Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 921 Press Conference

"In the eyes of you game nerds, it's just a company that creates miracles. Do you expect it to really produce wafers? Or do you expect it to be the end of the world tomorrow?"

"Haha, you are a frog in the well, you have no idea how awesome Shentu is! In your eyes, they only make gaming equipment, but in fact, it is the first company to successfully fight anti-monopoly in the United States on a commercial level! He is a hero of China!”

"Don't be ridiculous, why didn't I know about this!"

"Because as soon as the U.S. sanctions were launched, they found that they couldn't sanction him at all, so they had no choice but to let it go. This is a super company that the U.S. has no way to sanction even if it wants to. It's a frog in the well!"

"Haha, so what, anyway, I don't believe that China can make Jingyuan by itself, let alone a small company!"

"That's right! This is a lithography machine! Even if it is built, it will still be a 90-nanometer wafer that is many generations behind, right? Hahaha, it's so funny."

"Haha, wait till this press conference, you will look stunned!"

this press conference.

It caused huge popularity on the Internet.

Countless people poured in.

Some came to watch the jokes, some came to cheer up, and of course, many came to join in the fun.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

The country has more people, and there are all kinds of people.

The barrages are also messy, with all kinds of sounds.

But this time, even the rational party members are not very optimistic about Shentu.

After all, the production of cutting-edge photolithography machines has troubled China for several years.

Researched it in a month?

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible...

If this were successful, wouldn't it be a slap in the face to the whole world?

Doesn’t this tell all countries that cannot develop top-notch photolithography machines on their own that you are all waste? !

Among the barrage, most people did not believe it.

"Okay, I don't know what this press conference is about. What's the fuss about? Maybe it's just an ordinary collaboration press conference?"

"That's right! I believe in Shentu. Even if it doesn't happen this time, it will eventually happen!"

"It's so funny that it will come out in the future... Xia Youjing Yuan doesn't have much left. He can't last more than two or three months, and it will be useless to come up with it in the future! He is dead! He can only hand over his technology obediently! "

"Huh? How come you know so much about Xia You's company? Is it possible?"

"Try reporting him, maybe he is a spy!!!"

"That's right!!!"

"Damn it, you spilled the beans! It's over..."


There are all kinds of dramas going on in the barrage.

at this time.

High-level meeting in the United States, many high-level officials are meeting.

The FBI staff came in and leaned over to say a few words to the senior official in front.


The senior official raised his eyebrows, smiled and waved his hand, indicating that it was impossible and there was no need to care...

A photolithography machine was built in one month?

It’s almost like a joke!

Inside the press conference venue.

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

It is indeed impossible to build a lithography machine in one month. Without that directional black technology card, it might be really difficult to survive the crisis this time.


“Da da da…”

The project leader came on stage.

Start making a statement.

"At this press conference, we want to announce three things."

Everyone looked over.

The reporters snapped their cameras at him like crazy.

"the first thing."

The person in charge got straight to the point and said directly: "With the help of shareholders Ye Yang, we have successfully developed a photolithography machine. The first batch of wafers has been released, and it has been named Falcon One!"


The whole place was in an uproar.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage instantly exploded.

"Sure enough, it's Jingyuan's business!"

"Has it really been developed?"

"Not only has the photolithography machine been developed, but the wafers have also been made!?"

"Haha, I don't believe it. I guess it's the kind of 90-nanometer photolithography machine, right? Haha, I don't know where I got it, but I just assembled it casually. What's the use of 90-nanometer? I'm laughing so hard."

"That's right! Make something useless. When the production process is announced later, I'm afraid I'm going to laugh out loud!"


In the barrage, one after another.

"The second thing."

The person in charge glanced at the barrage and reporters with glaring eyes, and said with extraordinary confidence: "The wafer we developed this time is made of a 1-nanometer process. Performance experiments have proven that its performance is better than any other wafer in the world today." , are much more powerful! It can be said that in today’s world…”

"Well-deserved, the first crystal element!!!"

"And our first partner is Xiayou Company. We have signed an agreement and will deliver the first batch of 20 million pieces of various wafers in the next two months."


No one can listen to what I said next.

Everyone was attracted by the words 1 nanometer...

Even journalists with professional qualities couldn't help but feel excited and burst out in uproar on the spot...


What a terrible news!

They all had a premonition that this news would set off a violent storm throughout the world! ! !


"Direct overtake!?"


Someone thought of the slogan when Shentu announced the production of photolithography machines...

【Anti-sanctions】! ! ! !

From the beginning, we didn't want to passively fight back and catch up with the United States!

From the beginning, what we wanted was...


Defense? What the hell!

When you are bullied, you must not only dodge the enemy's fist, but also punch back directly!

"Sir, is this true!?"

"Is it really a 1-nanometer process!?"

"Is the performance test result really that good!?"


The surging questions flooded the entire venue.

The person in charge saw that there was no way to calm the excitement in the venue, so he simply didn't say the third thing for the time being, and looked at Ye Yang for help.

The scene has reached such a crazy level, and now the only one who can still control the situation should be Ye Yang.

Ye Yang smiled slightly and stood up.

The reporters also noticed this scene and made way.

The noisy venue quickly quieted down as Ye Yang stood up...

The millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were also watching.

They may not believe a stranger.

But as the founder of Huaxia Jiuzhou University, with countless legends and the aura of a world superstar, Ye Yang naturally has credibility in their hearts.

Countless people clenched their fists, expecting Ye Yang to nod his head in recognition...

High-level meeting in the United States.

FBI personnel rushed into the meeting for the second time with a tablet and whispered a few words to the senior official.

The senior official stood up suddenly, his face changed drastically: "How is it possible!?"

Everyone looked over.

The senior official swallowed his saliva and slowly sat down: "Project it..."

(Second update)

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