Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 932: Experiencing a Day as a Landlord

Contribute to your hometown, change your hometown, and make your hometown truly rise.

Anyone with a little ambition in their heart has thought about it, right?

Ye Yang looked out the window.

Then, he retracted his gaze: "And even if there is no such thing, this must be done."

"Fairness is the most scarce wealth in this society."

"In exchange for relative fairness, what does it matter if you sacrifice a little and have a little trouble?"

"As long as you can make a little progress on this road, even if you spend a lot of money, it is worth it in my opinion, not to mention the cost of only one or two hundred million this time?"

Ye Yang said seriously: "The energy and value created by fairness to the public cannot be measured by money. Don't focus on the present, but see the country and the future."

"Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy is a university in Huaxia and a university in the world."

"If your pattern is only like this, you are not suitable to be the financial director of Jiuzhou Academy."


The head of accounting was so scared that his face turned pale, and he said repeatedly: "I know, boss!!! I will definitely think more deeply in the future!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

He didn't really want to dismiss the other party, but just wanted to give him some advice.

After all, the other party was also for the good of Jiuzhou Academy itself, and as the will of China, he naturally thought higher and longer-term.

"Okay, things here are almost settled. The opening ceremony will be scheduled for the end of September."

Ye Yang stretched lazily.

All the processes of Huaxia Jiuzhou University from scratch have finally been completely implemented...

He also felt relieved.

The distance to winning the bet.

There is only one last battle left...

That is, the evaluation battle!

That will be the real war between him and the Sals Consortium for the right to speak in world education...


In the next few days, he returned to his daily life.

Riding during the day and riding at night.

Occasionally writing novels, and then going out for a date, eating, and watching a movie.

After a few days, Ye Yang looked through the news and suddenly felt that the life of a rich man was really boring.

The repetition rate was too high.

Either he goes out to spend money with this stunning girl, or he goes out to have sex with that intimate beauty.

"We need to do something different."

Ye Yang scrolled through Douyin, and when he saw the landlord couple holding a big bag of keys and collecting rent at the gate of the community, he suddenly got an idea.

"Well, since I became a super rich man, I have hardly touched real banknotes. How about collecting rent?"

Although there are 10 billion cash in the basement.

But you can only take a look, how can it be as fun as collecting rent?

He asked Fang Sijin.

The new semester has begun, and many new people are paying rent or renewing their leases.

After discussing it, Ye Yang determined the day for collecting rent, and then drove a Rolls-Royce to collect rent.

After parking the car in the community garage.

He imitated the blogger on Douyin, found a small stool, and sat at the door.

Two large sacks were placed in front, waiting for people to pay.

In the tenant group, Fang Sijin had already greeted them.

Moreover, who wouldn't want to have more contact with such a handsome landlord?

Even these rich ladies encouraged their daughters to pay the rent.

The daughters said they didn't want to, but they all ran out with the money.

"This is my rent for next month, landlord brother~"

A girl with a good figure, good looks and fair skin counted the money in front of Ye Yang.

"No need to count, I'm just here to experience life, I believe you won't cheat me."

Ye Yang smiled.

He lives in a high-end school district community, which is not comparable to ordinary communities. An ordinary boutique house rents for 30,000 or 40,000 yuan a month.

Those who can afford to rent such a house generally have a good family background and will not do such things as cheating. If they have the mind and energy to care about this, they would have made more money long ago.

And he has one or two thousand houses like this!

Including the rent of the top-equipped house, the monthly rent is about 100 million yuan.


Ye Yang suddenly thought of a question.

If it is 100 million, it would be hard for his two sacks to hold it!

Miscalculated, miscalculated...

Although not all tenants are charged this time, some of them rent for a semester or a school year.

Added together, it may exceed 100 million in cash...

He sighed.

There are more houses, so there are more things to consider.

Even more sacks for money have to be taken!

The girl who counted the money finally finished counting, stuffed the money into the sack, and smiled sweetly: "Landlord brother~ Don't you want to stay with you for a while!?"

Ye Yang was stunned, and nodded with a smile, before he could say anything more.

Another girl came behind the sweet girl: "The front count is finished, hurry up! I still want to count!"

"Isn't there a place next to it!? You count? I'm not that long and wide!"

The sweet girl frowned.

"Humph! You've finished counting, and you're still here to occupy the best sight of my future husband! Get out!"

The girl behind continued unwillingly.

"Hmph! I'm happy with it!"

The sweet girl raised her head, but after seeing Ye Yang, she realized that she should act sweeter and shouldn't give him the impression that she was being unreasonable!

She sighed inwardly and had to go back.

Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief, dumbfounded.

These two are pretty good.

In the morning, several girls started fighting over standing right in front of him and counting money...

The scene was tragic. If the security had not taken action in time, there would have been blood.

Ye Yang felt that it was really unnecessary...

Will I fall in love with a girl just because she stands in front of me for a while?

How could I be so superficial?

Thinking of this, he smiled slightly.

At this time, a Mercedes drove in from the gate of the community.

The car stopped next to Ye Yang.

The car window opened, and a woman wearing sunglasses and smoking a cigarette looked at Ye Yang.

Simple clothes, two sacks next to them.

The woman said to the child in the co-pilot: "Did you see? If you don't work hard, you will have to be like this kid, picking up garbage in high-end neighborhoods!"


Ye Yang was stunned.

What a look!

You can actually think of yourself as a garbage collector...

There is no hope.

"Yeah! This kind of garbage picker is the worst! I must not be one!"

Like mother, like son. The child nodded sarcastically, and then threw a broken toy towards Ye Yang: "Take it and sell it for money! I think it can be sold for dozens of dollars! I still want to talk to my mother Go see your aunt and reward you!"


Ye Yang was shocked and stunned.

There are actually residents with such rubbish qualities in their community! ?

But considering that they said they were coming to see my aunt, they were probably not tenants here, but just visiting relatives.

(First update)

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