Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 952 In front of you, I

“It’s really hard to score!”

The silver-haired little loli scratched her head: "Both of them taste delicious! They're all the same!"

Ye Yang also nodded.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage surged wildly, and everyone was discussing the results.

"I think we win!"

"No! I think it's Western food! At least it looks good!"

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to me: Europe and the United States are the strongest! No need to discuss!"

"Whose chicken is the one above? The farts smell like a bastard."

"Ha ha……"

"Who wins and who loses!?"

“Results come soon!!!”



Seeing the reminder of the barrage, Ye Yang and the silver-haired little Loli showed their scores respectively.


"8.6 8.5"

"9.5 9.6"


"Isn't this the same thing!?"

"Good guy, how about such a coincidence, we can split it equally!?"

"How does this count!?"


The points awarded on both sides are so clever that when added together, they are exactly the same! ! !

"Isn't it too strong!?"


The barrage was boiling.

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

However, Brownbeard and Graybeard frowned.

"Mr. Ye, we are not convinced by your rating!"

The two Shura said in unison.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Why are you dissatisfied?"

"We are the top chefs in the world, and we use the top ingredients and techniques in the world. If a dish like this only deserves a score of eight points, then there will be no food in the world that scores more than nine points. !”


The two Shura were extremely arrogant.

After being famous in the chef world for a long time, he has developed the mentality that he is the king. Before tasting the dishes of Zhou Zhinan and the others, he even completely looked down on any opponent who was not ranked in the top 10 on the chef list.

In any graded competition.

The extreme level of both of them is enough to get close to perfect scores.

At least it has to be like a little princess, and a score of about 9.6 is basically satisfactory to them.

"If Mr. Ye admits that he is too picky, we can feel at peace. After all, picky people will lower the score of even the most perfect food."

"Otherwise, it is a disapproval of our art!"

What Shuang Shura said was reasonable and well-founded, neither humble nor arrogant.

The silver-haired little loli didn't expect these two bearded men to be so persistent, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

In the barrage.

"Why are these two people so... weird?"

"Maybe this is what top chefs insist on?"

"do not know."

"Let's see what Ye Shenhao said?"

"Haha, you're laughing so hard. What is Mr. Ye's identity? A super boss of China! How can he admit that he is a bastard just because two chefs are angry for a moment? How is it possible?!"

"That's right!"

"I think he's just too picky, he's just a pushover! He still wants to show off! I've seen through it a long time ago!"

"The guy upstairs really can't talk!"


The barrage started making noise again.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "I am not harsh. On the contrary, I have always been fair and objective."

"Is it possible that Mr. Ye has tasted food that is better than what we cook!?"

"Sorry we can't believe it! We are already the best in the world. Even the three top chefs in the top 3 will never taste better than us!"

The two of them, one ranked fifth and the other ranked seventh, collaborated on the dishes.

At least it can compete with the third and fourth ranked Chef Master level dishes!

There is simply no one who can be a level stronger than them!

You know, in the ten-point system, every point is a watershed.

Ye Yang only gave them 8.5 points, which proves that he believes that there is at least one dish in the world that is better than theirs!

This is unacceptable to them.

"Unless Mr. Ye tells you where and who cooks the food, which is a level better than ours, we will really recognize your score."

Brownbeard snorted.

Although they are very proud, they are also very serious about their cooking skills.

However, the three sisters Zhou Zhinan looked at each other and smiled, knowing that the boss's judgment was not only fair, but also merciful.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "You really want to know?"


The two of them nodded seriously.

"In front of you, me."

Ye Yang said lightly.


The two bearded men looked at each other and almost laughed out loud: "Stop joking, Mr. Ye!"

"Are you saying that your food is better than ours!?"


Not only them, the barrage suddenly became more lively.

"Can Ye Shenhao still cook?"

"Even if you can cook, you can't be a chef, right?"

"Even the top three cooking gods in the world wouldn't dare to say that they are a level higher than the realm of Shura, right?!"

"Mr. Ye is still very immodest!"

"But in the past, he had enough strength to make up for his outspoken words. This time, it may be enough..."

"I think so too!"

"Hmph! My Ye Shenhao is omnipotent! I think he must have his own reasons for saying that!"

"That's right!!!"


Ye Yang smiled and stood up, looking at the last Tianchao Jinxiu Lobster: "Then, I will cook this third Jinxiu Lobster myself!"


Zhou Zhinan and the three sisters nodded frantically, their saliva almost flowing out.

Ye Xiaozi and Ye's father and mother did not feel worried at all, they had all tasted Ye Yang's cooking.

Although they would not comment, after tasting these two dishes just now, they knew that even if Ye Yang used those ordinary vegetable leaves at home, the taste of the dishes he made would not be worse than this!

Not to mention that he now uses the world's top ingredients to cook...

However, except for them, no one obviously expressed optimism about Ye Yang.

After all, Ye Yang has shown too many advantages and skills. If he cooks at the world's top level, it would be a bit too perfect...

But the fans still have expectations.

After all, Ye Yang has always been an excellent man!


Shuang Shura looked at the expressions of the three sisters who were almost drooling, and his heart trembled slightly.

After being a top chef for a long time, I rarely look forward to and feel excited about delicious food.

What I cook is the best in the world. It is a blessing not to eat dishes worse than my own, not to mention expecting to eat dishes that are much better than my own...

But obviously the expressions of Zhou Zhinan and the other two sisters seem to tell their desire for Ye Yang...

"It's really surprising."

The two of them looked at each other and felt a sense of crisis.

It seems that Ye Yang is not just talking casually.

The silver-haired little loli has a lively personality. At this time, she also looked at Ye Yang with a sharp look, cheering him up!

Ye Yang smiled slightly, and in full view of everyone, he directly took out a big kitchen knife!

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