Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 937: Family travel during Golden Week?

"Yes, the library often represents the foundation of an institution and power."

The person in charge nodded: "It is also a display of strength."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

Walked around the library.

Jiuzhou Library is huge.

Countless books are lined up, and being in it is as if immersed in the sea of ​​knowledge...

Looking at the huge bookcase in front of you that seems to have no end...

There are tens of millions of collections on display here.

Among them are out-of-print and rare genuine works, and even unique and unique books.

The value of this library alone is far more than 100 billion.

The content of the book is sometimes not important.

The value of the book is always important.

Such a super library that crushes any other university in the world is placed here, and the foundation and strength of this school are beyond doubt.

"Okay, it's time to meet all the teachers and students of the school formally."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and went to the playground with the person in charge.

Thousands of teachers and students stood on the playground.

They are all the top people in the world who are immersed in the academic world, now or in the future.

It seems that the arrival of anyone would not make these people line up here so neatly in advance.

Only Ye Yang did this.

These people immersed in the ocean of science have extraordinary insights into the secular world.

When the President of the United States visited top foreign universities, many top scientific research talents would not really give face to the scene unless they had to be there.


Ye Yang glanced at the masters among the thousands of elites and the gods among the academic masters.

There was endless emotion in his heart.

"I have a wish, which is to build a truly world-class university to satisfy all my fantasies about universities."

"Today, it has come true."

"And its realization is precisely because of your existence!"

"You are the future of China and the future of mankind."

"I, Ye Yang, thank you for standing here for the future of mankind!"

Ye Yang said in a deep voice.


The teachers and students all looked at Ye Yang with bright eyes.

He is the soul of Huaxia Jiuzhou University. As long as he exists, Huaxia Jiuzhou College will flourish!

During the time they were here, they had fully understood Ye Yang's original intention, dream and ambition for establishing the school.

Other top universities were not his imaginary opponents at all.

Being the world's number one was just a natural starting point.


Everyone listened to Ye Yang's passionate and generous speech with great interest.

Compared with the empty speeches of other leaders they had seen before, they knew that everything Ye Yang said would come true!

It was like working in a company.

Some bosses would only draw big pictures and brag, and then squeeze you.

But Ye Yang was the boss who would lead everyone to the top of the world, who had real strength and skills, as well as methods, and could clearly foresee the future!

Who wouldn't love it?

In fact, no one would refuse to work hard, but everyone would refuse efforts without a future and progress.



Thunderous applause!

It took a long time after the speech for the applause to fade away...

Ye Yang also looked deeply at these teachers and students.

Now that he has stood at the pinnacle of human society, he must start to consider the future of mankind.

But these are all later stories.

At least with the current accumulation and level of science and technology in the world, even if it is cheating, it is estimated that it will not be possible to achieve explosive overall improvement in a short time.

It will take time...

He remembered the plans after the Lion Awakening Plan.

China has already made a clear deployment for the future, but with the help of his black technology, the time to realize China's deployment can be greatly shortened...

Perhaps, it will be in the next two years.

When he thought of this, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He was looking forward to that day very much...

The Rolls-Royce Phantom sped all the way.

It stopped outside the Star Emperor Mansion.

"Mom and Dad! I brought Xiao Zi back."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

Ye Xiao Zi was originally in China Jiuzhou University, and was brought back with him.

"Humph, I go home to accompany my parents when I have nothing to do now! Unlike my stinky brother, who only comes back in a month or two!"

Ye Xiao Zi showed his little tiger teeth, looking very cute.

Ye Yang laughed.

Ye Xuanting and his wife came out to greet them.

"I brought you some food and supplies."

Ye Yang raised his hand.

"We don't need anything at home now, it's good that you're back!"

Su Xueli took the specialty brought back.

"The meal is ready for you. You eat everything outside, come home and eat some food made by mom!"

Su Xueli said repeatedly.


Ye Yang nodded and smiled slightly: "I miss the taste of mom~"

As he said, the family sat at the dinner table.

Although the delicacies from mountains and seas are good, they can't evoke the memory of childhood after all.

With the charm of home in it, it is better than thousands of beautiful things.


While eating, Ye Yang also talked about his plan.

"Going out for a trip?"

Ye Xuanting thought for a while: "I think fishing is more comfortable."

"You are a boring old man."

Su Xueli rolled her eyes at Ye Xuanting, then looked at Ye Yang with a smile: "But during the National Day holiday, there are crowds of people everywhere. If you travel at this time..."

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Mom, you can just buy a helicopter wherever you go, and you don't have to squeeze with others. If it's about admission, tickets, etc., I have a special channel and special tickets with my current identity. You don't have to worry about these."


Su Xueli was quite moved and kept glancing at Ye Xuanting.

"You little old man, hurry up and express your opinion! You are so silent!"

Su Xueli pushed Ye Xuanting's arm.

"If you want to go, let's go!"

Ye Xuanting said.

"Why, you don't want to go!?"

Su Xueli asked back.

"Uh, just a little bit."

Ye Xuanting said seriously.

"See, I knew it a long time ago!"

Su Xueli spread her hands helplessly.


Ye Xiaozi was amused by the daily bickering of his parents.

Ye Yang also smiled slightly: "Then it's settled, I'll arrange the itinerary!"


Ye Xiaozi was obviously looking forward to this trip.

Growing up, the whole family has rarely traveled to distant places.

This seems to be the first time...

A few days later.

The whole family boarded the F1000 and flew to the first destination of this trip.

This time, Ye Yang planned to travel all over China from south to north with his family.


Soon the F1000 landed at Hainan Airport.

"I'm here again."

Ye Yang was a little emotional.

Sanya in October is still like summer.

"Can the temperature really be so different?"

Su Xueli and Ye Xuanting were taking off their coats as soon as they got off the plane.


Ye Yang looked at the surprised look of the two elders and waved his hand: "The interesting things are still to come..."

(Second update)

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