Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 953: The Ultimate Heavenly Perfection

"Do you really want to do it!?"

Chen Qiqian was stunned.

The surprises that Ye Yang brought to her came one after another, and she almost went crazy.

Isn’t this too showy?

Ye Yang twirled the knife in his hand, and the shrimp meat was peeled off perfectly in an instant.

The sword flashed like flying, and the shrimp meat instantly turned into cubes under his knife skills.

Countless small shrimp dices were cut out in his hands.

"Ah this!"

"This swordsmanship alone is beyond ordinary!"

"It's definitely at the master level."

Both Shura were shocked by Ye Yang's knife skills.


Afterwards, there are seasonings, eggs, and some kind of green vegetables that are not very common in Europe.

at last.

Ye Yang brought up a small bag of flour and started kneading the dough.


Zhou Zhinan and the others quickly figured out what food Ye Yang wanted to make...

“Shrimp dumplings!?”

"That's right."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.


The two Shura looked at each other. As the world's top chef, although they have never really traveled in China, they still have a basic understanding of world cuisine.

Dumplings are a world-famous delicacy in China.

Of course they've heard of it.

"Hmph, do whatever you want! It would be great if your level could catch up with ordinary world-class chefs, let alone compare with us!"

"That's right! If you, an amateur cook, can make a video that's even better than the world's top chefs like us, wouldn't we have to find a crack in the ground and resign on the spot!?"

"Hmph, I think he is just too confident. After we all make our evaluations later, he will know the gap between himself and the real top chefs in the world!"

"That's right..."

The two Shura whispered to each other.

Although they were wary, they didn't believe it to death that an amateur chef would cook more delicious food than they who spent countless efforts as chefs!

It’s simply a fantasy!

The barrage was also extremely enthusiastic.

Chen Qiqian took advantage of the situation and opened a betting market.

The betting amounts on both sides skyrocketed instantly...

However, it is obvious that those who believe that Ye Yang can win are definitely true fans and true fans.

If you haven’t seen Ye Yang keep his word so many times and accomplish countless miracles, no one would dare to believe that a celebrity and boss can cook better than the world’s top chef...

"What can be so surprising about dumplings!?"

"that is!"

"I don't believe he can make a flower!"

"Maybe my grandma's cooking is more delicious than his!"


However, there are still people who don't want to see Ye Yang lose, betting on his past good deeds and feats.

Even so, the side that thinks Ye Yang will lose far outweighs the side that thinks he can win...

Ye Yang didn't care about that, he just sat with his shrimp dumplings attentively.

Fill a pot with water, add the secret ingredients, and bring to a boil.

Dumplings in the water.


After a while, the dumplings were tumbling...



Ye Yang smiled slightly and sat down.


Brownbeard looked at this plate of dumplings. It looked like an ordinary plate of dumplings...

There is no visual novelty, and no wonderful aroma comes through.

Only the steaming heat made his face slightly drunk.

He doubtfully picked up the knife and fork.

"It won't taste good if it's punctured."

Ye Yang picked up the chopsticks and demonstrated how to pick up a dumpling and put it into his mouth: "This is how you want to eat it."


The two Shura looked at each other, feeling a little uncomfortable.

They don’t know how to use chopsticks! ?

"Study now?"

They clumsily prepared to learn how to pick up food with chopsticks.

Except for the two of them and the team steward...

The silver-haired little Loli, Chen Qianqian, Ye Xiaozi and others all used their chopsticks.

"Yeah yeah~"

Chen Qiqian, Ye Xiaozi, Ai Lian, the three Zhou sisters and other girls couldn't help but moan after eating! ! !

Simply delicious!

It’s so delicious that I want to burst into tears! ! !

Ye Xuanting also closed his eyes with endless aftertaste and enjoyed the food...

"Is it that exaggerated!?"

Brownbeard couldn't help it anymore. Chopsticks are high-end tableware invented by Chinese sages. If you want to truly use them, you must learn to mobilize more than thirty joints and fifty muscles at the same time.

High-end tableware that can naturally develop IQ and physical coordination.

It is impossible to learn it in a short time.

Brownbeard said: "As long as it doesn't break, it's fine!?"

He held a chopstick in one hand, awkwardly picked up the dumpling and put it in his mouth...

The moment I bite it.

The infinite delicious flavor wrapped in the dumpling wrapper just bursts out! ! !

It's like a fragrant bomb exploding in your mouth! ! !

The endless hot air and fresh fragrance flow up to the seven orifices and down to the hundreds of meridians.

The whole body seemed to be awakened at this moment! ! !

There was endless horror in his eyes, and he continued to bite...





And after the dumplings are boiled, the special dumpling soup on the dumplings blends with the wonderful fillings inside.

Tender diced shrimps, mellow eggs, and minced vegetables with a bit of spicy flavor...

Every bite you take is a wave of delicious impact! ! !


They felt it all blankly: "It is indeed better than ours, but...if it is a level higher than ours, it seems to be missing something, something very small..."

Ye Yang raised his lips and placed the soy sauce he prepared in front of them.

There was minced garlic and a little balsamic vinegar in it.

"Eating dumplings without dipping sauce will reduce the fragrance by half."

Ye Yang smiled faintly.


Both of them couldn't wait to pick up another dumpling and dip it in the special dipping sauce.

They ate it again.

In an instant.

The spiciness of minced garlic, the saltiness of soy sauce, the sourness of balsamic vinegar, the fragrance of shrimp filling, and the sweetness of shrimp juice and dumpling soup.

At this moment, a perfect fusion!

Accompanied by the hot steam just out of the pot...


Even if it was their first time eating dumplings, they couldn't help but shout out...

This is definitely the world's best food they have ever eaten! ! ! !

Even though they didn't know much about China, the food that burst out and contained everything in it quickly created countless scenes in their minds. They saw the wanderers returning home, the sky full of firecrackers as the year was coming, the red Chinese knot, the magnificent palaces, the golden weapons and iron horses, the nine tripods and the big Lu...

Everything blended together, like a five-thousand-year painting, extending in their minds, making the name of China concrete!

This is China!

They both slumped in their chairs, infatuated.

They couldn't imagine that there was such a delicacy in the world!

This is the most authentic, pure, perfect, all-encompassing, and extended delicacy, which is introverted and restrained, and is flamboyant in calmness and domineering in low-keyness!

They were completely conquered by a dumpling...

This is definitely a whole level beyond them or even higher...

The perfect dish of harmony between man and nature! ! !

(Second update)

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