Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 929: The powerful emperor is so terrifying


The group quickly stood beside Brother Tian and the others.

Silly and innocent Xiao Jing looked expectant.

Brother Tian and his wingman turned pale.

They were just bragging!

Silly and innocent Xiao Jing didn’t know, don’t they know what level they are! ?

How could they come to them…

Could it be that this boss is actually a relative of a silly girl that he cheated and came to beat me up…

He was trembling inwardly.

He looked up.

He found that although they were standing next to him, they didn’t look at them at all.

Instead, they looked at their neighbors…

They turned their heads.

They were stunned.

“Looks so familiar!”

Brother Tian and his wingman scratched their heads, thinking that they seemed to have seen this figure somewhere before.

“Oh my god!”

Their pupils shrank together.

Ye Shenhao!!!

Although he could only vaguely see it through the gaps between the carvings, Ye Yang was really handsome and extraordinary!

You can recognize him at a glance!!!

Their faces turned pale with fear.

The whole person was trembling, knowing that he had said the wrong thing just now, and felt like falling into an ice cellar.

He actually boasted next to the real master, saying that he was his master!

It's over, it's over...

Numb, my mouth was numb with fear, and my body was almost unconscious.

Xiao Jing also looked around and was surprised to find that her idol was sitting next to her.

However, the people standing next to her were righteous, so she didn't dare to stand up and talk nonsense.

"Mr. Ye!!!"

The boss Du Zijiu stood tall and said respectfully.

"Who are you?"

Ye Yang looked at this person, he didn't know him!

Du Zijiu smiled again and again: "I am the owner of this restaurant. I heard that Mr. Ye, who is famous in China, actually came to eat in the restaurant. I am honored. It is really a great honor. I am extremely shocked. With a pious heart, I came to meet Mr. Ye. I hope Mr. Ye will forgive me for disturbing you..."

Ye Yang was speechless.

This skill of flattery can be called king-level.

If there is a world called Pai Po Cang Qiong, he is at least a Pai Huang-level strongman in it.

"This is a century-old fine wine that we have collected in our store. It is the treasure of our store. Today, I will give it to Mr. Ye. Just take it as a drop of water from the ocean of my admiration for Mr. Ye, just to show my appreciation!"

Du Zijiu respectfully placed the century-old fine wine on the table.

Ye Yang nodded, not arrogant, and accepted it with a smile.

After all, this restaurant is the place where he rose to prominence, and it is a blessed place.

The first time I came here, I awakened the system, and the second time I came, I met Xu Xiaoxin.

This boss is also a Pai Huang.

It's not bad to know him.

Seeing that Ye Yang accepted the gift he gave, Du Zijiu was overjoyed. He bowed repeatedly and flattered the emperor-level strongman again, which made people feel quite comfortable.

The more this happened, the more Brother Tian and the wingman on the table next to him felt cold all over, shivering like a sieve, and even collapsed on the ground!


"Hey?! Are you two okay? Why did you fall down?"

Xiao Jing was startled.


Du Zijiu frowned and looked over.

Who came to ruin the atmosphere when he was forgetting to show off his flattery skills! ?

At a glance, he saw the wingman and Brother Tian collapsed on the ground.

A trace of anger rose in his eyes.

Seeing Ye Yang and others looking over.

The fear in Brother Tian and the wingman's hearts completely broke out, and the two turned over, and the six bodies were basically lying on the ground.

"Mr. Ye! You must have heard our disrespectful remarks just now! Please forgive us! We were just talking nonsense for a while, and we really didn't expect you to be right next to us!!!"

"That's right! We are the ones who are talking nonsense and making fun of you!"


Ye Yang looked at the two humble young men and raised his mouth: "You are only making fun of me!? Look up and take a good look!"

Tian Ge and his wingman raised their heads tremblingly and saw Xu Xiaoxin looking down at them.

But they were a little confused.

They could only Baidu to find the photo of Xu Yuanhong, chairman of Haiqi Group, but Xu Xiaoxin, as the daughter of the former richest man in Modu, was well protected and had little exposure.

Only people in the business community knew her.

Ordinary people like them naturally didn't know what she looked like.

"I am Xu Xiaoxin of Haiqi Group who you said you abandoned~"

Xu Xiaoxin said unhappily.

Anyone who is teased like this will hold their breath.

Not to mention being teased by these two seemingly worthless young men...

"Ah! Miss Xu! We are so rude!"

They burst into tears, feeling very wronged.

How come they were bragging and ran into two real people! ?

Is there anyone in the world who is luckier than them! ?

It's like they were blessed by the devil, with a bad luck buff on their heads...

Xu Xiaoxin tilted her head and didn't bother to pay attention to them.

They could only slap themselves in the face!

Du Zijiu was able to cultivate to the level of the emperor, so he must have been through many battles and was proficient in human nature.

You can tell what happened at a glance.

At this time, he also sneered, and asked you to stop me from flattering me, and you are doing it for your karma! ?

He shouted angrily: "You two are so brave! In the whole Magic City, no one dares to joke with Mr. Ye! I think you two don't want to live a good life in the second half of your life!"

Brother Tian and his wingman almost rolled their eyes at this sentence...

Ye Yang waved his hands.

There is no need to act like a gangster...

After all, he has another identity as a senior official of the country, so he still needs to pay attention to the impact.

"What's wrong with you two? Didn't you say you are Ye Yang's master? Why is the master kneeling to the apprentice!?"

Silly Xiao Jing was still talking.


Du Zijiu on the side laughed so hard that his stomach hurt: "These two guys always come to my store. They look eloquent, but in fact they are shit. They brought several women here before, bragging in various ways, saying that they are the illegitimate son of the President of the United States, and they also said that they are a half-blood prince. You silly girls believe it?"


Xiao Jing didn't believe it, and questioned Brother Tian: "Is what he said true!?"

Du Zijiu shook his head. If a person is so stupid, he really has to lie to her, and his conscience is uneasy...

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and randomly found a relationship and selected a few posts.

All the above are complaints from girls who were cheated of money and sex by Brother Tian. There are also intimate photos, videos, and transfer records with Brother Tian. It is official news, not photoshopped, and cannot be faked.

"You! How could you do this! You scumbag!!!"

Xiao Jing was so angry that she cried and ran away.


Brother Tian saw the fat meat flying away, and he cried violently in his heart. It was not easy to cheat!

"Okay, I think you should worry about yourself."

Du Zijiu said sarcastically.

(Second update)

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