Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 930: Total cost of prestigious schools: 900 billion

"It's human nature to brag, but there's nothing to argue about."

Ye Yang shook his head.


Countless glimmers of hope rose in Brother Tian's eyes.

I originally thought I was dead!

As a result, Ye Yang was actually ready to let him go! ?

He was about to bow his head to thank him.

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth: "But cheating money and sex is indeed a violation of the criminal law! It must be severely punished!"


Brother Tian didn't expect Ye Yang to be waiting for him here...

He lost count of the total amount of money he had defrauded.

If you don't still want to stay in the magical city and live a luxurious life of debauchery, you can save money and go home to buy a car and a house.

Such a large amount of money is enough to sentence him to five, seven or eight years.

So desperate...

Many people are doing this kind of thing. A scumbag can defraud dozens of people out of money and sex.

He knew several colleagues.

But most people were fine. It was purely because of his bad luck today that he was caught by Ye Yang, so he had to bear the consequences of the evil things he had done.


We all did bad things, why should I be punished? ?

Anger flashed in Brother Tian's eyes. He was going to report those colleagues who often drank with him and bragged!

You can also reduce your sentence, so why not?

Ye Yang was too lazy to care what he was thinking.

He dealt with this kind of garbage every time he saw it.

How could Ye Yang speak for himself?

Du Zijiu directly called the police.

"I'm right! I don't accept it! Isn't the essence of this world just to lie to each other! Everything in this world is developing in a bad direction. What's the use of being a good person! I will only be given the good person card. I am just taking advantage of the rules of this society. That’s all!”

Before Brother Tian was taken away, he knew that he was doomed anyway, so he simply complained directly.

A cold look flashed in Ye Yang's eyes: "Do you know how many people in this world still stick to their hearts after seeing through this truth? Everyone is a member of this society. What the future of this society will be depends on Everyone’s choices and actions.”

"You help the tyrants do evil, and you still think you are justified?"

"If you were less of a coward like you - a bitch who rebelled and surrendered to the enemy after suffering from the darkness of society, society would have been clean and upright long ago!"

"Not only did you compromise, you also became an accomplice of the dark side and continued to expand the dark side. To deceive and harm people! To make more people fall into the darkness. You are really ungrateful! The crime is heinous!!!"

Anger flashed in Ye Yang's eyes.

He doesn't get too annoyed when others just make mistakes.

But he would never give in to something so fundamental.

There are a lot of smart people in this society, and there are also a lot of people who can see the dark side of this society and play tricks on its rules.

It's just that some people choose to stick to their principles.

Just like Lawyer Luo at Station B, there are countless Zhang Sans in his heart. If he wants to commit a crime, are you smarter than him?

But people stick to their conscience. Don't use those legal loopholes to make money.

Who doesn’t understand that opportunism can make a profit?

The bad guys should be punished if they say they have done evil in a high-sounding way.

This is the highest truth.

He is extremely disgusted by comments that analyze why bad people become bad people and then even sympathize with them.

These people only saw the miserable perpetrator, but did they ever see the innocent people who were framed by him? Have you ever seen the blood and tears of families shattered by evildoers?

No, these people are invisible, they are just a bunch of brainwashed wretches.

"You have your reasons, but how many ignorant girls have you harmed, and how many families have you robbed of their hard-earned money? Since you have chosen to throw yourself into the darkness without hesitation, you must know that you deserve to die! You must know that when things are revealed, you are not worthy at all. Screaming injustice!”

Ye Yang's eyes flashed coldly, he stepped forward and looked at Brother Tian: "Do you understand?"

"But I only..."

Brother Tian broke his guard and cried.

"Then go find the person who harmed you and take revenge! Instead of turning around and cheating other innocent people!"

Ye Yang laughed angrily: "You don't even have the courage to take revenge on the evildoers, so you pass on the anger you have suffered to other innocent people. Isn't that just bullying the weak and afraid of the strong? Can't you see your ugly and disgusting nature!? You are like this People are more disgusting than evildoers!”

"Cowardly and evil, despicable and ugly!"


Brother Tian cried bitterly after being scolded. Everything is black. He cannot stand in the face of true justice.

The fallacies he had believed in for many years were completely shattered today...

He was then taken away by the police.

Ye Yang sat back in his seat and looked at Xu Xiaoxin looking at him with admiration.

"Uh? Did I say something wrong?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"No... I just think your idea, brother Ye, is really good..."

Xu Xiaoxin sighed.

Ye Yang shook his head and smiled: "No need to worry about these garbage anymore, let's eat."


Xu Xiaoxin nodded.

Du Zijiu was very discerning and quietly withdrew.

He also ordered the waiter not to take other guests to the table next to Ye Yang, leaving space for the two of them.


After a meal, we chatted here and there for more than two hours before it was over.

Afterwards, Ye Yang took Xu Xiaoxin on the bustling street of the Magic City while holding hands and walking on the road.

Then they went to see a private movie. The whole venue belonged to the two of them. The tools were complete and the bed was comfortable. It was a natural thing for a single man and a single woman.

After in-depth communication.

The two also spent a perfect afternoon.

After sending Xu Xiaoxin back to her villa, Ye Yang stretched.

As soon as he returned to the manor, he saw Yu Momo brought a report.

It was a list of expenses for Huaxia Jiuzhou University.

From the establishment of the project to now, 900 billion has been spent.

If Ye Yang did not have so many companies and connections under his command, then the subsequent investment in the future and dream funds combined might exceed one trillion.

In addition to Ye Yang, there are really few people in the world who can afford the top international schools.

Moreover, in the meantime, the future textbooks exchanged by the system rewards and the system mall were used.

It is said that a top prestigious school needs decades or even hundreds of years of precipitation, and endless talents and funds to be established.

Ye Yang also realized the weight of this sentence.

"It's really not easy."

He sighed.

Tomorrow, it will be the time for formal enrollment.

It's time to accept all the efforts and inputs along the way...

A school has students.

It is completely complete.

Those who participated in the bet and did not give up also paid attention again.

And ordinary people know that this is a world-class event, and they are paying attention in advance.

And students who want to apply for Huaxia Jiuzhou University are looking forward to tomorrow.

On the Casal Building.

Miro lit a cigar and paid attention to this matter silently...

Huaxia Jiuzhou University is destined to make a storm in the world again tomorrow!

Ye Yang exhaled. Before something becomes a fact, although he knows that it is likely to succeed, he is still a little worried in his heart...

(First update)

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