Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 959: The fairy is willing to take your ticket, why aren’t you grateful?

Soon, Ye Yang's family arrived at Guantang Hot Spring Resort.

Because he is the owner of the resort, all the executives received him warmly.

"Our Guantang Hot Spring Resort has ordinary areas, high-end areas and special areas. The hot springs in each area are different in terms of incidental services, hot spring water quality and bubble feeling."

The beautiful manager was introducing the situation here to Ye Yang.

After all, he is a new owner, and he just acquired the entire hot spring area a few days ago. This time, he must be here for inspection.

What a talented staff they have!

How could the boss take his family on a trip at such a coincidence! ?

He must have come along to inspect the situation!

The service must be perfect!

And it also reveals invisibly that our management is extremely good!

Once the boss is in a good mood, his bonus might be increased at the end of the year! ! !

They all have such ardent expectations.


In this way, the beautiful manager and several other executives gave their best performances.

Seeing the way he wanted to take credit but didn't dare to say so clearly made Ye Yang laugh out loud in his heart.

But this is human nature, and he doesn't dislike this behavior.

This means that these people still want to make progress.

Soon, we arrived at the entrance of the high-end hot spring area.

It was peaceful.

But suddenly, there was a quarrel among the crowd.

People were not in a hurry to go in, they all gathered around to watch the fun.

"what happened!?"

The beautiful executive trembled inwardly.

The expressions of several other executives also changed suddenly.

They wanted to please the new boss today, but this happened inexplicably! ?

How can this be allowed! ?

They joined in one after another.

Look what's going on!

The crowd parted, and it turned out that two people were arguing.

One male and one female.

The woman is short, fat and ugly.

Men are ordinary people.

Woman: "Why do you say I stole this ticket from you!? I obviously took the wrong ticket by accident!"

Man: "Really? Then let's go adjust the surveillance!?"

Woman: "You are still not a man, why should you adjust the surveillance!?"

Man: "What does this have to do with whether I am a man or not? I have lost something. Isn't it normal for them to investigate!?"

Woman: "Haha, I see you are really poor. Isn't it just 1999 for a ticket to the high-end hot spring area!? Do you care about this? You are really ungrateful!"


On the other side, the monitoring results have come out.

"That's right, this woman stole it on purpose!"

The staff showed the surveillance video to the man!

"Look! The evidence is conclusive!"

The boy puffed up his chest, feeling that now the evidence was conclusive and there should be no way to deny it, right?

"Haha, a common man like you is so low-key! Jue Juezi! How can there be such a disgusting common man like you! You don't care about two thousand yuan! I think you are too poor to afford food. Already?"

The girl was furious, jumped up and cursed.

"Heh, I don't know if I can afford food. It's true that you can't afford tickets."

The boy curled his lips.

"Oh, okay, okay, you really are! Or are you not a man!? It's just a ticket! Are you arguing with a woman? I don't think it's better for you to just give her the ticket. Go buy another one yourself!"

A well-dressed, well-educated woman stood up and gave orders.


The boy said angrily.

"Why? Why? I'm an executive of East Company! I'm a professor in a big company! What kind of company do you work for, and you're worthy of being our student!?"

The woman raised her head and sneered.

"I'm not talented, I'm just a senior executive of Yida."

Boys are neither humble nor arrogant.

How can a boy who can afford two thousand yuan to soak in a hot spring be an ordinary person?


Pretense has met its match.

Being slapped in the face!

East's executive's face changed drastically, and he said sternly: "You are useless! What's the use of your high status!? So what about Yida!? Even if you are employed in a famous company and have graduated, you have no moral character! The girl stole it You don’t kneel down to thank me for your vote, but you still want your vote back! Are you still a man?”

"Aren't you better than someone else's company!?"

The boy frowned.

However, due to the social education that men need to tolerate women, they had to answer patiently.

The people around were also talking a lot.

"What the hell! This is so unreasonable!"

"Garbage!!! I think we can call a company of thieves!"

"Is this such a virtuous person for a big thief?! I'm really vomiting!"

"Such unscrupulous people, no matter how talented they are, are still a scourge. Moreover, they are even more heinous than ordinary criminals! Criminals have committed crimes and must be punished. They take the wages paid by everyone and eat the food of the world. , but in turn destroys the society's heart. Such people will be blamed for their death! "

"These two people really opened my eyes!"

"Is this ESat!? What a famous company!!!"

"Haha...are they the only ones worthy of talking about being human here!?"


"You low-level people! Do you dare to brag here? If you were in our place, I would show you what power means!"

the woman shouted angrily.

"That's right!"

The girl behind raised her head and sneered.

This woman misappropriated the subsidy money and invited a few similar people who were speculative to go to the hot springs for free.

Unfortunately, they didn't embezzle enough, so they could only buy tickets for the ordinary area.

Behind the short, fat, ugly woman, another black, ugly, loud-voiced woman stood up: "Haha, even if we directly ask you stinky men to hand over your high-end tickets worth 1999, it's all natural! What are you living for! Isn't it to serve us little fairies!?"

"That's right!"

The girls behind all agreed.

"We little fairies are born with privileges, and we should be above you ordinary men! Do you deserve to enter the high-end area? I propose that all the stinky men who enter the high-end and special areas today should hand over their tickets and give them to the girls in the ordinary area! Otherwise, we will sue them for disrespecting us women!"

"That's right! If the scenic spot does not support our proposal, we will use the power of public opinion to directly sue your scenic spot out of business!!! Several of my sisters graduated as mages, and they defended us women's boxing some time ago! I just want to ask if you are afraid!"

Several women screamed.

"I think what he said makes sense. Hurry up and give him your ticket and apologize!"

A male security guard in the scenic area who looked extremely wretched ran up and said, "Don't be ignorant! Hurry up and solve the problem!"

When the onlookers heard this, they were so angry that they took out their mobile phones and criticized this matter!!!

(Second update)

(This plot is adapted from a true story~~~~~~~~~~~~)

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