Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 964: Enduring Humiliation and Bearing Heavy Burdens Liu Minhui


as expected.

There were people next to me whose expressions had changed.

How developed is the Internet in China now?

Someone had already recorded this scene.

"Damn it, how dare you secretly photograph me!"

It was too late for Liu Minhui to regret now. Knowing that something was not going well, she kept saying: "Bodyguard, grab the mobile phones from their hands!!!"

The bodyguards nodded. Although they were reluctant, they still rushed forward after taking the money to do something.

"Help! It's been robbed! Foreigners are robbing China!"

"Yes, yes! He looked down on our Chinese people, and he came to us to make money. He asked me to film it, and they wanted to steal our mobile phones!!! Is there any justice in this!?"


There was still a lot of traffic at the airport, and many people quickly gathered around.

There is strength in numbers.

Even if they were just watching the fun, these security guards didn't dare to move forward.

In the crowd, almost everyone was holding a mobile phone to record the video. Even if they wanted to grab it, they didn’t know whose to grab.

It's impossible to grab it.

Everyone couldn't understand Liu Minhui's remarks and fought back on the spot.

"How dare you look down on Chinese people!"

"Don't you know who lifted you up?"

"Haha, you come to our place to make money, and yet you dare to scold our people! How arrogant!"

"that is!"

"Go back to your own place!!!"

"The land of China does not allow barbarians like you to run wild!!!"


The atmosphere among those present was raging, and they shouted insults.


Liu Minhui felt that he was under siege. These people were about to break through the siege and wanted to beat him up.

"Protect me, cover my retreat!"

Liu Minhui was frightened by the aggressive crowd. With so many people, if one person gave him a mouth, he would probably be completely disfigured.

The chain falls off as soon as it runs away.

The outraged people broke through the blockade.

The long-legged oppa was so frightened that he ran away.

I don’t care about any dignity anymore.



Got stuck.

He stood up in disgrace.

Look as embarrassed as you want.

"Damn! A bunch of mobs! Why don't I just say a few words to you! What more!? That's rubbish!"

Liu Minhui finally ran to the car and left in embarrassment.

"I'm so angry that I didn't hit him!"

"Post his video online!"

"Make him really hot!!!"

"That's right!"


Many people have posted the video they just took online.

"Why do celebrities from the cold country say so about China?" 》

"Wake up, stop being a fan!" This is what you look like in the eyes of Oppa! 》

"The gray-faced Oppa vs. the extremely handsome Shenhao"

"Crushing from the Handsome God..."


Various reports and videos quickly became popular on the Internet.

"Let me go, this Liu Minhui is actually such a person!"

"Too rubbish!"

"Unlock the level!"

"Haha, there are many who are more handsome than him, and they really use their own face as a dish."

"If Ye Shenhao hadn't appeared this time and directly exposed the true identity of this Han Country star, I would still have been deceived!"

"Yes! Ye Shenhao's crushing was pure violence this time!"

"I didn't even touch him, I sucked all the fans from this guy's cheering club away."

"I heard that the president of the cheering club was chasing Ye Shenhao with his car!"

"Haha...this is so funny!"

“No one can resist Ye Shenhao’s charm!!!”

"This guy is completely stupid this time!"

"Ha ha……"


On Weibo, Liu Minhui’s fans are like draining water from a pond.

As the incident fermented, fans fell off.

The traffic has increased visibly, and the number of fans has dropped like an avalanche...

"This!? This, this, this!?"

Liu Minhui looked at the number of fans backstage and was dumbfounded.

The Internet in China is too developed!

He didn't even have any time for public relations. In almost half an hour, he was on the hot list, and then there was an avalanche of fans...

Pu Buting was so angry that he jumped up and down.

"You're such a talker! If you have any complaints, you can't hide them in private!? Chinese people are stupid, but they are still a bit arrogant after all. You actually scolded them at the airport! I think you are even more stupid than your mentally retarded fans!!! !”

"That's enough! Isn't it just a fan!? You won't stop talking!"

Liu Minhui curled her lips. Behind him was a rich and wealthy woman from a conglomerate. Although Pu Buting was the employer, she wanted to glare at him, a arrogant pretty boy? He can't stand it!

"Do you know how much your words and deeds will cost our capital?"

Pu Buting thought of the previous bet with Ye Yang.

He was so frightened that his heart trembled.

"No matter what, stop the loss in time, take a video, and apologize on your knees! Show your sincerity! Reduce our losses!!!"

"Haha, whoever wants to kneel down can kneel down! I am the popular superstar of the noble Dahan Ming Kingdom! If you want to kneel down, kneel down for me!!!"

Liu Minhui raised his head, extremely proud.


Pu Buting was so angry that he slapped him in the face: "Do you really think of yourself as a dish? You are just a plaything kept by that rich woman! I think you really don't understand what you are!"


Liu Minhui was stunned. This was the first time someone dared to do this to him since he fell in love with the rich woman.

"Haha, a plaything like you will become obsolete in a few years... Oh no, maybe in a few months the rich woman will get tired of playing with you, and after playing all kinds of perverted tricks on you, you will be a piece of shit!"

Pu Buting was so angry with the scolding that he slapped him again.

"I am the employer! It is the capital! It is part of the real 'heaven' of Dahan Ming Kingdom! Who are you to dare to act like this in front of me! I supported you before because I thought you were of some use, but now you have caused me losses Money! You are a piece of shit!”

"Kneel down and apologize! Otherwise I will immediately make you feel the black hand of power!!!"


Pu Buting's veins popped out and his face was fierce.

Contrary to the previous polite normalcy, the green face and fangs of capital are revealed.

Liu Minhui was trembling. He had no doubt that the Chinese could not bring guns. If they were in their own country, maybe Pu Buting would point a gun at him...

"You are a bug who has never seen the dangers of society! In the Great Cold Underworld, capital is the god, and you are just humble bugs! Do you understand! You have been lucky from the beginning, and being sheltered by a rich woman has made your head unclear, right? ! I want you to wake up now!"

Pu Buting kicked Liu Minhui's knees and kneeled on the ground.

"Record a video for me! Otherwise I will let you sink into the sea when you return home!!!"

Pu Buting took out his mobile phone and started recording.

What does human dignity mean to him? He also looks down on China, but as long as money is involved, he can't lose a penny! ! !

The corners of Liu Minhui's mouth trembled with anger. Return to China?

I will ask my dear chaebol aunt to support me when I return to China! ! !

He lowered his head, his face red and swollen, but he still naively thought that this was just a temporary humiliation...

(First update)

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