Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 960 Who dares to control us? Jincheng Law Firm shows its power again

"Is this the result of your management?"

Ye Yang frowned and his voice became deeper.

The beautiful manager was covered in sweat and walked forward with several senior executives.

"what happened!"

The wretched security guard laughed repeatedly: "Director! It's not a big deal! It will be solved soon!"

The beauty manager frowned: "I saw everything happened! I'm asking you what's going on!?"


The security guard was confused.

"I recruited you to maintain law and order and bring face to the resort! Who found you, an ignorant, unworthy, and against moral ethics, to be a security guard!?"

The beautiful executives are going to explode with rage.

If only the people present were quarreling, it could be said to be a special situation.

This security guard just acted like a licker and acted like a bastard!

Did the new boss bump into him?

Is this okay?

"I...this!? I think it's only two thousand yuan! There's no need to worry about it!"

The security guard muttered: "It's only natural to spend money on women! You have to worry about it. I think it's not in line with the current trend of this society!"

“Still quibbling here!!!”

The beauty manager gritted her teeth and said, "Find me the person in charge who recruited him as well! Get it all started! Put what happened today into their files! I'll see who dares to use a threesome like you in the future." Watch the collapse of the watchdog!"


The security guard hadn't figured out the situation yet, thinking that being a fool and licking a dog would win the hearts of all women, but he didn't expect that the beautiful manager wouldn't buy it!

His twisted and obscene worldview completely collapsed.

"Haha, you're a wretched, trashy, dog-licking man, and he's qualified to speak for us!? He deserves it!"

The thieving girl sneered, completely indifferent to what happened to the dog-licking man, and instead mocked him.

"Ah no! Why is that so!!!"

The wretched security guard and the manager who recommended him were immediately kicked out.

"You look like a boss."

The female executive of Easthua Company raised her head and said: "Seeing as you are also a woman, we will not pursue this matter. Hurry up and upgrade us all to a special hot spring package. I will pretend that what happened today never happened!"

"It's really a lion's mouth. A special package ticket costs tens of thousands, right?"

"It's so funny that they stole other people's things, and now they are asking them to forgive the owner!?"

"It's really the most ridiculous thing in the world!"

"What kind of corporate culture is this company! How do you educate your employees? How can you cultivate such a distorted outlook on life?"

"That's it! That's it!"


The surrounding audience shouted angrily.

"You guys are rubbish! Do you have any control over our east company's affairs!? This is to steal a ticket from you outside. If she were in the company, I would directly give her a promotion and a salary increase!!! Let her be the deputy research manager of the company! "

The female executive has her nostrils turned upward and is extremely confident.

"This is our corporate culture! In the future, our trained employees will become big bosses in various industries in society! Turn this corporate culture into a real social atmosphere! What can you insensitive and incompetent people do? Can you care about us?”

She took a few steps forward.

Come to the female executive.

"You, just a small hot spring area manager, get a salary of several million a year, and yet you dare to sneer in front of me! You just like to see how you can't get rid of me!? What's wrong!? I don’t think anyone can control our Easthua company today!”


Everyone was gnashing their teeth.

But the other party is indeed right!

East is a big company, and it is very influential after all. It has cultivated many talents from all walks of life. No matter how disgusting ordinary people are, even if it is ranked as the number one hot search topic and hung up for ten days and a half, it will be of no use!

There is absolutely nothing you can do to the other party!

Could it be... is there really no one who can take care of this arrogant East Company? ?

"You think no one can control you, right?"

A clear voice came.

When the whole place was gloomy, although this voice was not loud, it was like thunder, shocking everyone's heart.

Everyone looked towards where the sound came from.


Although it is not easy to know the identity of the boss, to be able to compete with a large company with a background like East...

I'm afraid there's a big price to pay, right? !

I didn’t expect the boss to be willing to step forward! ?

Ye Yang stepped forward, his face as cold as ice: "I have seen arrogant people, but I have never seen you so arrogant. You really pissed me off."

"Who are you!? What if I make you angry!?"

The female executive of East Company sneered and retorted subconsciously.

But after seeing Ye Yang clearly, he exclaimed: "Ouyou, isn't this Ye Shenhao? I know you, don't you just have a little money? Do you think our east company is something you can control at will!?"

"Those richest men in the country are tied together and they can't touch us! We are also a big company in the system after all! You are just a private boss, what do you want to do to us East!?"

"It's just that I thought you were okay before, barely good enough to be my boyfriend, but today I look down on you! You're such an ordinary guy! You've been crossed off my list of potential boyfriends!"

Several young female employees from East Company are extremely arrogant.

"We will discuss these matters later. But first...since it is a crime of theft, we should be sentenced as a crime of theft."

Ye Yang said coldly.

"How dare you! I think you dare to touch our staff! I'll make you walk around without food!"

The female executive said arrogantly: "It's useless to arrest him! Someone in our company will help us put pressure on the other side!!! He will be released soon!"

"Then we'll see."

Ye Yang made a direct call to the highest hotline in Southern Province.

The speed at which the police are dispatched is called fast.

A team of police officers arrived quickly.

The audience was excited to see it.

At the same time, all the elite lawyers who are still idle at the Southern Branch of Jincheng Law Firm are in place!

The hot spring area was filled with righteousness for a while!

"Don't touch her!"

The female executive herself thinks she is a hero who protects her shortcomings!

I feel that trampling on the justice of the masses and safeguarding one's own selfish goals is called glory.

However, there is no point anymore.

unambiguous evidence!

In order to enter the high-end area, almost these people just stole tickets!

All were arrested according to law!

Gold medal lawyer Zhang Yida announced the terms of the verdict:

"For the crime of theft, according to the law, an individual steals public or private property in a "relatively large amount", starting from one thousand to three thousand yuan. The person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall also or solely be fined."

"And your behavior fully meets the above standards. Lawyer Jin Cheng will defend all those who were stolen today free of charge, and we will definitely win a three-year prison sentence for all of you and the highest level of fines!"

(First update)

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