Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 928 Ye Shenhao? That was my disciple.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, what about his own business?

But I probably haven’t had any contact with this person since I was a kid! ?

Don't remember at all...

He listened further.

"That Ye Yang was taught by me! If I hadn't taught him how to do business, would he be doing so well now!?"

Brother Tian raised his head and said proudly.


Xu Xiaoxin almost burst out laughing after taking a sip of tea. Looking at the speechless Ye Yang opposite, she was holding back tears.


Ye Yang shrugged speechlessly.

This is like bragging between boys that the e-sports devil is his apprentice. Normal people would have retorted and said he was dreaming.

But the foolish attribute of the silly sweet girl is so strong that she actually believed it. Her eyes shone brightly and she kept saying: "Really?! This is amazing! You must be very rich too, right!?"

Brother Tian waved his hand: "It's all in the past. Now I have long since retired to the mountains and forests, and I will no longer get involved in the affairs of the world..."

He took a deep drag on the cigarette, his eyes filled with exaggerated vicissitudes of life and loneliness.

But the more exaggerated he is, the more silly girls admire him, and they feel that he has such a story!

It's simply too strong! ?

You must have done a lot of earth-shattering things! ! !

Ye Yang had goosebumps all over his body, and he didn't brag like that...

A young man with nothing in society is rented from head to toe. Even so, the total value does not exceed 20,000. One can imagine what a young man in this society with nothing in society is like.

Do you believe this? !

He couldn't understand it at all. This couldn't be explained by the man's clever deception skills. It was either a congenital IQ defect or a lack of basic education.

But there are still many girls like this.

He sighed at it.

"The former richest man in Shanghai, now the second richest man, a super boss, does Xu Yuanhong know?"

When the wingman saw this, he came up to help brag.



Xu Xiaoxin glared, and just as she was snickering that Brother Ye was being used as bragging rights, her own father was also involved! ?

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth.

These guys are brave enough to brag about anything, so you might as well take it as a joke...

"I've heard of it! But I'm not very familiar with it... You guys are so awesome, you know everything!!!"

The silly, sweet girl looked adoring.

"Haha, when you come out to hang out, can you check the information carefully and make up a story to fool you silly people! I really think Baidu is just a decoration..."

The wingman is extremely proud. He feels that he is really the best intelligence master in the world, and he is jealous of his talents. Otherwise, he is enough to go to the FBI in the United States and become a top agent. He doesn’t need any other code name, just 007 would be great!

The more he thought about it, the more beautiful he became. He realized that Brother Tian was glaring at him, and then he reacted and continued to lick: "This Xu Yuanhong knew that after Brother Tian retired to the devil's capital, he personally came to invite Brother Tian to come out!!!"


The silly girl's eyes widened.


The wingman knew it was time to make a big move, so he took out a photo from his arms: "Look! This is the evidence! A photo of the chairman of Hainan Automobile Group and our brother Tian!!!"

This is a photo without any trace of PS.

The headshot of the CEO of Haiqi Automobile Group was cut out from the Internet and pinned next to Brother Tian. The lower body of someone else was pinned below.

A photo full of smiles and harmony is all it takes.


The silly sweet girl searched the Baidu Encyclopedia of the Chairman of Haiqi Automobile Group online and found that the photo above was exactly the same as the person in it!

So *exactly the same!

Xu Xiaoxin was so embarrassed that she wanted to get up and teach these two energetic young men a lesson.

However, Ye Yang, who was suppressing his laughter, pressed down: "Let's see what they do next. The show is not over yet."

"Humph, that's too much!"

Xu Xiaoxin pouted and muttered.

"Oh! I was right next to Brother Tian at that time! That Xu Yuanhong offered countless generous offers and wanted to invite our Brother Tian to come out! What about luxury cars and villas, and what kind of annual salary worth tens of millions!!!"

The wingman's words were eloquent, and the more he boasted, the more outrageous he became: "There is even Xu Xiaoxin, the only daughter of Haiqi Group! She is going to be betrothed to Brother Tian!"


Silly White Sweet Girl and Xu Xiaoxin couldn't help it. One was surprised and the other was a little angry.

"Then what! That daughter of a billionaire group must be very good, right!? She must not be comparable to an ordinary girl like me..."

The silly sweet girl said with some inferiority complex.

She actually feels so inferior...

"Humph! But at that time, Brother Tian met you! He gave up this option!!!"

The wingman immediately released these bombshell news: "For you, Brother Tian gave up his comeback! He gave up his tens of millions of annual salary, super rich daughter, luxury cars and villas!!!"


The silly girl's eyes were wet. She didn't expect that Brother Tian would be so kind to her! ! !

"Don't cry, it's all worth it!"

Brother Tian sighed "affectionately": "It's all in the past, why bring it up?! I told you not to talk about this to Xiao Jing, you are so talkative!"

The wingman boy immediately said to himself: "Yes, yes, yes! Brother Tian, ​​I forgot! I have committed a heinous crime!!!"

"Okay, let's forget it this time."

Tian Ge glanced at the worried and innocent girl, secretly delighted, she took the bait!

It's going to work!

If everything goes well, we can get to home plate tonight, right? !

He sneered.

Not bad!

He is a three-number-free idiot, and he can rent high-end suits in Shanghai. He relies on a clumsy trick to cheat this kind of idiot to make money, and let the other party lose his body and money.

"Alas, Tian Ge has suffered a lot for you!"

The wingman said at the right time: "He used to wear suits, and they started at 100,000!"

"I have 100,000! You can't wrong yourself for me!"

Xiao Jing said repeatedly: "I will transfer it to you tonight, I believe you can definitely make a comeback!"


Ye Yang frowned.

Before, he listened to it as a joke and watched it as a skit.

However, this stupid scumbag actually wanted to openly cheat money and sex in front of him?

Before he got up.

Over ten people hurried over to the counter.

"This!? Could it be that the family of the girl I cheated before came to beat me up!?"

When he saw so many people coming together, the guilty Tian Ge's first reaction was this.

However, he was relieved after seeing who was coming.

It seems that these are all staff members of the store.

The one in the front looks a bit like a boss, so he should be the boss...

"Maybe your identity has been exposed, and they came to see you!"

Xiao Jing said seriously.

Tian Ge's mouth twitched, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Of course, he knew that this was impossible...

(First update)

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