Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 933: A person with assets of over 100 million is also a big shot?

"You guys are here so early!"

A woman came over.

Ye Yang looked over.

The woman in the long skirt has a much better temperament than the second-rate girl in the car.

At least she behaves well and dresses decently.


The child shouted.


The woman in the long skirt smiled and responded, then sorted out tens of thousands of yuan and put them in Ye Yang's sack.

The female driver was dumbfounded.

"Auntie, why do you give money to the garbage collector?!"

The child asked puzzledly.

"What garbage collector..."

The woman in the long skirt was dumbfounded for a moment.

When she reacted, her face changed drastically...

"You actually said he was a beggar!?"

"Ah! Yes! He took two big sacks and sat here. What else can he be if not a rag collector? Hehe!"

The female driver laughed.

The long skirt woman's face changed drastically, and she bowed to Ye Yang repeatedly: "Mr. Ye, please don't be offended! My relative is not tactful and offended you! I'm really sorry!!!"

"Huh!? What, he's not a rag picker!?"

The driver woman raised her sunglasses and said lightly.

Even if she accidentally offended someone, she wouldn't worry, her husband is rich!

The family is a nouveau riche, suddenly rich, I feel that I don't need to live so cautiously, so what if I offend someone?

I have money anyway, I can just use the money to settle it.

"He is the only owner of our Linjiang community! Ye Yang, Mr. Ye!!!"

The long skirt woman said angrily: "This community alone is worth tens of billions! Your family is not at the same level as him, you really dare to say that!"

The female driver was stunned.


Is he so awesome! ?

The only owner of the entire community! ?

"I say, you are not attracted to this pretty boy, and you are here to cover up his lies, right? The whole community belongs to him!? How is it possible!? It's so funny!"

The female driver was extremely unruly and said crazily.

She was unruly when she had no money.

She was a shrew.

However, an ordinary shrew would not meet any powerful people.

She would not provoke any big guys at all. After all, they were all ordinary people, and no one could do anything to anyone. Even if they didn't like her, they would just mutter behind her back that this old woman was like a fool.

But now it's different!

She felt that she was awesome, and the relatives who didn't dare to leave before dared to leave.

The boy's aunt was very rich, and the female driver didn't dare to contact her before.

Now that she finally had some money, she wanted to come to her aunt to show off and brag about herself.

Who knew that as soon as she came in, she would directly mock Ye Yang, a super rich man.


"Landlord brother, we're here to pay!"

"We're from Unit 3, Building A."

Four sisters came over together, and each of them stuffed several piles of money into the sack.

The woman was dumbfounded.

She got out of the car again and again.

She opened the two bulging sacks and looked inside...


She couldn't help but swear: "This is too much money!!!"

Her eyes were wide open.

Although the family has become a little rich recently...

But the money is all in investment and cash flow, and the money they can control combined is not as much as the money in these two belts!

Anyway, they are definitely not rag pickers...


She stepped back again and again, hundreds of billions! ?

Isn't this too scary? !

The whole community belongs to them!

This is too outrageous!

From childhood to adulthood, she has never seen such a rich man! ! !

She was stunned.

The child was also dumbfounded...

He originally thought that he would never become like Ye Yang, picking up garbage in the community!

The result is that he is a money collector! ?

His little heart was greatly hurt.

"Mom!!! So much money! I must pick up trash in the future!!!"

A deep wish was buried in the child's heart from then on...

"Shut up!"

The mother frowned: "It is indeed rich! But so what!? Although my family is not as rich as yours, what power do you have as a rent collector?! Haha, I just say a few words to insult you, what can you do to us!?"

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth.

The girl in the long skirt repeatedly stopped the female driver from speaking nonsense.

After all, she lived in this high-end community, and she knew how unfathomable Ye Yang was when she chatted with other tenants.

That was a real all-powerful boss!

It was not something that could be guessed by common sense!

He was simply risking his life...

She was a little anxious.

She herself only had tens of millions of assets. Although the female driver's family had some money in the past two years, they probably didn't have as much money as her...

How dare you wrestle with a all-powerful boss like Ye Yang! ?

She kept saying, "Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Ye! Don't say these things! You will kill my brother!"

"Haha, you are too timid."

The female driver frowned, "Are you secretly in love with this boy? Haha, you looked down on our family before, and now you don't have to pretend to be here! What are you pretending to be worried about us? I think you just don't want to see us well, and you are mocking us here!"

"Seeing that my family is also rich, you are not satisfied, right? Do you feel oppressed?!"

The woman began to jump.

The security guards saw this and rushed up directly.


The woman in the long skirt was speechless.

She was a strong woman who had a lot of things to do every day. She rarely went back to her parents' home and was still unmarried in her thirties.

It was not that she was aloof or looked down on the female driver's family and didn't maintain the relationship.

She really didn't have the energy.

A sneer rose from the corner of Ye Yang's mouth. This female driver had a very clever brain!

The security guard also came to the woman at this time.

"What are you going to do!? Do you know who I am! How dare you touch me!? I'll let my husband find someone to buy your legs!"

The female driver was extremely fierce.

The security guards were not afraid of this.

If someone threatened them and they stopped doing security, they would not be worthy of being security guards in this community where the square meter was 200,000 or 300,000.

"I warn you, my husband is a major catering supplier in Shanghai! He is worth hundreds of millions! If you dare to touch me, be careful that I won't let you go!"

The female driver had sharp teeth and a fierce look.

The security guards looked at each other.

"Haha, you are scared now!?"

The female driver proudly put her hands on her waist.

"Worth hundreds of millions?"

"I am dying of laughter. A person worth hundreds of millions can be called a big shot..."

"There are people like this everywhere in Shanghai. Compared with our only owner, Mr. Ye, he is nothing. I advise you to get to know Shanghai more before you pretend to be cool!"

A group of security guards burst into laughter...

"It really makes me laugh to death. Damn it!"

"Hurry up and take this funny girl out! Don't let her pollute my boss's eyes here!"

The security guards kept saying.

"My husband knows a lot of big shots! Tang Ruguo, the owner of Han Pavilion, the first restaurant in Shanghai, is my husband's best friend!"

The woman saw that the security guard was really going to chase him away, so she made up a lie...

(Second update)

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