Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 951 Garlic Shrimp vs. Magic Shrimp Rainbow Tower

"Is this the world of the super rich?"

"If it were someone else, I would definitely be jealous, but for Ye Shenhao, I think he deserves it!"


"This is too cruel... I wonder if he will eat this fish for this meal?"

Chen Qianqian looked at the hot atmosphere in the live broadcast room and the flying gifts, and felt quite happy.

But her purpose was obviously not the gift money. After a live broadcast, the gifts were at most a few million, not enough for the rich to come to her place for a meal.

What she wanted was the advertising effect.

Although there might not be one among the 100 people watching the live broadcast here who could afford to eat, as the news fermented today, more and more people knew about it, and there would always be some who could afford to eat.

The brand plus the real customers are much more valuable than the gifts in the live broadcast room...


The live broadcast room was hot all the time.

The flames soared and the machines rang.

After a while, both sides finally made their finished products.

The dishes were served.

The food that Brown Beard served was a porcelain plate covered with a transparent round lid.

Inside the hood, mist rose, and the light was dim, so it was hard to see the details.

The three sisters brought a large tray covered by a fragrant wood box.

"Whose food do you want to taste first?"

Ye Yang asked the silver-haired little princess with a smile.

"I want to try the Chinese dishes first."

She said repeatedly.

"That's good."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and signaled the three sisters to open the dishes.

Zhou Zhibei nodded slightly and lifted the fragrant wood cover.

A magnificent fresh and fragrant smell came to the nose! ! !


Everyone present couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Even Brown Beard and Gray Beard, who had completely ignored their contemptuous eyes at the beginning, changed and looked at the dishes under the fragrant wood cover in doubt...

The heat rose, one wave after another.

It was a wave of fresh and fragrant smell, stimulating people's taste and smell, making people want to get closer and eat the dishes in their mouths...

That kind of temptation is simply irresistible! ! !

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

Top chefs like Zhou Zhinan and her three sisters, once they are fully serious and go all out, the food they make is absolutely at the peak of human standards.

China emphasizes the unity of man and nature, and skills are close to Taoism.

This concept permeates every industry.

Any industry that understands this principle can directly sublimate and become a dragon among men.


Everyone saw the food on the plate clearly.

"Garlic shrimp?"

Chen Qianqian swallowed her saliva and said.

The whole Tianchao lobster, lying on the plate, steamed to a beautiful appearance, the tender crab meat is crystal clear, arousing everyone's appetite.

Between the crab meat, the special garlic sauce, with various ingredients such as millet pepper, is evenly distributed between the shrimp shells.

The color, aroma and taste are all unique!

This dish can be said to be the ultimate of this Chinese delicacy.

Ye Yang picked up a chopstick and put it in his mouth.

Instantly, the shrimp meat is tender, smooth, and fresh.

The garlic sauce is spicy and hot.

The magical sublimation after the two are combined, the fragrance rushes straight to the head...

The whole person reaches a state of incomparable satisfaction after this bite.

"Hmm... Hmm..."

Chen Qianqian on the side ate so hard that her legs were clamped together, and she couldn't help but let out a delicate hum!

The silver-haired little Lolita was also unable to resist the deliciousness, and her little face was red from eating!

"Damn! Just looking at it makes me feel delicious!"

"I haven't had lunch yet! Why do I have to suffer this!"

"Oh my God, I want to eat..."


In the barrage, countless words of envy floated.

Brown Beard and Gray Beard exchanged glances, picked up knives and forks, and cut off a piece of shrimp meat with great effort.

Because it is a Chinese specialty food, chopsticks are of course the most convenient.

Knives and forks are not easy to use for this half-armor banquet.


Just the first bite, the abundant sweetness of the shrimp meat filled the mouth.


They were silent.

Originally, they thought that if Chinese chefs were not ranked among the top in the world, they were not good enough, but now after this bite, they had to admit that this phenomenon was indeed caused by the system...

"This taste is enough to be ranked among the top."

They both put down their knives and forks.

I feel that my worldview has been changed by this moment...

Perhaps, their understanding of the chef world is indeed narrow.

Of course, they are still full of confidence in themselves.

They are the top of the top, the top 10 in the European cuisine world!

Such a strong opponent reawakened their long-lost desire to win: "Your Highness, please taste our carefully prepared molecular cuisine: God Shrimp Rainbow Tower!"

The transparent lid was opened.

The mist was diffused, and after it dissipated, it was full of brilliance.


"So beautiful!"

The novel feeling alone is refreshing.

After the clouds rose, it seemed as if a rainbow was really formed.

A closer look revealed that it was the tower skeleton reassembled from the shells of a splendid lobster, reflecting the rainbow light under the light.

The shrimp meat was no longer recognizable, but was reassembled and spliced ​​by many high-tech instruments such as centrifuges to form an extremely artistic shrimp meat material shape.

Crystal-like, attached to the shrimp skin skeleton...

It looks like a glass version of the Eiffel Tower.


Very artistic.

But Ye Yang and others, who are used to eating Chinese food, don't think it looks as appetizing as garlic shrimp.

"Please taste it."

Brown Beard grinds the sea salt on the tower and completes the last step.

The originally not-so-strong fragrance bursts out instantly.

"The chemical components in the sea salt react with the fully mixed shrimp meat, which can volatilize the most original aroma and freshness of the meat."

Ye Yang nodded.

He picked up a chopstick and put it in his mouth.

The light fragrance of the shrimp meat burst out in his mouth, and the light sweetness was permeated with a hint of the unique freshness of sea salt.

It seemed as if he was instantly in the shallow sea, swimming freely and feeling a sense of comfort and relaxation throughout his body...

"Ah~ so comfortable~"

Chen Qianqian, who was standing by, exhaled a breath of fresh air, squinted her eyes, and enjoyed it very much.

"It's so delicious!"

Fragrance is a kind of taste that tends to be tranquil.

But when this taste is emitted from every molecular group in the mouth...

It creates a strong feeling...

The mellow fragrance is sweet, like wandering in the sea breeze.

It feels very novel...

"Is this the top modern food in Europe and the United States?"

Ye Yang nodded.

With the help of modern technology, their food concept has also been maximized.

The three sisters Zhou Zhinan also tasted each other's molecular cuisine shrimp meat tower, and their eyes were full of wonders.

To be ranked among the top in the world, it is indeed unique!

"Then, next, it's time for the judges to score?"

(Second update)

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