Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 922 Three Major News


At the conference site, a press conference in the Magic City was broadcast on the big screen.

Ye Yang, the man who made all the senior officials of the United States present grit their teeth, was slowly walking up the stairs.

Everyone was watching this moment.

“This is impossible… This is impossible…”

The senior officials of the United States kept muttering in a low voice.


In the picture.

Ye Yang walked to the highest point, facing the attention of all the reporters, smiled slightly, nodded and said: “Yes, this news is absolutely correct!”

At this time, the whole audience was really completely immersed in the carnival.

“This is the performance diagram of our wafer. I believe you will be able to use the mobile phone or computer equipped with the Falcon 1 wafer soon. When the time comes, you can experience it yourself.”

Ye Yang smiled slightly and displayed the performance data diagram of Falcon 1 on the screen behind him.

"This!? This is too amazing!?"

"Only one month?"

"It's impossible anyway..."

"But they did it!"

"Such a big thing, they can't just take it as a joke."

"The only possibility is that, as the rumors say, Shentu is backed by the state, and it is a state-owned enterprise that has not been made public, and it is a sharp sword specially built for Europe and the United States. We actually have this technology for a long time, but we have been holding back. When the Eagle Sauce shows its true colors, we will really make a move! Directly kill the enemy with one sword!"

"That's right, this is too possible!"


In the barrage, all kinds of discussions surged.

Almost at the same time, the performance diagram of Falcon 1 was intercepted by major media and continuously promoted on the Internet...

Afterwards, there was no other words on the barrage.

All of them were words like Shentu is awesome, Ye Shenhao is awesome...

A high-level meeting of the United States.


Deathly silence.

"Not only has it been developed... but it's also 1 nanometer!"


They couldn't believe it, but the facts were in front of them and they had to face it.

"Now we're the ones lagging behind!"

The senior official slammed the table and shouted at the technician next to him: "Your prediction is not accurate at all!"

The technician was sweating: "They are definitely cheating! Under normal circumstances, this is absolutely impossible."

Of course, even if I said they could make it, you have no way to counter it. In their own territory, can you still stop them from doing research?

Of course, he could only complain in his heart and dared not say it out loud.

"What should we do now? The sanctions must have failed."

The people from the consortium asked.

They looked very unhappy.

The government of the United States is supported by these consortiums. If the policies are wrong, the consortium will suffer losses in the end...

"Technological innovation is unpredictable."

The senior official shook his head: "We can't do anything."

"What do you mean by no way? Do you know what this incident represents? The majesty of the sanctions of the United States has been completely shattered! The whole world is laughing at us! Our authority has dropped! The wafer industry will suffer huge losses!"

The consortium knocked on the table: "If we don't find a way to solve this problem, I don't think the government of the United States will have to spend so much money from our consortium to support it next year!"


The senior official wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

"If it doesn't work, use force to deter! Send a few aircraft carriers to scare them!"

The Seven-Star Admiral slammed the table: "I don't believe that anyone dares to confront the United States! We are the world hegemon!"

"We will suffer a great loss no matter how we fight in the coastal waters of China. Their rocket army is too well developed. This is unrealistic, and they also have several aircraft carriers."

The senior official shook his head: "We can't afford it."


The Seven-Star Admiral angrily slammed the table: "Then what do you say?!"

The senior official frowned: "We can only launch a boycott, calling on the public not to buy electronic products exported by China, and let other countries in the world ban the sale of their products."

"Do you still think it's decades ago now!"

The head of the consortium's face turned black: "Trade with China must not be cut off, and many of our grassroots businesses still rely on them. Moreover, other countries can't listen to us all."

The senior official of the United States was silent.

He had to admit that this was a fact.

There are no eternal friends between countries.

Before, they helped America to deal with China because they thought America was too powerful and hard to deal with.

Now that China has risen, they have to think carefully about whether to help America or not.


"There is a third thing."

Just when they were gloomy, Ye Yang spoke again on the screen.

"Is there any terrible news to be released?!"

They looked at Ye Yang, and their hearts were almost shadowed.

After all, this guy has never said any good news...

In the venue.

Ye Yang said lightly: "Today, we officially announce the latest generation of products of Shentu Company: the launch of virtual reality game cabin. In the future, we will cooperate with Xiayou Company to combine 8G technology and virtual reality game cabin. Create a truly perfect masterpiece that surpasses the physical sensing suit for an era! At that time, the concept of virtual world and metaverse will completely appear in reality!"


The whole venue burst into an even more sensational uproar...


The American high-level officials had already known about the virtual reality game cabin through the Mason Consortium.

"Sure enough, it's another bad news..."

The American high-ranking official frowned, and felt deeply the fear of being dominated by Ye Yang...

Being the opponent of this man is really stressful! ! !

"At the same time, we are also working with Xia You Company to conquer 10G technology non-stop. When 10G technology is developed, it will be the day when the metaverse truly becomes a reality!"

Ye Yang waved his hand and issued this announcement in a deep voice.

The progress of science and technology is inevitable.

There is no right or wrong in science and technology itself.

Nuclear weapons can become the sword-bearing button to protect world peace, or they can become the sword that destroys the world.

It depends on how the future world will use it.

Within one day.

Three major news appeared one after another, completely setting off a frenzy on the Internet around the world! ! !

Each piece of news is enough to make people feel that the times are changing...

The arrival of the three together makes people feel at a loss...

"Technology is booming! China is rising, and the virtual world is about to come... I am really looking forward to it!"

"It is a whole era ahead of the somatosensory suit? I am sorry that I can't imagine what kind of existence it is..."

"At least, from today on, there will be no more things like using a small crystal to curb the giant China... Never again..."

(First update)

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