Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 954: One-day trip for eating, drinking and having fun

"I lost, completely lost."

Both of their eyes were red, but it was not sadness, but excitement.

They originally thought that their cooking careers had come to an end.

Looking around the world, there is nowhere to make progress.

But Ye Yang allowed them to see that they were far from reaching a state!

There is such a realm in this world!

And it has already been realized!

To be able to stand at the top of the world's chefs, their pursuit of supreme cooking skills must be extremely determined. However, after standing at the top, they gradually become confused and lazy.

But at this moment, they bloomed again!

Passion is rekindled!

"What's going on here?"

“Ye Shenhao’s dumplings look really awesome!”

"Didn't you see that these two chefs were paralyzed!?"

"Winning or losing!?"


Everyone is watching closely.

The next moment, the two Shura suddenly stood up.

Under everyone's confused gaze, he knelt down on one knee directly towards Ye Yang...

"Mr. Ye! Please accept us as your apprentices!"

"We are willing to give everything we have!"

"Take us to see the pinnacle of the culinary world!"

"We are so messed up that we will do whatever it takes!!!"

The double Shura's plea made everyone dumbfounded.

The live broadcast room fell into a brief silence...


"Are you going to be so exaggerated!?"

"Isn't this too cruel!?"

"too strong."

"Directly let the world's top chef apprentice?"

"This is too dramatic!"

"These two are among the top in the world of chefs! Even the three chef gods at the top are far from being able to do this!"


The live broadcast room exploded instantly.

No one expected that Ye Yang not only won, but also won by a huge margin!

No need to grade at all.

The opponent knelt down directly...

"He is truly the only god of cooking in the world!"

"He is handsome, rich, good at martial arts, and his cooking skills are the best in the world! Perfect! So perfect! How can there be such a perfect man in this world!"

"Ye Shenhao! Awesome!!!"

This barrage once again refreshed the screen.

The old fans who have always supported Ye Yang witnessed a miracle again! ! !

"My state of mind can only be achieved through enlightenment and teaching, which cannot be taught."

Ye Yang joked casually.

Where does he find the time to teach others how to cook?

Wouldn't it be nice to have this time to enjoy life and handle orders worth hundreds of billions or trillions?


Brown Beard and Gray Beard looked at each other. Now they regard Ye Yang as a god, and whatever they say will happen!

"That's right! God of Cooking is right! This kind of realm needs to be realized by oneself!"

"We are lucky enough to taste this meal cooked by the God of Cooking. We are lucky enough to know that there is another realm! How can we expect anything else!?"

"However, even if you don't accept us, we will respect and treat you as a master!!!"

Both of them stood up with extremely excited expressions.

It was the first time for the silver-haired little loli Elaine to see these two super chefs, who had arrogance on their faces every day and only showed slight courtesy to the Queen of England, acting so humble.

I couldn't help but feel very interesting.

"You are the first one who can convince them from the bottom of their hearts."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

Don't care about this.

"Then let's officially cook some other dishes? Meeting is fate. Today, let's share a table and have a big meal together!"


Elaine was very interested in this proposal.

Five of the world's top chefs teamed up to use the top ingredients they just selected to cook a top-notch seafood feast...

This top-notch gourmet feast can be called a variety of dishes.

Large seafood painting, European seafood meal...

Everyone enjoyed the delicious food, and several bottles of extremely expensive wines and drinks selected by Ye Yang added a bit of charm to the banquet.

"If eldest brother goes to my house in the future, I will invite him to live in Buckingham Palace!"

Elaine smiled.

"Okay, I will go later."

Ye Yang nodded, he did have plans to travel around the world.

If you can stay in a British royal palace for a few days during your trip, it will probably be a very unique experience.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to big brother coming!"

Ailian wiped her mouth politely: "Well, I've eaten!"

After eating.

Ye Yang took his family for a stroll around Sanya.

As a tourist city, there are still many beautiful scenery and places to visit.

Wuzhizhou Island, Tianya Haijiao, Yalong Bay, Giant Buddha Stone Glass Plank Road, Dadonghai, etc. are all famous places to play in China.

"Well, this dragon's blood tree is said to be an ancient tree species passed down from the age of dinosaurs."

Ye Yang looked at the big dragon's blood tree in front of him. This was not unique here, but this one was one of the largest dragon's blood trees in China.

The appearance is indeed very distinctive, like clusters of green fireworks blooming on the branches of the split tree trunks.

The blood-colored flowers are very small, like mottled dragon blood dotted on them.

They hired top-notch tour guides who introduced everything in detail.

However, Ye’s father and Ye’s mother just listened to the excitement and shouted that it was awesome.

Unprofessional people will forget about these introductions in less than three or five minutes...

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

After seeing the milky white beach, the charming vegetation, and the clear blue sky and sea.

Took my family to experience a wave of entertainment projects on the sea.

What motorboats, banana boats, water parachutes...

We played them all.

Finally, we sat leisurely on the helicopter, overlooking the beautiful scenery of the entire beach and returned to the shore.

"The beach chairs in front are used in the famous shots in the movie "Private Tailor". Generally, they are not open to tourists at close range."

The beautiful tour guide smiled slightly, but Ye Yang's identity was here, and these messy regulations of the scenic spot were not regulations for him...

After a day of eating, drinking, and having fun.

The few people returned to the Poseidon Undersea Suite in Atlantis.

"I'm a little tired!"

Ye Xiaozi threw herself on the bed.

Seeing this, Ye Yang directly opened the system mall interface and exchanged several bottles of physical fitness items.

He didn't dare to let the physical fitness of his family members improve a lot instantly.

They added some to the food little by little, and slowly improved their physical fitness.

Otherwise, he would change from an ordinary person to a martial arts master overnight, and then from a martial arts master to a superhero physique overnight.

It would be more troublesome to explain...

Why add any trouble to yourself when you can solve a problem without any trouble.

Ye Yang stretched his body. He has a superhero physique. He will not feel tired even if he walks thousands of miles a day. Today's exercise is not even considered...

"Go out for a walk."

He is energetic and doesn't want to go to bed so early like his parents.

(First update)

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