laughing at fools, leaving him at a loss.

"Let's go, there's no need to waste time with this guy anymore."

Fang Sijin took Ye Yang's arm and said with a smile.

"Don't leave! Tell me clearly, what do you mean by a guy like me!?"

Zhao Qiang was furious.

He used to live in a large and dilapidated house with extremely low value in the suburbs of Shanghai. He was at the bottom of the class, earning a salary of 3,000 to 4,000 yuan a month, and food was not a problem.

Until there was a sudden big renovation project there, and his dilapidated house was demolished.

Just one unit of the building was demolished here.

All of a sudden, he went from the bottom of the pile to the rich man he once thought he was.

This is when your self-confidence explodes.

I met Fang Sijin again and had a diaosi mentality.

He just wanted to challenge this kind of goddess that he couldn't get before, to prove that he had completely turned over.

But, apparently, he hit a nail on the head!

"Why!? Obviously I have completely turned over! I have struggled for twenty years, and finally earned hundreds of millions of wealth through my own persistence. I should be the best among men! How could this happen!?"

He looked at his hands and watched Ye Yang and Fang Sijin walking inside holding hands.

Totally incomprehensible...

However, soon, several people trotted up behind him.

"Mr. Zhao, have you met Mr. Ye?"

Zhao Qiang came back from his daze when he saw these people.

It turned out that it was the relevant departments of the Magic City who were responsible for his dispatch this time. The specific house he demolished has not yet been decided.

Today happens to be the day to discuss specific information on demolished buildings.

"Director Qian...what Mr. Ye..."

Zhao Qiang asked in confusion.

"That's the one in front!"

Director Qian scratched his hair and said in confusion: "Mr. Zhao, he is the only owner of this Linjiang community. If you want to exchange the house in this community to offset the demolition, you must get Mr. Ye's approval!"


Zhao Qiang was confused.

He just found out that Fang Sijin often came to Linjiang Community and should live here, so he suddenly had an idea to exchange his demolished house for a house in Linjiang Community.

He contacted the staff and came to see the house today.

"The only owner? What does it mean?"

Zhao Qiang was a little confused.

"Literally, the entire Linjiang community belongs to Mr. Ye."

Director Qian looked at Zhao Qiang's face, which turned pale in an instant, and couldn't help but tighten his face: "You won't offend Mr. Ye!?"

Zhao Qiang's face became worse and worse, and he could only nod in acknowledgment.

"This Mr. Ye has more than just this community assets. He is a well-known figure! A big boss in the entire Magic City, you are looking for death!"

Director Qian was also shocked.

He was not very clear about Ye Yang's reputation in the Magic City, but he was well-known.

He knew that Ye Yang was a super boss.

He was also very scared at this time...

"I don't believe it! How could the whole community belong to him! This is too exaggerated!!!"

Zhao Qiang was still stubborn, obviously not wanting to accept the fact that he was still a loser after turning over a loser.


Just as he was stubborn.

A group of people came out of the community.

He had seen these people when he walked around the property, and they were all residents of the community.

"Brother owner, it's really not easy to wait for you!"

"Come in quickly, come in quickly!"

Many rich women were very enthusiastic and welcomed Ye Yang into the Linjiang community...


Zhao Qiang opened his mouth wide, and now he had to believe it...

There is such a terrible super boss in the Magic City! ?

"You nouveau riche, you don't know how to be respectful just because you have some money!"

Director Qian sighed fiercely: "Go and apologize before Mr. Ye gets angry with you!"

(First update)

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