Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 936: Inspection of the Chinese Jiuzhou Academy

After collecting the rent.

Ye Yang lifted the sack.

"So one hundred million is so heavy!"

He was a little surprised.


Throwing the money in the car, one hundred million is not even a small goal for him now.

But he still had a lot of happiness today.

He smiled slightly and went back to Yundingshan Manor directly, and kept the money in the basement.

In the next two days, he walked around in the Magic City, met some people, and dealt with some business and relationship issues.

He said goodbye to Xu Xiaoxin, Qin Kelan, Fang Sijin and other girls one by one.

On the last day, Buffett came from overseas.

"Mr. Ye."

Buffett took the initiative to come over and shake hands with Ye Yang with great enthusiasm.

Earning hundreds of billions of Chinese yuan in a few months, even he has never done it...

Isn't this too exciting! ?

He is now extremely glad that he decided to find Ye Yang to manage the funds.

No other custodian can do what Ye Yang did.

It has only been a few months, and such a huge amount of funds has more than doubled...

Ye Yang smiled and nodded at him.

Then he brought Buffett to Han Pavilion.

Tang Ruguo had already greeted them at the door.

"Don't treat anyone today. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I'll be the host. You can eat whatever you want today."

Tang Ruguo raised his hand.

He invited Ye Yang and Buffett into the Black Dragon Pavilion.

"It is said that you invested 50 billion in Brother Ye?"

Tang Ruguo asked with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Ye is really amazing. His investment is even inferior to mine."

Buffett shook his head and sighed.

"Haha... I'm just lucky."

Ye Yang shook his head.

He doesn't have any investment vision. He just relies on the stock market investment card.

It should be the stock market investment card that is awesome!

He can always find the most awesome shares by chance.

"Mr. Ye is too modest!"

The stock god Buffett felt that Ye Yang was too modest!

He was so modest that even the stock god himself was ashamed.

"I really don't know why the outside world still calls me the stock god! You should be called Mr. Ye, the stock god!"

Buffett was unfair for Ye Yang.

If a person with only one million yuan in capital had followed Ye Yang's operations, he would have hundreds of millions now.

And these operations combined are far less than half a year!

In half a year, the wealth has increased by hundreds of times! ?

It's simply too scary...

Ye Yang smiled slightly and waved his hand: "Haha, I'm really not interested in these false names..."

When he was an ordinary person before, he didn't care.

Of course he cared, being praised and respected by people.

It's something that everyone desires in their hearts.

But why doesn't he care now?

Because he has too many titles...

Two more.

He can't remember them all...

One more or one less, it doesn't make any difference at all, so he doesn't care...

This meal was quite joyful, and the three of them had a pleasant chat.


After making an appointment with Buffett to come to China for charity activities in a while.

It was over.

"Tomorrow is the National Day."

Ye Yang stretched at Yundingshan Manor.

Last National Day, he returned home for the first time.

This year, he will take his parents out to see the outside world.

The two old people have been busy all their lives and have not traveled much.

With Lin Xueer, the bodyguard sisters, and Yu Momo, they boarded the F1000.

Ye Xiaozi is now in Huaxia Jiuzhou University in Jilin Province.

This time I will be able to see him directly when I go back.

"It's just right. After the boss goes back, he will give a speech at Huaxia Jiuzhou University. The students are waiting."

Yu Momo stuffed the schedule to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang glanced at it and nodded.

He didn't go to the opening ceremony in person, so he would make up for it this time.


The F1000 flew across the blue sky at a high speed, and the air SPA was as comfortable as ever.

Gu Dandan and Yuan Yuanyuan learned a trick.

Now two people provide services together, the comfort level is far greater than 1+1.


Oil massage, done in one go.

Ye Yang felt extremely refreshed.

This service is great!

He gave a thumbs up to the beautiful pilot and the beautiful captain.

Soon, the F1000 arrived in Spring City.

The customized version of Rolls-Royce Phantom was waiting at the airport gate.

Ye Yang and others got on it.


Huaxia Jiuzhou University looks even more magnificent in reality than in the promotional video.

A brand new Chinese architectural style school.

Every place is carefully designed.

The garden and landscape design inside are no less than the royal garden.

It is almost the top enjoyment in the world.

The school staff waited at the school gate early, waiting for Ye Yang's arrival.

Seeing Ye Yang's car.

All lined up to welcome him.

Many students who knew the news in advance gathered around.

On both sides of the school gate, looking up.

This is a legendary principal!

Even for these academic gods and super geniuses, it is extremely attractive.

After all, Ye Yang is too legendary.

Amid the intense welcome along the way...

Ye Yang finally arrived at the parking lot.

After getting off the car and saying hello, he accompanied the school's senior management to tour the campus.

High-end townhouses, the ultimate environment, high-tech teaching equipment, and international-level research laboratories.

Everything seemed to come from the future.

In the research laboratory, graduate students have already started to work and experiment.

There are also some doctoral students working on projects.



Ye Yang is very satisfied with the development of the school.

This is exactly the original intention of his founding the Chinese Jiuzhou Academy.

Everyone who sees him along the way will pay tribute to him.

The top bosses who were attracted by Ye Yang with the future textbooks were extremely enthusiastic about Ye Yang. While talking about the recent research topics, they praised Ye Yang from time to time to show their loyalty.

They just wanted to get the following textbooks quickly.

However, Ye Yang smiled slightly: "This, you can't chew too much! Let's take a long-term view, take a long-term view..."

"Ah this!"

The scientific masters all nodded in disappointment, but they were still full of energy.

After all, that is the prospect of the future of science!

Their lifelong pursuit!

As long as there is hope to see the following content, it is a fatal attraction for them...


Ye Yang came to the largest Jiuzhou Library among the nine libraries of Huaxia Jiuzhou University.

He stood at the highest point of the central library and overlooked the entire book exhibition hall.

Vast as the sea of ​​​​smoke and smoke...

A book filled with books...

One by one, the adjectives that originally only existed in imagination were truly realized.

Building a library of their own, most students have thought about this grand dream! ?

"Now our Jiuzhou Library's collection of books is still increasing rapidly. It is estimated that in a few years, it will surpass the British Library and other world-class super libraries."

The person in charge introduced.

(First update)

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