Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 927: The outdated young man comes uninvited

"Although I also think that Sister Ya just now has bad intentions, I didn't expect that she actually thought so..."

After listening to Ye Yang's analysis of what happened just now.

Xu Xiaoxin frowned.

She was born in a powerful family. Although she was well protected, she was still smart and thought that Ye Yang's analysis was very reasonable.

"Huh, I suddenly don't sympathize with her!"

Xu Xiaoxin pouted, a little unhappy.

She has always been kind to others, never making things difficult for others, and her heart is full of sunshine.

Otherwise, she would not come out to experience life, and she has completely integrated into the people around her without exposing her identity as a young lady.

Around Xu Yuanhong, everyone else flatters her.

How dare they cheat her.

"There are more dark things in society than you think. When I am here, you don't have to care about these things, but if you are alone outside, you should also think more. Don't have the intention to harm others, but be on guard against others."

Ye Yang patted Xu Xiaoxin's forehead and smiled gently.

"Got it!"

Xu Xiaoxin drank a mouthful of chicken soup: "This chicken soup is really delicious!"

"...I'm talking about truth, not chicken soup for the soul!"

Ye Yang was stunned.

"Hehe, I'm talking about real chicken soup, try it~"

Xu Xiaoxin stuffed the remaining half spoonful of chicken soup into Ye Yang's mouth.


Ye Yang looked at Xu Xiaoxin's serious eyes, and his heart was touched.

Every girl he met has her own characteristics.

Xu Xiaoxin is a pure and naughty young lady, like a warm snowflake falling on your hand in winter.

Xu Xiaoxin Ye Yang suddenly looked at himself seriously, his little face blushed, and stepped back.

"Why are you looking at me like that..."

"Because you are beautiful."

Ye Yang smiled casually.

Xu Xiaoxin rolled her eyes: "Master of earthy love words!"


Ye Yang smiled.

"But when we first met, you said cheesy love words to me every day! In the end, you were the one who flirted with me first!"

Xu Xiaoxin wrinkled her nose: "You only flirt with me but don't take responsibility!"

"Ah, this!"

Ye Yang coughed and touched his nose guiltily.


Xu Xiaoxin swallowed her saliva. She had prepared herself mentally for today's event. She said firmly, "Anyway, I'm attracted to you. You have to be responsible for me!!!"

Ye Yang smiled, "You don't care..."

"I don't care! I don't care about anything! If I cared, I wouldn't say this!"

Xu Xiaoxin blushed and scolded Ye Yang unwillingly, "Oh! You are such a straight man! You don't even know this! Don't wait for girls to say everything! Just tell me, are you responsible or not?!"

Ye Yang smiled, stood up, and bowed slightly to Xu Xiaoxin, "Then, Miss Xu, please give me more advice in the future..."

Xu Xiaoxin finally spoke out her inner thoughts. She let out a long breath, feeling much more relaxed. She smiled and took Ye Yang's hand, "Mr. Ye, too!"

"After enduring for so long, I finally eliminated the word "substitute" of the substitute boyfriend!"

Sitting back in her seat, Xu Xiaoxin felt particularly good.

Both sides were talking and laughing.

Two men and one woman sat down in the compartment seat separated by a carved partition.

After sitting down, they ordered an ordinary meal for three people.

Started chatting.

"Xiao Jing, you don't know what our Tian brother gave up for you!!!"

After sitting down, the henchman who was obviously dressed as a younger brother said to the girl opposite in an exaggerated manner.

"Hey! Let's not talk about this matter! I told you that it is important to be low-key!"

Tian brother, dressed as a big brother, pressed his hands, raised his head slightly, pulled the collar, and lifted the rented high-end suit to cover up the embarrassment of not fitting.


The girl opposite had a silly face, and was a little overwhelmed by the two brothers singing the same tune: "What...what's wrong!"

"You also know that our Tian brother, in the Magic City, is a well-known and successful young man!"

"Who doesn't know the name of my Tian brother!"

The younger brother waved his arms exaggeratedly.

Brother Tian pressed his hand exaggeratedly: "Low-key! Must be 'low-key'!!!"


Ye Yang and Xu Xiaoxin could vaguely see the posture of the people at the next table through the gap of the carved partition.

They looked at each other and couldn't help laughing...

Where did this come from?

Even through the partition, Ye Yang could taste the deep-rooted bad boy aura on the two men opposite.

They were probably three-no youths who rode ghost fire and combed their hair like a killer.

It was obvious that the ghost fire era had already ended. He was past the age of being a spirited young man and couldn't fool girls.

So after learning from the pain, he wore an ill-fitting suit and transformed himself into an old spirited young man who pretended to be a successful person to pick up girls...

Ye Yang didn't understand the thinking of such a girl who was obviously at a disadvantage.

Was he just looking for excitement?

Or was he really so stupid that he could be fooled by unreliable trash with just a few words?

It was hard for him to believe that a person could be so stupid...

Just as he was thinking.

The next message came from the other side.

"Our brother Tian is both civil and martial, handsome and strong! Business leaders want to meet him!"

The wingman continued to help promote.


The innocent girl on the other side had starry eyes, and was obviously moved by my bragging.

Many girls admire strong men.

The scumbag saw this point, falsely portrayed his own strength, and lied to people every day.

Honest people say what they have to say, and they don’t brag, so some brainless girls will of course choose the scumbag, and then find out that the scumbag’s things are all bragging, and then say that all boys are liars.

She chose it herself, but she put the blame on all men.

She even scolded the innocent good men.

When someone told her to wake up, she should have posted a sad circle of friends, saying that she took it all by herself...

It’s really awesome.

“How can it be false?! I never brag!”

The younger brother said repeatedly.

Brother Tian pretended to stop him, but he didn’t take any actual action.

“Tell me quickly!”

The innocent girl’s eyes lit up, and she looked at Brother Tian with admiration.

Brother Tian stroked his hair helplessly and sighed exaggeratedly: "It seems that those things can't be concealed! Xiaojing!!!"

Xiaojing, the naive girl who was dazzled by his tricks, waited expectantly for the next words.

Brother Tian lit a cigarette and talked about the past lonely.

"I used to be a descendant of a wealthy family. My family was in decline, and I worked hard on my own! I worked hard to build a foundation! Do you know Ye Yang? The rich man who is very popular on the Internet recently! The super rich one!"

"I know, he is also a big star! I like him very much!"

The naive girl said repeatedly...

(Second update)

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