
Soon, a group of people came to the product department.

The first batch of lithography machines were listed inside.

Some lithography machines have tried to work and are burning according to the design drawings.

Ye Yang looked through the glass of the workshop: "Have the first batch of finished products come out?"

"It is being etched and will come out soon."

The product manager smiled and said: "Boss, please go to the lounge with us to have a cup of tea. It is estimated that the first batch of wafer products will come out soon."


Ye Yang nodded.

There are various technological products in the lounge.

In addition to full VR glasses, somatosensory clothes and a virtual reality game cabin, there are also some derivative products.

They are all top-notch technological products.

Ye Yang fiddled with some of them casually and sat down.

"Xia You has signed an 8G technology sharing contract with us, and we will continue to cooperate in the development of 10G. But at least, after helping Xia You survive the crisis this time, our virtual reality game cabin can achieve basic Internet access."

The virtual reality game cabin has communication technology that is suitable for its system, but the cost is too high and the time it takes is too long to promote it.

Therefore, we still need to use the existing public communication protocol on Earth to carry out 8G interconnection.

"Although only 10G can basically meet all our ideas. But 8G is also enough to achieve local interconnection and application for a few people."

The project leader said.

In other words, with the data volume of the virtual reality game warehouse, only when it reaches the 10G era can it be completed like the virtual reality world, where everyone can appear in the virtual world at the same time and open up another world in the virtual world.

In the 8G era, only functions such as stand-alone game interconnection can be realized, and interconnection can be achieved, but the upper limit of the number of interconnected people is limited.


Ye Yang nodded: "Even if it reaches 10G, there is no rush to develop the virtual world for the time being."


The responsible people were puzzled when they heard this.

"Whether the virtual world is a good thing or a bad thing, it's hard to say now."

Ye Yang shook his head: "We can't do things without considering the consequences just because we are technologically advanced. If the promotion of the virtual world causes people in reality to be unwilling to work and indulge in the virtual world, it will be bad."

"This situation has existed since the launch of the physical sensing service. We have limited the time of logging in every day, which has greatly reduced the occurrence of such things."

The person in charge scratched his head and said.

"The temptation of the virtual universe is far beyond that of the physical sensing service."

Ye Yang thought for a while: "Any livelihood technology that is far ahead of the times is not a good thing."

"... We understand."

All the persons in charge nodded, they believed in Ye Yang's judgment.

And, indeed, if a certain scientific line is too far ahead of the times, it will make the entire civilization fall into blindness.

Now they have no competitors.

Standing at that height, they need to be responsible for the entire society and civilization.

Ye Yang nodded.

The reason why he said this is because he has a bottom line in his heart.

Even if the virtual universe is delayed, it will not be delayed for too long.

On the day when he developed nuclear fusion and was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, the secret file that Admiral Dong handed to him contained not only information about the black source.

Operation Awakening Lion to eliminate the black source was just one of them.

The plan behind it is the key.

Each one is of great importance.

If they are all successfully achieved, it can be foreseen that the future will be an infinitely bright and exciting era...

He clenched his fists.

He was also... looking forward to that future.

"Boss, the first batch of crystals has been developed."

Someone trotted over and brought the finished product.

Ye Yang looked at the small thing in his hand. Such an inconspicuous small component almost brought together the most extreme process level that humans can achieve today: "How many nanometers is it made of?"

"1 nanometer."

The person in charge said repeatedly: "For the first batch, we did conservative experiments. In fact, according to the technology you gave us, this is far from the limit."


Ye Yang nodded.

The world's top level now is 3 nanometers. The wafers we have now, at least in terms of process, have reached a level that is far ahead of the world...

"Please name this wafer, boss!"

The person in charge looked respectful.

Ye Yang raised his lips.

Now the wafer process has surpassed the world's forefront. If the performance test results are better than all the current cutting-edge wafers, then it can be foreseen.

As long as this wafer is released.

It can completely achieve its goal of counter-sanctioning the United States!

"This wafer should be named according to the expectations originally given to it!"

Ye Yang rubbed the small wafer in his hand: "Just call it... Falcon One!"

"Good! Good name!!!"

The eyes of several persons in charge were bright. This name is domineering!

It directly shocked the United States!

Slap in the face!

It feels good just to think about it!

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

He was also looking forward to the overall confusion of the United States.

After all, it has not been a month since the other party issued severe sanctions.

Not only did they break through the blockade, but they also pushed the enemy a step further and imposed counter-sanctions...

I guess their faces must have been very interesting...


Soon, the results of the performance test came out.

The manufacturing process is beyond an era, the design is also top-notch, and the wafer performance is much better than all previous wafers.

Even current hardware may not be able to fully unleash this super performance!

In this era, he is the most powerful Jing Yuan in terms of comprehensive attributes.

"Boss, when will it be announced?"

the person in charge asked.

"Without further delay, let's sign a contract with Xia You Company. After signing, we will launch a press conference directly the next day."

Ye Yang thought about it.

There is no need to wait. It has been several years since the last sanctions were imposed.

The Chinese people have been holding their breath for a long time.

This time, I will fight back beautifully!

Let America know how painful it is!

Don't just bully this and that!


The people in charge are full of enthusiasm.

Compared with the previous technological breakthroughs, which were all surprises, this time, it is a powerful counterattack! ! !

It would be better to just give your opponent a good beating, which would relieve your anger!

They all went back to prepare.


A few days later.

A joint press conference of Shentu Company and Xia You Company was held.

Reporters gathered.

A lot of people got it through the grapevine.

Last night, the news of the joint press conference between Shentu Company and Xiayou Company came out, and the whole Internet was buzzing about it.

Many people are speculating that there may be a breakthrough in the development of Shentu's crystal elements!

"Did the divine earth crystal element be made!?"

"Are you dreaming!? You think Jingyuan is fried rice with eggs!? Just make it!? You're laughing!"

"Haha, Shentu is a company that creates miracles. How do you know that others can't do it!"

(First update)

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