Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 923: A century-old store that will not bow down for a few dollars

Three days have passed since that press conference.

The heat has not subsided at all.

Whether it’s a virtual world, a 1-nanometer crystal, or the name of Falcon One.

All making waves one after another.

It sparked countless discussions.

Now when I open a media such as Douyin, the screen will be about this news.

"The whole country is celebrating. Now everyone knows the name of Shentu."

Yu Momo sat next to Ye Yang with the peeled fruit and chuckled.


Ye Yang nodded, casually took a red crystal grape and took a bite: "There's so much water! It's so tender!"

Yu Momo pursed his lips and smiled: "In the past few days, the stocks of Shentu and Xia You have been growing like crazy."

"According to this level, Shentu will soon be ranked among the top three in the world and reach a market value of 20 trillion Chinese coins."

Yu Momo showed Ye Yang the predicted curve.


Ye Yang nodded.

"Xia You's stock has also been rising recently, doubling its price again."

Yu Momo took out Xia You's report.

Ye Yang also invested huge amounts in it.

Now the income has already reached the trillion level.

"Boss, you are really a stock wizard. I didn't realize it at all before. Every time you made a few moves, you were always sure and ruthless. You hit the most promising stocks in the past year."

Yu Momo sighed: "Even if I majored in finance, I would never be able to do this kind of operation..."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

He didn't tell anyone about the system.

Naturally, Yu Momo didn’t know about the stock market prediction card.

"I'm actually...all blind."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

"Boss, you are not blind... Momo feels like you knew this in advance."

Yu Mo smiled slyly and leaned over.


Ye Yang turned his head and glanced at her.

"I always felt something was wrong with my boss. I figured it out just now."

Yu Mo hummed and said confidently.


Ye Yang's heart moved, maybe his identity as the owner of the system was about to be exposed! ?

Do any normal adult people really believe this?

What kind of sensation and impact will it bring to the world?


In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

"I guess...Master, you must be a time traveler who came back from the future!"

Yu Mo chuckled.


Ye Yang rolled his eyes.

Damn, I thought I was going to expose the system, but it turns out I was just suspected of having traveled from the future...

I thought it was a big deal...

Um, no, this doesn't seem to be a trivial matter.

Seeing Ye Yang's changing expression, Yu Mo Mo burst out laughing, took out a strawberry and fed it to Ye Yang: "Does the master think Mo Mo's imagination is a bit too rich?"

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth: "How could it be possible..."

Your imagination isn't big enough.

My imagination is not rich enough!

He added internally.

Yu Momo took a bite of the cantaloupe and shook his head casually: "No matter what you are like, master, it has nothing to do with Momo. Just tell me when you think it's appropriate..."

Ye Yang looked at Yu Momo in surprise.

"Oh, that's right!"

Yu Momo stopped talking about this topic: "Shentu Company has made a major breakthrough this time, and many people have suggested making a commemorative artwork, such as an inscription or a sculpture, to commemorate it."

"That's a good thing."

Ye Yang nodded and smiled.

"Well, the one best suited to do this is probably Catela Studio."

Yu Momo pouted: "But the little old man who leads this studio has a very weird temper. He only makes four works a year. This year, they have finished their works and are unwilling to make another one for us at any cost. "

"Have you contacted me?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"Well, his normal price is 30 million euros to customize one piece. But I paid 100 million euros, and they just said to come and take a look."

Yu Momo scratched his head.


Ye Yang thought for a while and curled his lips: "Find a few similar top studios to come together. It's just a sculpture, they don't have to be made. Let them compete. Don't think we can only beg them."

Yu nodded silently.

This principle is very simple, but it requires Ye Yang's nod to actually implement it.

What if Ye Yang wants the world's top designer to design it?

"Master, you really don't care much about these things~"

Yu Mo smiled.

Many successful people have a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. They strive to achieve the ultimate in this symbol of honor.

"There are too many honors, it's numb."

Ye Yang spread his hands and said with a Versailles smile.

"Haha... Boss, if your words spread, I don't know how many people will be envious to death!"

Yu Momo held Ye Yang's arm.

the next day.

The center of the square in front of the Shentu Building.

Several extended luxury cars came from a distance.

A commemorative sculpture of this incident will be erected in the center of the square.


In the first few cars, inspectors from several other top studios in the world got off.

As for the last car, Ao Ran came last.

As soon as he got off the car, the old man with a gentleman's beard raised his head and stepped forward, frowning at the Shentu staff in charge of reception: "Didn't they invite only us?! Why are these studios here too?"

While they were talking.

A Lamborghini Veneno stopped beside them at lightning speed.

Yu Momo walked down from it and smiled lightly: "Mr. Catera, we never promised to only hire you. There is no upper limit for our design fee. It depends on your proposals and who is more attractive."

Yu Momo smiled and said: "The so-called world's number one golden signboard, in the eyes of our boss, is far less attractive than a satisfactory plan."

Just after getting off the car, he received such a big blow.

It was Catera who didn't expect it. He snorted angrily: "Our Catera Studio is a century-old studio! The world's number one! Even if the president invites us to design, it's not so big! You are too disrespectful to art!"

"Then use your art to gain my respect, not your golden signboard."

A cold voice came from behind Yu Momo.

Everyone looked over.

That was a handsome young man.

Katerra squinted and looked at him: "This is..."

"Our boss, Ye Yang."

Yu Momo said lightly.

"You are Ye Yang!"

The arrogance on Katerra's face faded a lot.

Recently, various events caused by this name have stirred up endless storms in the world.

Even if he didn't know what the face corresponding to this name looked like, this name alone was enough to be intimidating...

"Hehe, anyway, Katerra Studio will absolutely disdain to compete with other studios. This is the dignity of our century-old store!"

Katerra raised his head, art is priceless!

How can you bend for a few pieces of rice?

(Second update)

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